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So Ohio libs/dems/hippies.


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Just mention your thinking of cutting SSI benefits and watch the stampede. Or better yet mention that the other party is thinking of it.

True! I used to play keyboards in a band that visited West Virgunia VFWs, Moose, Elk, American Legion, etc. I was continually flabbergasted even at that age with the vitriol old guys would use talking about the lazy, shiftless, illegal, dependent, weak, diseased, entitled democrats. Until someone brought up social security, Medicare, and union-negotiated pay levels and protections...


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Why do we keep using the euphemism "entitlements"?

What you really mean is Democrats are buying votes with food stamps and unemployment benefits... Yeah let's stop giving people food stamps, then they'll start voting for fucking Republicans, right?


No, I would expect them to vote for whoever would give them their benefits back. Even if it were the "fucking Republicans".  Human nature being what it is. I would also expect that the ones promising more and more benefits would get a larger and larger share of the votes from people. I also would expect that at some point in time the increases would run out of other peoples money to spend on them causing a crash when they run out of other peoples money to spend. Then what?



True! I used to play keyboards in a band that visited West Virgunia VFWs, Moose, Elk, American Legion, etc. I was continually flabbergasted even at that age with the vitriol old guys would use talking about the lazy, shiftless, illegal, dependent, weak, diseased, entitled democrats. Until someone brought up social security, Medicare, and union-negotiated pay levels and protections...




So your saying that in fact they did influence the vote with their policies? Not surprised. But then you are agreeing with me that it does in fact have an effect. Does this mean that all Dems are a dependency class of voters?  Hmm.... not sure I can agree with that. A percentage, sure, but not the whole party. But that percentage does have an effect.


I wonder if anybodies done a study on this?

What am I thinking, of course somebody has. It is vital information for both parties election strategies. I wonder if it can be found on line...


Ok, found a bunch, google 'entitlements vs voting patterns' and you find stuff like this




Source: http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2013/11/the-2013-index-of-dependence-on-government


At some point it will collapse under it's own weight. I'm thinking this would be a bad thing.


Wouldn't this make the Dems policies a bit of a problem in the long run?


December 18, 2012
A Bipartisan Nation of Beneficiaries

By Rich Morin, Paul Taylor and Eileen Patten



As President Barack Obama negotiates with Republicans in Congress over federal entitlement spending, a new national survey by the Pew Research Center finds that a majority of Americans (55%) have received government benefits from at least one of the six best-known federal entitlement programs.

The survey also finds that most Democrats (60%) and Republicans (52%) say they have benefited from a major entitlement program at some point in their lives.

So have nearly equal shares of self-identifying conservatives (57%), liberals (53%) and moderates (53%).


Source: http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2012/12/18/a-bipartisan-nation-of-beneficiaries/



Ah, there we go. Not all Dems, just some. Note also that the Repubs are listed too. A bit less of a percentage but they are still there.


I wonder too at your VFW et all people. Why were they so upset at the others? A shrewd guess might be that they worked hard all their lives and felt that they wasted their time. Or didn't get any advantage over those that did not work hard all their lives. They felt they should have gotten more for their effort. Perhaps this was the source of their resentment.


Both parties have played this game. True the Dems are better at it but they both have done it. Bi-partisan. As Tonik points out neither side is without blame.


So getting back to the point here of voter ID. Would it not make sense to try to get a law passed that state ID is free for those that ask for it? Then you could have photo voter ID without any of the problems that you have pointed out. The cost would be minimal and you would avoid the "Big Brother" issue completely.


It would also keep the dead from voting as well as the illegal immigrants or the so called "Un-documented Democrats". It would also end the false argument of voter suppression always benefits the Repubs.


Of course it would not stop real voter fraud but as everyone so happily points out that is a small percentage. Of course the corollary is also true if you can't check it how could you tell it isn't happening.

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