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guiness blonde, a no-shit review

Gixxus Christ!

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Eat a dick, penelope.

I get the feeling that you type out all your angst from deep in your parents' basement.


I don't want to damage your over inflated sense of self importance, so please continue.





Edited by Tpoppa
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In all seriousness, why get your knickers in a twist about humor in a thread? Who cares? Do threads that you start have special rules we're not aware of? Are you new here?

Btw, I will proudly display the award, but I don't eat Hot Pockets. I find the ham notes to be overpowering, while the synthetic-cheese-aromatics underwhelm the palate.

:lol: :lol: lolololololololol :lol: :lol:

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In all seriousness, why get your knickers in a twist about humor in a thread? Who cares? Do threads that you start have special rules we're not aware of? Are you new here?

Btw, I will proudly display the award, but I don't eat Hot Pockets. I find the ham notes to be overpowering, while the synthetic-cheese-aromatics underwhelm the palate.

Now that was actually funny.

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at least it's not brewed in Jamaca anymore.


I miss guiness foreign extra stout. can't find it anywhere.


i've had special export once as well, but cannot find it.


Nothing like the trip to Ireland and getting it fresh out the tap. That was a near transcendance.

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Blondes usually are disappointing, they tend to look good, but when it comes down to it, you know you should've spent your money on a Burnette. A worn out stout is always a good booty call too...

Or an Irish red if you wanna feel some pain the next day.

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Nothing like the trip to Ireland and getting it fresh out the tap. That was a near transcendance.


Drinking Guinness in Ireland is an AMAZING experience!  One of my goals in life is to go back over there to do this again, now that I drink beers that are better than Bud Light.

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Warm guinness sounds awful...

Tis not warm. Its not even like room temp. It basically has the chill removed.

Also its the British who drink warm beer, not the Irish. And the British only drink it warm because Lucas makes their refrigerator electronics.

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Tis not warm. Its not even like room temp. It basically has the chill removed.

Also its the British who drink warm beer, not the Irish. And the British only drink it warm because Lucas makes their refrigerator electronics.

Everyone I know whose been to Ireland says they drink it warm.

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Room temperature-ish. And most of the Irish drink Budweiser.


I was pretty shocked to to see how popular Budweiser is in Ireland when I was there about 15 years ago.  I think the beer that I ha dthe most over there was Smithwick's.  I've had it here and it's not the same, just as with Guinness.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Other thing to remember that across the pond beers are not pasteurized so drinking them at room temp is actually totally different.  They taste way better, don't leave much if any hangover, and are more true to their flavors. 


 Budweiser is pretty common about anywhere I've traveled outside of the US, Asian countries, European, Mexico, they all always had it all over and locals loved it.  But it was definitely different than here in the US, especially China.  Or maybe it was I just missed normal beer so much and was so drunk on rice wine.  Dunno.


 In the US drinking warm Light beers is awful, even only slightly chilled.  However if you go to a good brew house, tap room, brewery, it's not so bad.  The Elevator used to serve their beers just slightly below room temp and it helped bring out the real flavors of the IPA, Hef, and Pale Ales.  Then when they would get to winter they had a separate cooler for the winter warmers and christmas ales to keep them just a tad warmer.


Over time this changed tho, beers are now served cooler in general there and they don't keep the winter ones separate.  I actually miss the old IPA temp, really helped bring it all together.


And fwiw, trust me, not a beer snob.  I work at the Elevator Saturday nights, but drink Coors light normally, or Genny Light if I can find it.  I've even had and will drink Beer 30 Light if I can find it, just because I think it's hilarious. 

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  • 2 months later...


I like the beer snob list. I thought I was a beer snob but I guess I have a ways to go as only number 8 is true for me. I never did like BMC beer. Water is much better if that is the choices. I prefer drinking beer from a glass but any glass will do and I will drink from a bottle if necessary. :)


I don't care for ice cold beer. You get very little aroma from it. Warm it up a little and the aromas really start to come through. I still prefer the beer cool but I can't stand when I get served beer with ice crystals because the glass came out of a deep freezer :(


I do like guinness as a nice light beer for warm weather or with wings but I had a great Irish Stout at Market Garden Brewery in Cleveland.

Guinness is not a "fork n knife" beer, though many craft stouts are. Guinness has fewer calories, alcohol and carbs than Bud, and less than half that of most craft stouts and porters.



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Good to see the ,blonde is no different that the Black Lager they put out last year. I had 1 bottle of that and thiought it was pure shite. Guiness as a whole is down near the bottom and living on name alone in the US, IMO. The stout is only good for Car Bombs. So many stouts that are so much more enjoyable.

This. And mmmmm, Irish car bombs... Haven't had one of those since Indy.

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