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Gun Confiscation

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From the "It Can't Happen Here" department...


Showdown: Maryland to Target 110,000 Citizens With Gun Confiscation

Authorities in Maryland are set to target 110,000 citizens with gun confiscation under a new law that would link the state’s gun registry with its criminal database, with new troopers set to be hired to enforce door to door visits of illegal gun owners.





And just because it can't happen there either.


CONFIRMED: Gun Confiscation Has Begun In Connecticut




And for the other side:


Navy vet defiantly confronts lawmakers over Conn. gun law: ‘I will not comply!’




Remember it all started with common sense laws to keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people - that would be  you.


(Background checks = Gun owner lists) + Addresses to visit = Enemy of the state.


Now I see why every police department needs a tank. It's for the new criminal class.


Coming soon to a state near you. Remember he has a pen and a phone.







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No, but it's the first step.....


The first step?


wasn't "background checks" the first step?

or was it "felony restrictions"?

wait must have been "machine gun bans"


what step was the "first step"?



i mean isn't the big bitch always "this puts an unnecessary burden on LAW ABIDING CITIZENS" now when they start individually targeting CRIMINALS, that's another affront to your gun rights, too? jesus christ, is anything not infringing on your gun rights? 

Edited by magley64
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Well, if they arent supposed to be owning guns in the first place, whats the problem?  I mean, people like that make responsible gun owners look bad.  Its not as if they are repealing the 2nd amendment.


The issue is when they start expanding the lists of "illegal owners."


On medication for bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, ADHD? So were all the school shooters. Obviously mentally unstable, confiscated.


Member of any political movements or organizations that are classified as potential threats to the security of the nation? Obvious threat to national security, confiscated.


Ad nauseum.


Lots of these new laws aren't dependent on the courts for authorization, and you can start to see a track record of extra-judicial laws and enforcement being ramrodded through the legislature in the interest of "safety." and then everyone else goes, well at least I'm not a CRAZY, or a MILITIA NUT, etc. Until it's too late.

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Well, if they arent supposed to be owning guns in the first place, whats the problem? I mean, people like that make responsible gun owners look bad. Its not as if they are repealing the 2nd amendment.

In the "first place" they bought and owned the guns legally. They aren't making gun owners look bad, ignorant people who make stupid ass comments without even bothering to know what the issue is about are the ones hurting the cause.

That is exactly what they are doing. Pass laws requiring registration, turn down a bunch of applications because the state didn't process them fast enough, and then declare it a felony to start arresting people, abusing their rights, and confiscating their firearms.

I hope residents of CT fight back and may the streets be red with blood from the crooked ass fucking state government... This country is going to shit real quickly.

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Honestly, I'm interested to see this confiscation begin... Plenty of people claiming they won't surrender, I'm ready to see how many stand beside that when their door gets kicked in... Maybe this will be the start of a new revolution, or at least a turning point where citizens stop letting the government squash their rights

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I think one of the more important things to prepare for is that we are in this together. People will die, but if we stick together we can win this. I don't want to die, I don't want my family in harms way, but any person with sense knows that when the guns are gone your ass and your children's asses are going to be raped.


It is wise we all start preparing for this together, create a plan. They can win if they tackle us one by one, but that is only if we allow them to do this. We have to be a team. We The People have individual rights that the government Must obey, otherwise our government is no longer for The People and are nothing more than the enemy.


The People should not comply with laws of the enemy.

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I got rid all my guns when they proved to not function properly. They never fired at someone in a few years of ownership so i sent them back to their respective manufacturers asking for a refund since they were defective

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Connecticut just isn't in the news. Somebody doesn't want it in the news.

Oddly, it isn't in the British news either. Guessing that is a subject they don't want British citizens thinking about.


Estimates were that up to around 300,000 unregistered weapons exist in Connecticut.

Let's be reasonable and say they can go get at least one a day, 6 days a week. It will take 959 years...


And that doesn't include illegal high capacity magazines. That might be another 2000 years.

Edited by ReconRat
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Citizens that are pushed to far are going to react.  Self defense is still a viable and lawful reaction. May not hold up in court but while you don't necessarily have to be alive to vote you do still have to be alive to be prosecuted

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