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My first trip to mid ohio...


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Helmutt, snot and I ventured to mid ohio on 7/18

Rode my first mid ohio PTR...

Mid ohio ran a fantastic novice program. Learned a lot. The people were great. Huge props to them.

Heres one of my novice sessions. I started out in group 6, because I'd never been on mid ohio before. The CR told me to move to a faster group. I spoke with the guy running the novice group, and he told me to meet him in hot pit for the next session. We ran a session between group 2 and 3 and then ran a session behind group 1. He then threw at me we were going out in front of group 1, and thats what him and I did the rest of the day. Heres the first session him and I went out ahead of group one. My lines aren't perfect, but I sure had fun. The SV is way more fun on the track than I ever imagined.

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It was my second time at Mid-O and I was in group 2. I was hoping you would end up behind me as some point but didn't notice skimming through the feed.


I'd love to see how i looked from behind and how bad my lines are. Our group couch said i had good body position but i'm consistently 3ft off the curb at the apex. 


But so far each time it's been a blast at mid-o. The way they run the novice group is excellent. It almost makes me never want to jump to intermediate. 

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. Our group couch said i had good body position but i'm consistently 3ft off the curb at the apex.


You're running the line with your head rather than your tires. I would bet you almost anything. Just be conscious of it and practice. You'll be on the apex in no time.

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Do you have any video footage? I'd love to see some of me from behind.I will look through the rest of my footage and see if I came up on you at all. I know I have some of a fellow on an rc51.  How do you like your 675 on the track? 


I do not have any footage. Getting a gopro is on my to-do list but rather spend the money on trackdays than a camera at the moment. Unless i can find a cheap one, it'll wait until the off season.


I love the 675. I haven't ridden anything else on the track to compare though. But it's nice having that torque available at lower rpms. 



You're running the line with your head rather than your tires. I would bet you almost anything. Just be conscious of it and practice. You'll be on the apex in no time.


Yea. It's a mental game. I just need more track time. It doesn't help i clipped the end of the curb in turn 1 and scared the bejeezus out of myself. 

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I enjoyed the track all afternoon, but during the morning sessions my head just wasn't on point with the wife crashing out early in session 1.  Think it shook us all up a little in the beginning.

Afternoon sessions I ended up testing my abilities quite a bit more.  My bike's suspension needs some serious attention, it was setup way too soft so I had trouble holding my lines at entry.  Wearing textile gear definitely had me riding much more conservative than I could have, so my best efforts ended up being a little over 2 minute lap times ( like it matters without proper gear/bike setup ).   I plan to get back down into my leathers and get the suspension resprung and setup for my weight before my next trackday there.

All in all, it was a blast and I learned quite a bit about where line entry/apex/exits should be.  Looking forward to the next one

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I had a blast. First track day ever, so I was in the last group to start. It was slow going (as it should be with people who have never been on a track), but i was bumped up to group 6 with hellmutt, after oldschool was pulled to the head of the class. 3rd session i was riding my ass off to try to hang with the cr for group 6. I think I did ok. But I could def use more practice (and in that sense, practice is a blast). Really liked the way the whole day was ran/coordinated. I learned a lot and had a lot of fun. Only thing I didn't do was get a knee down. But there's always next time!

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I had a blast. First track day ever, so I was in the last group to start. It was slow going (as it should be with people who have never been on a track), but i was bumped up to group 6 with hellmutt, after oldschool was pulled to the head of the class. 3rd session i was riding my ass off to try to hang with the cr for group 6. I think I did ok. But I could def use more practice (and in that sense, practice is a blast). Really liked the way the whole day was ran/coordinated. I learned a lot and had a lot of fun. Only thing I didn't do was get a knee down. But there's always next time!

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92, you were rolling around there pretty damn good for being your first time at Mid-O.  Glad you and everyone else had a good time.  Hard to ask for a better day!


I enjoyed the track all afternoon, but during the morning sessions my head just wasn't on point with the wife crashing out early in session 1.  Think it shook us all up a little in the beginning.


Sorry to hear that, hope it wasn't anything serious!


I do not have any footage. Getting a gopro is on my to-do list but rather spend the money on trackdays than a camera at the moment. Unless i can find a cheap one, it'll wait until the off season.


IMO, it helps a lot being able to review body position at first, then lines and consistancy after the adrenaline has worn off.  A camera is one of those things that isn't necessary, but allows you to get more value/learning experience out of the trackday after it has come to an end. 



When is the next mid-ohio date?


Sunday is a twilight and Monday is a normal full day.....but check the weather.

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92, you were rolling around there pretty damn good for being your first time at Mid-O.  Glad you and everyone else had a good time.  Hard to ask for a better day!







thanks man! I appreciate it. I was initially rather intimidated by the track. I've done two days at putnam, but as you know, they are entirely different beasts. I was thankful to have logged as many miles as I have in the mountains and to be comfortable with the elevation changes and off camber turns.  I had a fantastic time. I probably won't make it back until spring, but I'm sure looking forward to it! 

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