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Body Blocks


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Gotcha. I would agree that jack-stands are never meant to "catch" a vehicle if another means of support fails.

Even these blocks really aren't there to "catch" a vehicle so much as they would absorb some impact pressure and hopefully create a cavity for your vital organs while you're rescued.

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I have never seen someone argue so steadfastly against his own well being. I've also never heard of someone using a jack and Jack stands in such an irrational and fuck-tardly way. Duane, you are indeed a mouth-breather and should not play with dangerous things like cars and gravity. Just because it's 'always worked for you' does not mean it's the correct way to do it. It simply means that you've been very lucky thus far not to lose life or limb. Eventually, on a long enough time line the statistical likely hood of this happening will catch up with you, then you will be fucked. Proper fucked.

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What kind of shit Jacks are you people using? I've never had one fail catastrophic, one cheap one I used back in the day would slowly drift down over a matter of hours, but how are you people getting these things to fall over? I've had a bumper jack fall over, but who uses those anymore?

Now why won't a jack stand work for this "body block" idea?

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Also in for some popcorn! I've knocked a car off stands before, so I know how this will turn out. Only in if Magdor will be laying under the car, which I'm sure he would be since he's so positive it can't happen.

Edited by Steve Butters
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I was not allowed to edit my quote. To answer you question,it does not matter what kind of jack I'm using. Mechanical things fail. If they flippin didn't you would not have had to jack the dam car up in the first place. What he posted was an added bit of safety. Sorta like hiring a crack whore hooker with clemita. You should use two rubbers. Wesson oil Jim. Wesson flucking oil.

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God, i love this neighborhood. Thanks to everyone here for turning several tedious minutes in a waiting room into pure gold.

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I just to all my work at grandma's, that way if and when a car falls on me, she'll see it through the window and run out in distress, her adrenaline will kick in, since it's been dormant for years it equates to super human strength, and she'll simply lift the car up so I can shimmy on out. Best solution to this potential danger by far. Yall are way over thinking this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow you guys are way over thinking this.. Im not fat but there are only a few cars that if it fell on me that id at least be able to use the suspension to my advantage and not be squished to death. hell most cars i can shimmy under if needed..  now this is if the wheels are all on the car.. if not that changes.. 

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Right, because the car's suspension won't compress when the wheels hit the ground. Inertia doesn't count.

Where's that fucking facepalm emoticon?

Agree. Seen it, felt it, got lucky many times.

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