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Hillary 2016

Strictly Street

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I would be happy to vote for either. It would be hard to argue with the fact that Ron Paul has done more than anyone else to spread libertarian points of view on the national stage. Unfortunately, his time has passed.

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Too many Americans tired of the N.... in the white house. An old white guy will be our next King.

Sent from my SCH-I200PP using Tapatalk

At least this guy has the balls to admit that racism is the reason he hates Obama.Most haters make up some other excuse...at least in public.

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At least this guy has the balls to admit that racism is the reason he hates Obama.Most haters make up some other excuse...at least in public.

Yes because if you hate Obama policy that makes you racist. I actually voted for him in 08 because I bought his speel and thought he could do a good job. Then in '12 I joined the klan.

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Yes because if you hate Obama policy that makes you racist. I actually voted for him in 08 because I bought his speel and thought he could do a good job. Then in '12 I joined the klan.

No, the N... and then white guy in the next sentence tends toward racism.

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No, the N... and then white guy in the next sentence tends toward racism.


Racist does not hold the value or weight now as it once did, and the term is used much too often for anything and everything these days. And I fully believe that if black people can say the word and use the word "all the time" then it should be acceptable for all to use it. If it is truly such a hateful and derogatory word, then it is what it is for everyone. Hey if he is a racist "which I have my doubts", at least he had the balls to publicly speak his mind. And only white people can be racists it appears, the rest get a minority free pass for whatever they say or feel towards others.

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It's simple. Work emails on your work devices, and personal business on your personal devices. What professional doesn't understand that these days???

I know this bit was a few days ago, but I shy away from the politics.  My views on Hillary are mine and I am not going to share it.


  Your comment hold very little water.  Email and mobility is my job.  Most places are BYOD anymore. Some have MDM but most don't.  Hell, most people think their work email is theirs and try and take it or destroy it when they leave.  My device has 2 work accounts and 4 personal accounts.  Emailgate or what ever dumb name they are giving it is a lot of smoke and yelling.  It is not real hard to reconstruct most of the data from other servers, be it spam filters or the other other mail server involved.  O, she was using a crapberry?  RIM has all that traffic too.  Was it a dick move on her part, yea, but they all do shit like that. 



also can they stop adding "gate" to every thing they try to make a scandal?  It is getting old.

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 It is not real hard to reconstruct most of the data from other servers, be it spam filters or the other other mail server involved.


I do IT systems also. How would we reconstruct the emails she sent to Putin for example?  I doubt he will be very cooperative.  The law is the law, the State Department is required to produce the emails, they can't. It is as simple as that, she, and they violated an important law that is designed to keep the government open to the taxpayers.


But I applaud your choice in bikes.

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Your comment hold very little water.  Email and mobility is my job.  Most places are BYOD anymore. Some have MDM but most don't.  Hell, most people think their work email is theirs and try and take it or destroy it when they leave.  My device has 2 work accounts and 4 personal accounts.  Emailgate or what ever dumb name they are giving it is a lot of smoke and yelling.  It is not real hard to reconstruct most of the data from other servers, be it spam filters or the other other mail server involved.  O, she was using a crapberry?  RIM has all that traffic too. 


Megan I've been in IT for just over 30 years, and half of that in extremely large, highly regulated companies in a wide variety of infrastructure, development and leadership roles, so I find it surprising that you'd leave out the regulatory context in pursuit of technical accuracy.  Yes, most places are going to personal devices with an MDM solution but ALL REGULATED places nonetheless have a policy about conducting corporate business using personal assets due to missing data discovery and data loss protection controls.  See, just because your personal device has multiple work and personal accounts doesn't mean that's a fabulous practice when you're SecState, and I sure hope you don't conduct regulated business through your personal accounts like Hillary did.  And like Tonik said, go try to reconstruct the data from servers you don't have access to.  This is what the whole "emailgate" thing is about regardless of your distaste for the term - its using a personal mail server to conduct regulated, state business and then refusing to provide full archival access in the off-boarding ritual.  If I were to find out an employee of mine did the same, I'd report them to corporate compliance instead of trying to be supportive of their run for the Presidency.

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I am not saying it is right, because it is not. It was a dick move on her part, but having done this work both in public and pvt sector, there is a lot of wiggle room (at least how the law is applied in ohio). The interpretation, as I have seen in legal proceeding and working with prosecutors and defenders is email must only be kept as long as it has administrative value. Hmmm that's tough to argue if you can't produce the email to argue the administrative value of it. Again this is how I have worked with public record in this state. Now other laws like sorbain oxley (sp?) exist, but I have never seen that applied to a government official, only publicly traded companies. Again I say it was a dick move on her part, shady as f@&k. Should it impact what people think of her and her bid for potus, hell yes, but my point was this is not some master mind move to take over the world, this just business as usual in the government.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I am not saying it is right, because it is not. It was a dick move on her part, but having done this work both in public and pvt sector, there is a lot of wiggle room (at least how the law is applied in ohio). The interpretation, as I have seen in legal proceeding and working with prosecutors and defenders is email must only be kept as long as it has administrative value. Hmmm that's tough to argue if you can't produce the email to argue the administrative value of it. Again this is how I have worked with public record in this state. Now other laws like sorbain oxley (sp?) exist, but I have never seen that applied to a government official, only publicly traded companies. Again I say it was a dick move on her part, shady as f@&k. Should it impact what people think of her and her bid for potus, hell yes, but my point was this is not some master mind move to take over the world, this just business as usual in the government.


Yea, the wiggle room you enjoy goes away under FDIC, OFAC, SOX, RegO, RegW, AML, Volker Rule, HIPAA, CARD, and other federal regulations which apply to very large firms I've been in for half of my career.  Paradoxically the State department is operationally less regulated than the financial and health care industries, but they still have more requirements than your typical private firm.

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Above (multiple posts) is the exact reason why we have a 2 party system. Both play to emotions; black, female, gay, guns, religion, or what ever. This is also the reason why they keep running worthless candidates and winning. You have been caught up in the emotional play and have fallen hook line and sinker, ready to defend your emotional choice even when they have done something extremely illegal! Status quo you proclaim they all do it, unless it's the other side, then they must be hung.

If anyone has uttered to them selves...

"It's time for a black president"

"A women should be in the Whitehouse"

"They Represent God"

You have voted for the wrong reasons and you are the reason we are in this mess!

My horse will be the person with the best idea...

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My horse will be the person with the best idea...


Nice notion, but the problem is that Best Idea is subjective and influenced by an infinite number of factors.  For example, if you decide to go the completely rational route, then you're pre-filtering based on rationality.  That's not bad, but I've seen incredibly rational people lose in office politics against irrational foes, which you'll never be a be adequately able to vote away from the world.  Sometimes there is something to emotion.

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I can not disagree with you.


And I disagree with your inability to disagree with me.  Unless you agree to disagree with my disagreement of your agreement, then, well, I got nothing and we're stuck without an argument, and that's no place to be online.

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And I disagree with your inability to disagree with me. Unless you agree to disagree with my disagreement of your agreement, then, well, I got nothing and we're stuck without an argument, and that's no place to be online.


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If it's not a .gov email address no one in government should be replying to it with anything meant for an employee. Too easy to spoof a Hilarry.S.Clinton@CIinton.com ( the lowercase l in Clinton is a Capital I)

Oh crap, that means I'm being catfished!!! [emoji174]

Ew, sorry, that joke was gross. Not at all suitable for OR. [emoji37]

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If you can remove emotion it becomes much easier to see real character.

The character of our current president was not hard to see very early in his career...unless you fell for the pipers hope and change song.

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