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Georgia hot car death & father arrested


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So, this has been going on for a while but there was one thing here that I wanted people's thoughts on...




Is it important either way that he researched hot car deaths?



When my son was that age I wound up with "daycare duty" 100%.  In fact I did daycare duty from age 3mo until elementary school (private kindergarten) exclusively apart from a 1yr period where my wife and I worked at the same company and we carpooled so I still drove him to daycare, but we had two of us so the chances of forgetting him were much lower.


During this time, the thought of me accidentally leaving him in the car was *always* in my mind.  I researched hot cars deaths myself - every time there was a story I'd read up all about it to understand why it happened.  I used tricks like putting my laptop in the back seat next to his baby seat so that if I made it to work and forgot him then I'd see him when I got my laptop.  I always parked in the covered parking when I worked st the company that had it so that if I forgot him the car would stay cooler.  I researched different technologies for reminders and even tried to come up with a way to wire up the buckle in the baby seat to the same chime in the car that remind you you left your lights on.  I remember wondering why the car seat companies didn't work with the car manufacturers on a way of using the metal LATCH bars as electrical contact for a seatbelt sensor in the baby seat that would honk the horn if the doors were locked and the engine was off for more than one minute...


So, to say that him researching hot car deaths is a sign of guilt is not something I agree with.  I researched the crap out of hot car deaths for exactly the same reason he stated.


Not saying that he's innocent, just saying that the research is not suspicious at all to me.


The things I have problems with are him being 100% daycare duty and forgetting despite having an onsite daycare, AND going back to the car at lunchtime and not seeing him.   I'd like to see how the seat was arranged in the car - could it be seen from the open driver's driver's door?

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Having a kid and raising a kid is supposed to be a very important job for the parent until the kids/kids leave the nest, whether he did it intentionally or not.......he fucked up big time and needs to pay the consequences. Too many distracted and self absorbed people these days, and their mind is typically somewhere else other than where it needs to be.

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I'm sorry but I find it hard to believe someone who gives any kind of fuck about their kid would forget them in the car. I've never even forgot my dog in the car, let alone another human being.

All this and I'm forgetful as fuck
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Closest thing ive ever done to this is i was supposed to drop the kids off at the inlaws on my way to work. I was a half mile from work (well past the inlaws) when i realized the kids were in the back seat still. No way i would have forgotten them once there but just in a daze as i was driving through town and the kids were being quite at 6am. They were older at that time too.

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Internet research a non issue unless it was search terms like 'how can I kill a child'.

But what troubles me is the fact that his normal routine was to take him to child care where he worked. It would be one mistake to forget to take him inside with you. It's something else to leave work without going to get him from child care. If this was the normal routine then I find it very suspicious.

Also unanswered, did he get fast food drive through or go in? If he went in, did he take the kid in with him.

Tragic death. I find it odd that some parents go unpunished for these deaths. Everyone should be punished who let's their child die in a car (or anyone's child). Not life in prison but something!

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I'd go ahead and say this guy is guilty.  


Sexting multiple women, including one underage (that's never good).




"Stoddard testified that before the boy died, Harris had visited the website Reddit to search for articles on life without children, and viewed videos on Reddit that showed people dying -- by suicide or execution, in some cases. Harris had also twice viewed a video that shows the painful death of animals left in hot cars, and had searched for how to survive in prison, according to searches of his laptop, Stoddard said."

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Guilty or not, I don't really give a fuck...because if that happened to me, I wouldn't want to live. You could just go ahead and stone me to death, or leave me in a hot car...without my son, I wouldn't really give a fuck.

I could never live with myself.

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Wife and I just talked about this at dinner Thurs, no fucking way this was an accident, sorry.  And honestly, researching it is just weird in general(sorry but it is).  I have daycare duty 90% of the time and I won't even shut my drivers door until I have the keys out, usually sitting on the truck bed cover, and his door open.  At work I am constantly thinking about him, I mean there isn't a 30 minute span I don't think about him for at least 5 minutes.  No way this just happens like this.  Honestly, I don't even like to think about the people who do say it was an accident and have gotten off scottfree.  I still believe they are guilty of death, sorry.  


The information we have now on this guy and his wife for that matter scream they were planning this and it was 100% premeditated.  Honestly, I don't care if it was an accident, I hope he gets his asshole so stretched in prison he begs to be dead and the other con's don't kill him until he suffers for at least 8 hrs just like the time he was at his work.


It was an ONSITE daycare, no way you just randomly park on top of a garage in the direct sun all day and accidentally forget to drop the kid off after having bfast with him 10 minutes earlier and put him back in your car.  Then go back out at lunch, fuck that.  I hope his wife had no idea it was going to happen, but I don't think that's true.  


Just thinking how bad that kid suffered makes me sick, if I could, I'd kill that guy myself.  It wouldn't be swift nor painless.  I would make him wish he had killed himself for every second I had with him.


I am a sick fucker when it comes to kids and hurting them, especially your own.  


And FWIW if it was me, I would have killed myself the second I found out he was dead, somehow, I would have.  I couldn't live with myself for a second, let alone how he drove to a whole new place before "realizing" his kid was dead in the back seat.  Fucking pig.


The end.

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I was on the fence with this originally, saying the early reports of his internet research on hot car deaths was not unusual as I had done the same thing myself...


But the new searches about surviving in prison and living a kid-free life are difficult to explain away as innocent.   He got a call from daycare while he was at work - I can't imagine that not reminding him.


The kicker for me was the fact that he drove from work to another parking lot before 'discovering' the child.  Bullshit.   First responders said the car reeked of cooked flesh and it's impossible to have not noticed that upon opening the door at his office.  


Having said that, he is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.  And if found guilty, an eye for an eye.

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