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Rider dies after hitting pothole while traveling over 100 mph in Minnesota


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I'd rather be left for dead than have some half-wit "I stayed at a HolidayInnExpress" doctor wannabe moving me all over the place after I launched myself over the bars of my bike at speed. Please, just call 911 and don't touch me.

Fair enough.  


A) Whoever was riding with you could probably be the first/best person to call 911, and at the very least keep the scene safe.  i.e. kill the bike, redirect traffic, direct rescuers to your situation.


B) Not everyone is clueless when it comes to first aid/CPR/lifesaving techniques.

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I'd rather be left for dead than have some half-wit "I stayed at a HolidayInnExpress" doctor wannabe moving me all over the place after I launched myself over the bars of my bike at speed. Please, just call 911 and don't touch me.

Sorry for the HORRIBLE quality...


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I think manslaughter cases for those type of scenarios are pretty weak...

If they're actually racing (which the state would have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt), and they hit each other, then yeah, the racing caused the other rider's death. Here the pot hole (in combination with the speed) caused death.

Basically the state would inadvertently have to prove that if they had been traveling at the speed limit, he wouldn't have died. I don't think they could meet that burden without an expensive expert witness. And for what? I doubt the fallen rider's family is enraged with his riding buddy...

So yeah, cite the second rider for speeding or reckless opp, or whatever else is appropriate, but manslaughter would be a stretch here IMHO.

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So you and your friends are all on the same page then? Or are you just assuming they are as heartless as you?

I assume every human is heartless until they prove to me otherwise. Just like I assume all are borderline mentally handicapped Libtards until proven otherwise.

Plus I'd much rather just be a pain in the ass and play the asshole card for my own entertainment :)

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So... how do you know your buddy is dead if you don't stop and check?


obviously the guy had to of stopped or swung around or something to know.....he was obviously on scene long enough for someone to pick out the exact make/model of his bike.....average joe on the street doesnt know a cbr from an r1 from a gsxr etc....i got the impression he was on scene and bailed when witnesses started showing up....could be wrong, but thats how i interpreted this story

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I'd stop and help. But then again, I don't usually do 100 anywhere - if that's even what happened in this instance.

Same here.  For one, my bike wont even do 100 and for two, Id never ride that fast on the street because theres so much risk for nothing.  If I want to ride that fast, I'll take it to the track where when/if I crash, the only person I hurt is myself.  No sense killing someone who is just trying to get to work or run errands because of my stupidity.

Edited by Bakemono
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I'd rather be left for dead than have some half-wit "I stayed at a HolidayInnExpress" doctor wannabe moving me all over the place after I launched myself over the bars of my bike at speed. Please, just call 911 and don't touch me.

Worst case scenario, at least you wouldnt die alone.  Im not doctor either but at the very least I could be there for the person and provide them with some level of comfort and security in their last moments.

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It's fine if you don't think you personally can handle a bike on the street at triple digits but it doesn't mean other people can't and do it safely. Sure there is more risk than 70-80mph, but if you're competent you know how to mitigate those risks and choose where and when to do so

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I embrace, enable, and sometimes when I'm in a good mood even impede death every other night from 1900-0700. Everyone dies alone and your sympathetic ass there holding their hand and lying to them telling them it's ok just hold on help is on the way doesn't make them feel one bit better. It only helps your weak conscience. Step away from the tv son. I've seen more people die than a doped up kid playing call of duty all weekend will ever see. You are jaded by Dr.Phil reruns

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I may die alone, but except in my sleep,

I would prefer to die in the company of

someone I care about.

So the last memory your loved one has of you is watching you die? That is completely selfish. I've yet to have one single family member act happy or grateful they watched a loved one die. Usually it's the nightmares that lead to sleepless nights, depression, poor job performance, and sometimes suicide.

Keep being selfish people. Job security for me.

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I may die alone, but except in my sleep,

I would prefer to die in the company of

someone I care about.


If that someone is from this forum, just make sure you let 'em know where you keep your cash.  It'll save 'em time later and your place won't get trashed.


Seriously though, this thread turned out way different than I would have guessed.

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Let me get a little deep for a minute... Everybody dies alone. Spectators don't make it better. You might watch too much television.

Unless there's a group of them in the same car when it goes over the cliff.   I'm just sayin'.

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