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The new pope is a commie. Religious right OWNED!!


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That's what cagers say about bikers.



and I happen to agree with them...


Ride like you're invisible... avoid colliding with cars.


No sense being dead just for the sake of being right.


Last stats I saw showed that 2/3 of motorcycle accidents were the MC operator's fault...

Edited by magley64
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Climate change will likely kills more birds than the wind turbines.

For those that don't believe it's happening, please explain why you think it's a hoax?


Climate is changing and that is not a hoax, but the "main reasons" we are being led to believe why it is occurring......yeah I am a naysayer and a skeptic to much of that. Mankind is however fully responsible for how messed up many things are, and much of that is occurring right here in this country.

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Sometimes trying to attack the reflection of birds.


Buildings are static and do not move, and since the introduction of many bird safe glass and new designs, the window strikes have been massively reduced. The "wind turbines" are not static and they are enormous bird killers. Birds do not fly and navigate solely on line of sight, allot more factors and senses involved with that. So yeah I hate the damn things, I will almost rate them right up there with the whole ethanol scam.

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As pokey said.... The climate is changing just like it has since this rock first started spinning. The question is whether we are causing it and how much asinine regulation needs to be put into place to battle the inevitable.

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The inevitable, meaning, you've given up?

Inevitable does not always mean giving up. For example its inevitable that Mags will say something stupid rendering a whole thread useless but I won't give up trying to stimulate intelligent conversation.

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Ethanol is just welfare for farmers.

Wind turbines create clean energy and lots of decent jobs in the manufacture and repair of them.

Bird deaths are unfortunate and would love to minimize that.

Contaminated ground water, pollution and everything related to coal has to do more harm than the bird deaths.

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Ethanol is just welfare for farmers.

Wind turbines create clean energy and lots of decent jobs in the manufacture and repair of them.

Bird deaths are unfortunate and would love to minimize that.

Contaminated ground water, pollution and everything related to coal has to do more harm than the bird deaths.

I love wind power. Some entrepreneur should find a way to be profitable while providing power from it at a cost less than fossil fuel energy.

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Wind generators are great, solar is great, tidal generators are great. They generate electricity without burning fossil fuels, or generating radioactive waste, why wouldn't we want to develop this technology? Well if you are making billions off of oil and gas... That's probably a pretty strong motivation.

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Wind generators are great, solar is great, tidal generators are great. They generate electricity without burning fossil fuels, or generating radioactive waste, why wouldn't we want to develop this technology? Well if you are making billions off of oil and gas... That's probably a pretty strong motivation.

So quit crying about what smart oil people did and find a way to make billions from alternative energy.

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As far as evil corporations.

Oil and coal = old greed

Wind Turbines, Solar, Green energy = new greed (ask all the greedy Washington insiders who invest in them)

I guess I'll add this caveat to my previous post.... Make billions from the production and sale, not fleecing of the taxpayers.....as that has already been done.

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I'm not crying, just pointing out who has money on stifling progress.

Along those same lines consider this:


Government agencies are supposed to be set up with a system of checks and balances.  The EPA is largely exempt from this, and some would go so far as calling them completely unregulated.  


Congress has access to all kinds of inside information that hugely impacts green energy companies and LOTS of dollars are involved.  Many in Congress are heavily invested in these very same green energy companies.  Now, that would land you or I in prison.  However, Congress is exempt from insider trading laws, because they voted themselves to be exempt from insider trading laws.




I am all for clean water and air, and I also understand how EPA fear mongering is used to channel dollars and impact votes.

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Al Gore was worth about a 100k before he invented global warming which was after he invented the internet.

He is now with several hundred million selling energy credits and shit.

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Hey, just because 97% of the scientific community says that the science shows climate change is being influenced by humans doesn't mean that 25% of the general population had to believe them, they've got their own data... Right?

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Al Gore was worth about a 100k before he invented global warming which was after he invented the internet.

He is now with several hundred million selling energy credits and shit.

Maybe you say this to be funny. But it's misleading.

He was worth a couple million. Then invested heavily in green energy and is worth approximately 100 million.

Pretty sure he didn't sell energy credits.

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Then invested heavily in green energy and is worth approximately 100 million.


It's kinda funny how you can invest right before EPA policies are introduced and government contracts are awarded...and then get rich.


What's that old saying about money corrupts? ...or does that only apply to republicans and oil companies :)

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