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Mid-O April 19th


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Props to brian and for the intermediate coaching. I picked up new lines and learned a lot about the track. Any chance on getting the control riders to comment during the class room sessions? I was off my pace all day but this gave me a lot to work on. I like that mid-Ohio I'd trying to improve all aspect of their track days!!

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Props to brian and for the intermediate coaching. I picked up new lines and learned a lot about the track. Any chance on getting the control riders to comment during the class room sessions? I was off my pace all day but this gave me a lot to work on. I like that mid-Ohio I'd trying to improve all aspect of their track days!!



Thanks, man.  I am working on getting the coaches in there more.  We had Drew on Friday and Tom, Bill and Devon on Saturday.  Tom and Bill that were attending have some serious time at the track and know the preferred line rather well.  Both Drew and Devon do also.  Amongst those guys along with myself, I think we had some good points brought up. 


I want to be able to get Tom, Rick, Rob and myself to lead the classroom stuff.


Do you find working on segments better than anything or would you like to see something added in addition to more coach feedback?

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I liked it in segments. Makes it easier to keep the lines straight. The feedback is what I felt would help the most but I know time is valuable at these.



Always feel free to come talk at the garage before we go to classroom.  I usually try and ride the afternoon sessions, but can obviously talk if I know you are coming or want to.  Or at worse case, guide you to the best coach I think can help.  Tom, Rick, etc are all guys that float between instructing in different groups and may be readily available.  I can do something like that so that if they aren't in the Intermediate group, they are still assets.

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Was a GREAT weekend of riding for sure! The mornings were definitely a bit on the chilly side, but the sunshine and afternoon temps were well worth it.  It was awesome to be not only back on the bike and in the paddock again, but to be able to work with other riders once again and see the smiles on everyones' faces when things start to "click". 


Personally it was a little rough on the first day trying to knock off 5.5 years of rust... lol.  Found out Friday afternoon that the one fork was busted, the springs were all wrong, and the preload/clicker settings were junk.  I made plans to get these fixed in the coming weeks and rode on saturday as well. Saturday was a much better time and I actually started to feel as comfortable as I could with a bike that brought about zero confidence anywhere haha.


Looking forward to having the bike setup properly with the help of Mark Junge (MCJ Motorsports) and spooning on some real rubber with a set of Michelins coming from Dave Grey at Sportbiketireservice.com.  It's definitely a process trying to come back after so long, but it feels so good!


Hope to see everyone out there this year!

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I was thinking of going on tuesday but while bleeding my brakes I got some fluid on my front tire and have to use the $ to get a new front.

brake clean that ish.  My front got covered in coolant last friday.  Brake cleaned it and wiped it off then hit the track.

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Was only up on Friday but it ended up being a hell of a good time. Things were a little wiggly in the morning with a hard compound on a cold track, but things picked up after a session or two. Met up with some cool dudes (Bruce and Niles from the forum, namely), got some good instruction (thanks Pat), and started regretting not signing up for Saturday as well. While I want to hit other tracks throughout the year, if budget and schedule only let me do MO days I can't say I'd be disappointed. It's a nice setup you guys got up there.


And props to the 60-something year old guy who rode up on his '03 K1200, taped everything up on the spot, rode Novice all day and then rode home. 

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