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Saturday 7/12/14 NEO to SEO


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July 12, 2012, my twin brother passed away in a motorcycle accident.  I got him into riding and he was incredibly passionate about it. Although passionate, he was very reckless, and took risks on a bike that many wouldn't even dare. Unfortunately, two years ago, he took one of those risks and paid the ultimate price. 


When he passed, I sold my first bike to help pay for the funeral.  After a year of not riding, I realized this was something my brother wouldn't have wanted. He wanted me to ride. Therefore, I try to ride on the 12th every year in his memory. This 7-12 happens to be on a Saturday, therefore, I want to make it a long ride. 


Who wants to join me on Saturday 7/12/14


Plan on leaving early in the morning - like Millersburg no later than 9. I'd like to ride down to Marietta and back - 83, 78, 26,800, 7, 26, 550, 13, 78, 83. 


Here's tentative route: http://tinyurl.com/oar6unq


Pace will be brisk, but no one will get left behind. We will wait for everyone at turns and stop signs.  


My family is holding a little family get together around 8pm so I want to be back by then. 


I have no problem leading. although my navigation skills sometimes lack, so we may have to double back every now and again. 



It's not a memorial ride for you guys, it's just something I do on a personal level for myself to remember him my way. It's nothing more than a ride for the rest, and a bit more special for myself, so I hope those who can join will want to.


Let me know.

Edited by DerekClouser
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Derek, Sorry for your loss.

I can meet you at the 83/78 intersection or (Big Muskie parking lot). Is 10:15 about right? Google gives

1.44 Millersburg to 83/78. I can stay with the route to Glouster or McConnelsville depends on time.

I will reconfirm on Friday, Brian

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Derek. On the same day in 2007, one of my best friends died at The Gap on a motorcycle trip a bunch of us were on. It was the worst day of my life second to me having to meet his wife and kids back home and bring back his belongings. Every year I ride on the 12th also. This is the first year I won't be able to. I sold my street bike and haven't had the time to convert my track bike back to dual duty. I wish I could join you...

This year I'll probably do a few laps around the block on the track bike. Next year regardless of the day I'll join you for sure.

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Getting new tires that morning, I was planning on running down there after that.  I'll keep a look out for you.


Sounds good man. Shoot me a PM and I can send you my cell number and maybe you can meet us somewhere. 


Might be able to make it

 I'll be looking for this. 


I can meet up at point D. What time would you be there?


I don't know what point D is on the map lol? Let me know the State Route or intersection. Are you talking about 83 @ Mcconnelsville? That'll probably be 10:15'ish. Let me know if that is where you are referring. 


Derek, Sorry for your loss.

I can meet you at the 83/78 intersection or (Big Muskie parking lot). Is 10:15 about right? Google gives

1.44 Millersburg to 83/78. I can stay with the route to Glouster or McConnelsville depends on time.

I will reconfirm on Friday, Brian


Sounds good Brian. If we leave Millersburg at 9, probably means we'll be @ 83/78 around 10:30-11am. 


Derek. On the same day in 2007, one of my best friends died at The Gap on a motorcycle trip a bunch of us were on. It was the worst day of my life second to me having to meet his wife and kids back home and bring back his belongings. Every year I ride on the 12th also. This is the first year I won't be able to. I sold my street bike and haven't had the time to convert my track bike back to dual duty. I wish I could join you...

This year I'll probably do a few laps around the block on the track bike. Next year regardless of the day I'll join you for sure.


I know how hard it was when I lost my twin, so I know that pain of losing someone really close to you. Glad we can share that day together I'll look forward to next year and hopefully you'll be street ready. 


Derek- Very sorry for your loss of your brother. I will meet up with you in Millersburg for the ride Saturday. Where in Millersburg? Kickstands up at 9:00? Looks like a great route. Jim


How about the Speedway off 83 near the end of Millersburg. I think it's 1640 S Washington St. And yea kickstands up at 9am is perfect. 

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Derek, I'm terribly sorry for your loss. It seems like this hits home to a few of us here on the boards. A buddy of mine had a car pull out in front of him 3 weeks ago. He was gone before the paramedics got there.

On a more positive note, Looks like a nice route. Be safe guys!

Sent from my iPhone.

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Oh, I think I meant the 78/83 intersection. Is that the Big Muskie Bucket parking lot near Bristol?


We will be at the 78/83 intersection around 10:30-11am.  The bucket is relatively close to that intersection, but West on 78 (I believe), we are heading East on 78,  

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We will be at the 78/83 intersection around 10:30-11am.  The bucket is relatively close to that intersection, but West on 78 (I believe), we are heading East on 78,

I will be at the 78/83 Intersection but DO NOT wait for me. If im not standing by just keep on cruzing. Enjoy!

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