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first street crash.


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I'm one of the statistics now!


I can't really complain, because I'm fine except for a bruised hip, but I'm still embarrassed and mildly pissed off about how this went down (literally!)



Exiting the highway, there's an intersection that doesn't allow a right on red.  The truck in front of me entered the intersection JUST as the light was turning yellow, and I followed.  We make our right turn, and there is a second light maybe 40 feet down the road on the same timing as the highway exit.


I have never seen anyone go through the first yellow and then slam on the brakes for the second yellow, but this truck did.  I was accelerating to (I assumed) chase the truck through the light.  She braked, I swerved and braked, and tucked the front at a couple miles per hour.



Not sure how I didn't end up with my right leg under the bike, but I was up and picked up the bike before it even had a chance to shut off.  The driver got out to ask if I was okay, and I remember telling her "I didn't expect you to stop IN the intersection."


in hindsight, I'm not sure if she was in the wrong or not, and I'm mad at myself for making a stupid mistake.



The bike was rideable, but I cracked the tail section, and my right-side engine cover is now leaking a couple of drops of oil every minute.    I rode home with the oil drops blowing back onto my boot, but I made the 40+ mile ride without incident.




Only damage to me is a bruised hip, and I put a 2" tear in the knee of the jeans I was wearing over my ugly old 2-piece leathers.  There are some marks on my gloves where my knuckles must have hit the ground, but that could be from picking the bike up for all I know.



In a weird way, I was lucky it was so cold, and I didn't hesitate to wear full gear.   Makes me really reconsider street riding in the future though.  I may fix up the katana and sell it.   Thinking I just need a new gasket, and maybe some JB-weld or a new side-cover.

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I took video of the intersection this morning.  Pissed at the truck ahead of me, but not sure I have a right to be...  I'll try to post it at some point, but it's the exit ramp at Route 44 and Johnnycake Ridge Rd.


and my insurance doesn't renew until next week, so I can cancel that and avoid being billed for this year until I get the bike fixed!

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 Pissed at the truck ahead of me, but not sure I have a right to be... 


I looked at it on Google Maps Street View, although there really wasn't a need. You were behind....if you had to swerve to miss her you were too close and/or going too fast and you hit the front brakes with the wheel turned at low speed. That is a Bozo No No. As you know, in situations like this the vehicle in the rear is at fault no matter what Crazy Ivan the lead vehicle pulls.



But super glad you are ok.



EDIT:  Bozo No No reference:    http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Bozo+no-no

Edited by Tonik
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Glad you are OK.

That intersection is messed up. It should be treated as one but looks like there are 2 separate intersections. :(

Sounds like the auto driver was an idiot, still as you know you were at fault and giving yourself more room would have made it easy to avoid the problem. 

Get that bike repaired and back on the road. Learn from your mistakes don't make it an excuse to stop doing something you love.



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Glad to hear you are ok.  Bruises and a bruised ego with no other contact with any vehicles and no citations is a good day in my book!  My road rash and back are still healing from my accident last summer.  Going to try and ride this weekend for the first time since my accident.  Get that bike fixed and you will be back on two wheels in no time!  :cool:

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Bummer about the accident at least it wasn't a bad one or turned out worse.

That is the third time I have heard the Bozo no no in a few weeks. I know the reference it's just odd to start hearing it again.

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I just can't understand why someone would accelerate through one yellow light, only to slam on the brakes at the next one 40 feet away...


The lights are literally on the exact same timing, so if you don't beat them both, there's no point in making the first one.

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I just can't understand why someone would accelerate through one yellow light, only to slam on the brakes at the next one 40 feet away...

The lights are literally on the exact same timing, so if you don't beat them both, there's no point in making the first one.

People are fucking idiots. Don't try to figure it out, you'll just hurt yourself.

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the bike is pretty much fine, and it has treated me really well while I've had it.


I have been 'modifying' this one as if i'll never sell it - and I may not.  I have just really fallen in love with light bikes and dirt chassis recently.  

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the bike is pretty much fine, and it has treated me really well while I've had it.


I have been 'modifying' this one as if i'll never sell it - and I may not.  I have just really fallen in love with light bikes and dirt chassis recently.  





She was good to me too, until she stranded me with whatever that throttle issue was. Maybe I gave up too early on her... but I like my new Fizzer so I can't complain either way.

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She was good to me too, until she stranded me with whatever that throttle issue was. Maybe I gave up too early on her... but I like my new Fizzer so I can't complain either way.

Nothing to complain about, the Fizzer will never let you down!!   :cool:  

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