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Choosing from multiple job offers...


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How do you figure out what the best one is? How can you tell which company would be the best fit for you?

I'm starting to get some options that I'm going to so need to decide if any are worth pursuing beyond my current job. There are MANY things leading me to want out of my current job but can't help to be a bit nervous that the grass isn't always greener

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To help determine what would be best, make a list of  Pros and Cons.

IS this a position you can retire from, or is it entry level?

WHat is the 5 year outlook for this position and company?

How long of a comute?

WHat are the hours and the pay?

BEsides the obvious which job pays more, are there other benefits like sick days , personnal time, pizza firdays?


Then look at each company, how long have each been open, are these major companys, ?

If any of these places are companys you may have dealt with from your other job, how were they to work with? If you know anybody that works there, what do they do and how do they like it?


I have been with my company for 20 years. Great place to work, but no paid sick time or pizza fridays. I am hourly, and if I am not work, I do not get paid.. 

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Never underestimate a company's culture. You will spend countless hours of your life there. In my opinion, that is just as important or more important than total compensation. As the saying goes, enjoy what you do and you will never work a day in your life. Good luck!

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^thats my most weighted deciding factor - culture. I've been at a job for years where my boss gives me direction when I need it, but never cares even if I'm there or not. Makes my life low stress.

I also look for something that is challenging, and will be a good learning experience. Being bored at your job is a miserable way to spend your time.

Good luck on your decision!

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Understand the growth potential, but at this point in your life you have to take the job for the negotiated pay, not the carrot on the stick.

Consider the hours and how they match your lifestyle.

Have you met the head honcho/honcha? Approachable or ivory tower dick? That person sets the culture both formally and informally.

Do the benefit packages at the top match those at the bottom? Again, culture. My benefits are the exact same as the lowest paid employee in my company. We do different jobs, not better/worse.

And then of course there's pay and investment potential. Does the pay weigh out with the time investment?

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Ask to speak with future co-workers. Ask general questions like what is your typical day, when do you normally get to work and leave, what mgmt style is the boss. Glassdoor.com also has "reviews" of the company from current and pay employees. But keep in mind that it is mostly disgruntled so take it with a grain of salt.

And as others have said, what is 401k match, typical insurance, vacation days offered. Ask about the position to see why it's open. Was it a departure, promo, new position created? The answers say allot about growth.

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% of health care costs the company covers.

Who owns it. Investment group, private, public, succession planning.

Profit sharing

Culture. I agree, Very important. If there's a bunch of stuffed shirt executives that engage in Groundhog Day meetings, exchanging pleasant BS in kiss ass sessions, discussing the obvious that 8 year olds could repeat every year, from a nose bleed seat perspective with zero clearly defined detailed goals and lacking the process knowledge to achieve those goals, look elsewhere.

Company net income if public.

Number of part time employees.

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