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Motoseries August 29-31 Nelson Ledges


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You're right. None of that was rude or condescending at all. You didn't at all imply that i'm a takentless hack and lsmaller bikes arent real racing. And apparently you have a really unique way of showing your "respect" for Brian. All I've ever seen you do is rant at him about how small bikes are worthless teaching tools.

Keep telling yourself how nice and helpful you are to everyone. I never questioned your riding credentials, only the way the message is delivered. As I plainly stated, I don't consider myself any kind of riding phenom, but I know what experiences have helped me learn. You're trying to tell me that I didn't learn things I've experienced firsthand. Which one of us sounds like the know-it-all in that scenario?

I don't know why I bother responding to your posts. You don't actually hear what I'm saying an just choose to fight rather than actually responding to my points.

Here's to another year of ignoring each other.



You're an attorney, right.  Well, wanna be and will be...  You're REALLY good at twisting shit up to try and make it work for you. 


Condescending?  Yup.  Rude?  I don't think so.  I can get rude if you'd like.  Saying things that are reality can come across as rude to those that don't see it or don't accept it.


Let's play back and forth...


Start at the top.  Yes, you are a hack.  You didn't survive in big bikes blaming funds and yet you drive hours to ride small bikes for zero return is funny.  I'm not sure what tankentless is, but hack yes.  Brian and I have had our words.  My experiences at the mini stuff has been less than stellar.  However, if you actually read anything and were actually at the track where we have been or even talked to me about it if you're so willing to comment on the situation, you'd know that I have eaten crow with Brian and have even made advances in friendship.  I respect the guy for a few reasons and one of those is to accept that I was being an asshole.  I don't make any bones about who I am.  I respond usually with an opinion that most may have, but are afraid to say out loud.  I will ALWAYS say what I type here to your face.  Simple as that.


But Brian is a good dude.  And, he is trying to advance his big bike skills and if I can help, I will.  Same with Devon.  There are MORE than enough examples that I can personally provide that show that racing at CRP and similar is fine and fun.  There are plenty of people I know that are good peeps and actually great riders that run down there.  I do not lump them all in the same way I perceive you. Trust me...


As far as me telling anyone that I am nice and helpful to everyone, I am not.  I don't like you so, I won't be nice to YOU.  There are others.  And I have told people to their face that they aren't good riders and that they shouldn't be telling people what to do in terms of teaching others how to.  I'd tell that to your face as well.  You are responding to questions in a manner that tells me you aren't at the level to do so.  And if telling what has worked for you is what you are doing, it comes across as much different.  You telling someone that it isn't this or isn't that.  And then to be wrong or miss the ideas behind comments.  Then to tell people in detail like you are running :57s at the place and out driving people and late braking and passing, etc.  It's comical.  You take info from others and say it like you know it for fact.  Let us know when you actually get experience under your belt.


Keep twisting, man.  I've said my piece.  I'll preface everything with my common response.  You keep it from the name calling and such and I will be gone.  I am not going to argue and I've stayed off for a while and not done this.  But, this is a passionate aspect of my life and I will not stand new riders, experienced riders and those that are wanting to do this sport to take information from someone that shouldn't be giving it with conviction and go out and get hurt.  I love this sport and there are SOOOOO many better choices for advice.  I'm out.

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Sounds very insightful and informative. 

So Madcat would make a great steed? :lol:  We could pimp him in German Village.



You just better come to a Mid-Ohio event.  I need someone to provide as an example of passing too closely and why it is bad to peel off stickers at speed.  :p

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You just better come to a Mid-Ohio event.  I need someone to provide as an example of passing too closely and why it is bad to peel off stickers at speed.  :p

lol nope, mine has no stickers. :)

I clocked out of medical the Monday after Vintage and rode the Sumo, the one day you decide not to come. 

Im gonna try for the 8th or 22nd, likely the 22nd. I picked up Drews GSXR and have yet to ride it. Would like to ride it at least once before winter

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Don't let her pussyfoot around out there. I'm paying good money. I expect results. I heard there will be scouts in the booth. I got her to drop 10 seconds off her overall for the day. She shed another :06 in her last session. I want her in the teens by 4:00.

I'm counting on you, Craig. :)


By 4 hell, I'm going to drag her there in the second lap.  :lol:

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