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My (future) uncle's journey on the Appalachian trail

Gixxus Christ!

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My fiancé ' s uncle mark started his hike on the Appalachian trail yesterday. I can't believe the balls on this guy. He recently retired as a partner in an architecture firm and decided to take a walk....from here to Maine to Carolina and back.

He's bringing a laptop and is planning on logging his journey here:


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Very cool. Thanks for posting! I have had plans to do this for years. I even have the official maps and guide books from the AT club. It's a hell of a task to take on, but amazing I'm sure.

Have you, or has he read Bill Bryson's "A Long Walk in the Woods"? It's a great travel story by a great travel writer when he takes on the AT. Very good read.

I wish him luck and some trail magic!

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Very cool indeed, but i don''t know about him being ballsey, i would love to do this it would be a awsome thing to experience. It's time and money that would hold me up, but i would do it in a heart beat. As a eagle scout we did a 5 day trip on the trail through Virginia and it was one of the best memories of my life.

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Can't edit on tapatalk and hit send too quickly...

I think it's an awesome adventure and hope to do it myself one day, hope he is successful, I was at Springer mountain a few weeks ago and it's pretty awesome to stand there, can only imagine what it'd be like to stand there knowing the journey that is ahead.

Sent while riding

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Very cool indeed, but i don''t know about him being ballsey, i would love to do this it would be a awsome thing to experience. It's time and money that would hold me up, but i would do it in a heart beat. As a eagle scout we did a 5 day trip on the trail through Virginia and it was one of the best memories of my life.


You are trolling, right?

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Have you, or has he read Bill Bryson's "A Long Walk in the Woods"?

It's a great travel story by a great travel writer when he takes on the AT.

Very good read.


That was a fun book to read. 


>>  November 2013 - Nick Nolte will costar as Katz, and Larry Charles

(of Borat and Bruno) is now attached as Director. The screenplay is

being written by Michael Arndt, and shooting is scheduled to begin in

March 2014.




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I hope he started out in Georgia, or he is going

to be caught up in or held up by weather.  


Northbound—Georgia to Maine

Most thru-hikers start their trips in early March or April

at Springer Mountain in Georgia and finish at Katahdin

in September. Starting at Springer in March guarantees

hiking in winter conditions for much of the first several

weeks and also guarantees a crowd of fellow northbounders

—approximately 1500 start out each year, most within a

six-week period.





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Yep. I was thinking the same thing. Figured it was a typo. I have never heard of a thru hike starting North and going South. I imagine it's done, but not the best way to go.

I hope he started out in Georgia, or he is going

to be caught up in or held up by weather.  


Northbound—Georgia to Maine

Most thru-hikers start their trips in early March or April

at Springer Mountain in Georgia and finish at Katahdin

in September. Starting at Springer in March guarantees

hiking in winter conditions for much of the first several

weeks and also guarantees a crowd of fellow northbounders

—approximately 1500 start out each year, most within a

six-week period.





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I'm an Eagle Scout too. We hiked for 21 days in the mountains at Philmont. About 80 miles all total. That was the most amazing and intense experience of my life. Sooner or later I'll add the AT to that list.

Very cool indeed, but i don''t know about him being ballsey, i would love to do this it would be a awsome thing to experience. It's time and money that would hold me up, but i would do it in a heart beat. As a eagle scout we did a 5 day trip on the trail through Virginia and it was one of the best memories of my life.

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I'm an Eagle Scout too. We hiked for 21 days in the mountains at Philmont. About 80 miles all total. That was the most amazing and intense experience of my life. Sooner or later I'll add the AT to that list.


We didnt get to do a whole lot,we were a very small group in our area accually just me a 2 other guys and one of them moved after a few months. That was the biggest trip we ever took, most were in state day trips, we were poor then too..lol.

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I'd really like to do a couple long(ish) hiking trips this summer.  I want to do a 3-4 day run of pictured rocks in MI, and also maybe a week on AT. 

I haven't really done too many long hikes (time wise), but I've done a few 1-2 day hikes that were very challenging. I spent about a week and did "Bridge to Nowhere" in LA, then "Surprise Canyon to Panamint City" near death valley, a couple miles around death valley, then into and out of the grand canyon over 2 days taking the Angel Trail out and South Kaibab in.  We hiked over 50 miles in just under a week, so it was pretty tiring, but amazing.  I have to say though, it adds a whole new dimension to hiking when you don't get to shower.  When I was done with this week of hiking, even though I had a car and obviously drove between sites, I didn't stay in a hotel for 4 days and at the end, I felt so gross (the thermometer at the bottom of the canyon was reading 120+, so i probably was super gross).  Over coming my desire to wash my hair semi-regularly would be really hard for me :).

Anyway, CSC, thanks for sharing.  It will be interesting to see what he finds to be most challenging/rewarding.


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I'd do it on a 4 whiller. I don't like to walk that far.

The parts i hiked back in the day a 4willer would not make it in some spots, not even sure a dirt bike could have. Not all is nice groomed hiking trails like some think it is, some area are just marks on trees and some areas are zig zagged up rock faces. At least in was in parts of VA.

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