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Interesting conversation with a few thieves last night.

Gixxus Christ!

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Then why lie to me about why he was there and say he was picking up a friend? Why did his 2 buddies come hauling ass back to the truck when they heard me confront him?

I see what you're doing but you're just wrong. You weren't there. These guys were thieves and that's all there is to it. You can monday morning quarterback me all you want and put up a hundred more scenarios of what these 3 dicks might have been up to but you'd still be wrong. My neighborhood has been hit with a rash of break ins recently. My garage has been burgled once and my vehicles multiple times. One of my neighbors had his entire garage man cave cleared out in a night.

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Snap judgement call or not, I think Sam did himself and his neighbors a favor spookin the whiteys away. Given the recent history of the neighborhood, a cop would've definitely stopped and had a similar chat with them as well.

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I didn't approach. I was on my porch and I just showed it. Wasn't drawn or pointed, just had it in my hand in a holster.

And wtf do you care? You just here to troll and argue to give yourself something to do? Don't presume to teach me because I didn't ask for your fucking lesson.

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It's called brandishing, also called losing your CHL. Not trolling, trying to educate and help you and others not get slammed and loose your licenses but hey, act a tough guy it's all good.

In that encounter they did not commit a crime, but you did. All I'm saying. Do with it will hope it doesn't get you in a bind next time you do it. It would be remiss of me as an NRA instructor not to point out what you did was wrong and illegal, carry on.

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So even if his weapon was holstered, it's considered brandishing just because it wasn't on his hip? I believe that's a technicality that could likely be argued against the word of a couple would-be thieves, especially since open carry is legal in Ohio right?

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In 2014 America there are very few situations where it's legally advisable to use a firearm escalate an encounter where a property-crime is being committed against you.


Even fewer where a property-crime is being committed against someone else.


And situations where a property-crime may be in progress against someone else? Come on.


The Midget is giving you good advice... don't be in such a hurry to tip your hand. Take a photo, call the cops, leave your options open...



As the scene played out here, what is your upside? Some small probability 3 individuals in your county will stop targeting car rims in your hood?

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As previously stated due to the position of their vehicle in relationship to my house and the fact it was 2am and dark as fuck, there was no way for me to get a picture of the license plate without venturing into the middle of the street, which potentially puts me in a situation where I'm fighting the 3 of them, which potentially puts me in a situation where I have to USE the pistol. Again, it's easy for you to monday morning quarterback this situation because it didn't happen to you. Given enough time to think about it anyone could come up with a better idea than I came up with in the spur of the moment, but you weren't here, I was. If the 3 kids were up to anything legal I'm sure I would have had a cop knocking on my door within minutes of them speeding away. I didnt.

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Given the recent history of the entire area that also encompasses my neighborhood, I agree with what was done. I have been known to do basically the same thing on several occasions as well. There have been less issues since as well, at least up the road from crusher where I live.

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