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Even a blind retarded squirell...


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"No Child Left Behind" pretty much equates to "Smart Kid Gets Bored To Tears". Your dumb child should go to dumb child class. Then, he can join the Marines... with the rest of the dumb kids.


And Pauly delivers again!  Funny, but fairly accurate, and definitely not politically correct!  

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I'm not slagging the Marine Corps. I have a family member that didn't do well in school. He was a "D" student, on his best day. Nice guy, just not very sharp. After graduation, he joined the Marines and he absolutely loved it. He did very well and was quite satisfied with life. Now, take the average smart kid, put him in a class full of my mouth-breathing cousins, and watch his grades drop. Sure, my cousin looks like he's doing "average", because the smart kids are now being held to a lower standard. Great. Now what? Well, after graduation, you have a classroom full of kids not prepared for college, instead of just my LD cousin.


GWB can fuck himself with the Board of Education. Lowering standards to meet the expectation of the less-than-intelligent is not very "progressive". It's fucking ignorant and it should piss off most of the parents on this board. Those that aren't... sorry about your stupid offspring.

Imma still kick you in the dick next time I sees you.  :beating:


But I did serve with some pinhead jarheads. 

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WTF do you think "No Child Left Behind" is?

Effectively, it's heavy focus on standardized curriculums and testing so that crap teachers can't skate by with crapulous self-crafted crap. Unfortunately gifted kids are forced to learn the fundamentals instead of specializing on what they enjoy.

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Weird, right next to my office Honors English. There ain't no stupid kids in there holding back all the other kids. Full class every period as close as I can tell. We have honors programs in every subject you could think of.

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Weird, right next to my office Honors English. There ain't no stupid kids in there holding back all the other kids. Full class every period as close as I can tell. We have honors programs in every subject you could think of.


You work in a good school I imagine.  Westerville's district is pretty good as well, especially their strong International Baccalaureate (IB) and Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) tracks and fellowship with Otterbein University.  Gifted kids at schools like those have to learn the standard-test basics AND get to specialize on what fires them up.  I love good schools.

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I guess that's the price folks pay when we fund our schools with property taxes. It's cheaper for me to move out of my house and buy a house in Tallmadge than it is to send Isaac to Walsh. ($11k/year)


Yea, it is asymmetrical no doubt - sorry about that.  I pay a lot of real estate taxes here (around 4 grand for a 165k home) and the schools are pretty good.  Every several years our local Tea Party fights tooth-and-nail against the levy renewals to push the taxes back down to Ravenna levels, and they have a sympathetic audience with the large number of retirees who live here.  That's the trade I guess - low prop taxes or good schools.  Until the state can figure out a better funding system I guess.

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You work in a good school I imagine.  Westerville's district is pretty good as well, especially their strong International Baccalaureate (IB) and Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) tracks and fellowship with Otterbein University.  Gifted kids at schools like those have to learn the standard-test basics AND get to specialize on what fires them up.  I love good schools.


Elyria is considered an urban district. We are very racially diverse, the majority are African American and we certainly have a TON of poor families. We are in the 80 percent range for free and reduced lunch which is how we measure poverty in schools. So no, we are not some rich suburban district. We are the exact opposite yet we are able to comply with NCLB and have all the programs the kids need. So all of you can stop blaming NCLB for your shitty schools. If someones schools are shitty I suggest you fire the board, they are elected you know. And I would also suggest you all stop blaming Bush. One, he has not been president for quite some time now and two it was the Dems who wrote NCLB. Senator's Clinton and Kennedy to be exact.


All NCLB did was give you a set of scores each year to help you figure out if your schools suck and you need to do something about it and require teachers to get masters degrees.

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Elyria is considered an urban district. We are very racially diverse, the majority are African American and we certainly have a TON of poor families. We are in the 80 percent range for free and reduced lunch which is how we measure poverty in schools. So no, we are not some rich suburban district. We are the exact opposite yet we are able to comply with NCLB and have all the programs the kids need. So all of you can stop blaming NCLB for your shitty schools. If someones schools are shitty I suggest you fire the board, they are elected you know. And I would also suggest you all stop blaming Bush. One, he has not been president for quite some time now and two it was the Dems who wrote NCLB. Senator's Clinton and Kennedy to be exact.


All NCLB did was give you a set of scores each year to help you figure out if your schools suck and you need to do something about it and require teachers to get masters degrees.

For the win

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Fair enough Tonik, and you must have some very good teachers and admin, but you can't deny that funding helps as well!


I don't blame NCLB - my sarcasm must not have translated well in my reply.  My only beef with NCLB is that it didn't accompany adequate funding to make the shift, and I think that many, many districts sacrificed good non-test-standard curriculum to afford the baseline.  That's been somewhat remedied in recent years but it created a valid complaint for teachers, admin and parents to saw.


For the win


I'm OK with that :-).  I was raised by a pack of educators - my mom was a elementary teacher who went on to get her masters + a bazillion and was a Benedum program fellow before she retired.  My dad was a tech ed college prof for decades until he turned Dean, and most of their family friends were educators.  It's a tough job, and not at all what most people think. 

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Fair enough Tonik, and you must have some very good teachers and admin, but you can't deny that funding helps as well!



Absolutely, but there is a point where funding won't help. For example the CMSD spends about 16K per student about 5K per student more than we do. I don't think all the money in the world will save that school district.

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Absolutely, but there is a point where funding won't help. For example the CMSD spends about 16K per student about 5K per student more than we do. I don't think all the money in the world will save that school district.


Good lord, that's 5K more than we do.  Hell, that's more than Upper Arlington's per-pupil spend, and they're lavish!

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Good lord, that's 5K more than we do.  Hell, that's more than Upper Arlington's per-pupil spend, and they're lavish!


Get ready to go f'ing balistic. Your State tax dollars are going to Cleveland for their extra spending and you are paying more in local taxes to make up the difference.



Westerville local money:   6900

Westerville State money:  3100


CMSD local money:           4100

CMSD State money:          9000



Cleveland says thanks!!



Edit:  The numbers won't add up to the total each district spends. There is also Federal money I did not list.

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Get ready to go f'ing balistic. Your State tax dollars are going to Cleveland for their extra spending and you are paying more in local taxes to make up the difference.



Westerville local money:   6900

Westerville State money:  3100


CMSD local money:           4100

CMSD State money:          9000



Cleveland says thanks!!



Edit:  The numbers won't add up to the total each district spends. There is also Federal money I did not list.


Gee, thanks Cleveland.  We have problems here in Columbus too - mind if we keep a little of that for our yute?


I found out that I could have claimed Isaac's tuition on my taxes, but since Ravenna is rated as a "C" school by the Feds.. they feel that's good enough and I should be happy with it. No refund for me. :(


I don't understand the details, but would it be worth a quick consult with a tax guy and an amended return?

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