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Sunday 9/20 Millersburg to Marietta and back.


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We rode 555 yesterday. I love that road. When it finally gets clean in the areas that are repaved and the areas that are gravel get repaved it will be returned to it's former glory. I don't think I've ridden that road on a motorcycle in a couple years and I forget how much I like it. It's an ignorant road to ride a 1K on but that also makes it fun.

I'm still waiting on the highway patrol to call me, I wonder if they make house calls? The Lodi policeman told me to make sure that I answer my phone. Like I intend to change how I use my phone for him. He held me there for a while until a fireman came by to identify me. Once he was told that I was one of the guilty parties he started to apply more pressure to confess my guilt. The fireman radioed ahead from somewhere on 83 that's why they were waiting on any bike riding through their city. I don't know who that bike was but they must have been flying because it took a very long time for the fireman to get there to wrongly identify me.

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I'm still waiting on the highway patrol to call me, I wonder if they make house calls? The Lodi policeman told me to make sure that I answer my phone. Like I intend to change how I use my phone for him. 

I am not following this.  Why would they call you?  If they were going to give you a ticket wouldn't that have happened on the side of the road?


I once had an off duty cop radio ahead and I was pulled over as soon as I entered a town (Smithville) where I was riding under the speed limit.  I actually got quite belligerent on the side of the road.  So much that the on duty cop told me to get the hell out of his town without a citation.  

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As I was approaching town I saw a city police car coming toward me. He turned around to follow me, I turned onto a side street and he followed me. He turned on his lights and asked if it could have possibly been me racing with another motorcycle on 83. I told him that it wasn't me and couldn't possibly be me since I was just out riding by myself. He takes all of my information back to his car and sits around for a while until his fireman buddy pulls up to wrongly identify me. He then tells me that I've been identified and I might as well admit I was riding recklessly. He wasn't getting any satisfaction from that new exchange so he tells me to hold tight and goes back to his car. When he comes back he tells me that the event took place in the highway patrols jurisdiction and that he has contacted them to meet us where I was pulled over. I was already mad but that put me over the top. I did get belligerent and the little fucker went back into his car. When he comes back out he tells me that he can't continue to detain me, using my exact words to release me that I spouted of before he went back into his car. Told me to expect the highway patrol to contact me because he is giving them all of my information.

Edited by Uncle Punk
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Just show him this pic and tell him that you know bikes are dangerous, mkay, and that you never, ever exceed the speed limit.  And since when does a volunteer fireman get training on accurately assessing a vehicle's travel speed?

Edited by Bubba
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Just show him this pic and tell him that you know bikes are dangerous, mkay, and that you never, ever exceed the speed limit.  And since when does a volunteer fireman get training on accurately assessing a vehicle's travel speed?


He claimed reckless, not speeding. Anyone can make that claim, up to the prosecutor to decide if it warrants prosecution...the fireman would have to testify at that point.My opinion, the State Police have already dismissed this whole thing without even investigating.

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That seems like an awful lot of effort to try to get you to admit to something that the OHP would never have witnessed.


With a witness and a confession they would have had him I think. Cops always try to get you to confess, 'Do you know how fast you were going' is for just that purpose.

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As I was approaching town I saw a city police car coming toward me. He turned around to follow me, I turned onto a side street and he followed me. He turned on his lights and asked if it could have possibly been me racing with another motorcycle on 83. I told him that it wasn't me and couldn't possibly be me since I was just out riding by myself. He takes all of my information back to his car and sits around for a while until his fireman buddy pulls up to wrongly identify me. He then tells me that I've been identified and I might as well admit I was riding recklessly. He wasn't getting any satisfaction from that new exchange so he tells me to hold tight and goes back to his car. When he comes back he tells me that the event took place in the highway patrols jurisdiction and that he has contacted them to meet us where I was pulled over. I was already mad but that put me over the top. I did get belligerent and the little fucker went back into his car. When he comes back out he tells me that he can't continue to detain me, using my exact words to release me that I spouted of before he went back into his car. Told me to expect the highway patrol to contact me because he is giving them all of my information.


I feel like the first question out of my mouth (knowing that a LEO saw me doing nothing wrong) would be "am I being detained". No? Ok bye, I've got shit to do.


I saw 2 LEO's right after getting onto 71N. Didnt get a second look.

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It wasn't me, it never was me and when faced with my accuser on the side of the road it still wasn't me.

Tonic is most likely correct in that the highway patrol never made contact with the local police and if they did aren't going to waste resources chasing a maybe possible phantom motorcycle rider going faster than a volunteer fireman in an old pickup.

The policeman did try to catch me up in a CCH issue but I don't usually carry when riding since I have no good way to deploy it in a reasonable amount of time. He also went through the whole where are you going routine followed by the where are you coming from routine. He didn't like both answers being the same and didn't like my explanation for that or my failure to elaborate.

He did have to ask me again before I left that my statement to the highway patrol would be that it wasn't me. I told him it certainly would be since it wasn't.

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Was the CCH issue not declaring that you did/didnt have your gun? I've had one cop ask me if I was armed. I wasn't carrying during that specific time and my response was "that would have been the first thing I told you, but I'm not."


Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think I need to tell a cop that I am unarmed if I am unarmed just because i have a CHL.


It's a shame those two riders weren't actually caught in the act. From the way it sounds, they probably would have been handcuffed in the back of a squad car.

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Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think I need to tell a cop that I am unarmed if I am unarmed just because i have a CHL.




Correct, the law reads inform 'if armed'.


If a licensee is the driver or an occupant of a motor vehicle that is stopped as the result of a traffic stop or a stop for another law enforcement purpose and if the licensee is transporting or has a loaded handgun in the motor vehicle at that time, the licensee shall promptly inform any law enforcement officer who approaches the vehicle while stopped that the licensee has been issued a concealed handgun license and that the licensee currently possesses or has a loaded handgun;

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He knew the answer to the question before he asked. He wasn't getting anywhere accusing me of being the hooligan on 83. It was an afterthought deep into the confrontation and I could see the aha gotcha moment come to him when he asked if I had a CCH license and if I was carrying. He needed to make something happen and at that point was just grasping for anything. Good thing I am totally legal with license, insurance and registration or I would have gotten some sort of citation out of this. He couldn't get me for anything he witnessed since I obeyed all traffic laws in his presence.

Tonic has posted the correct information in that no duty to inform existed for this particular case since I wasn't armed at the time. I have my duty to inform rudely interrupting the police speech well rehearsed and can't wait until that stupid portion of the law disappears. In fact I wish the whole CCH license would just disappear.

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It's a shame those two riders weren't actually caught in the act. From the way it sounds, they probably would have been handcuffed in the back of a squad car.

From what I have seen in the past it's doubtful that both of them would have been caught and thrown under the jail. Most likely it would have been the one with the slowest motorcycle.

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That's some bullshit right there UP. I would think that it would be a waste of time for the State boys to persue this as they would have no case. This makes me think I should take alternative routes when in the flatlands as traffic is always bad on 83 on weekends & when you tack on harassment of innocent law abiding citizens it makes the alternate routes sound even better. I got mistaken for a law breaker in a similar situation down in Woodsfield a few years ago but the cop wasn't such a dick. I hope you've heard the last of this.

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I am seriously impressed with your editing skills. That almost seems impossible.

Great picture. I can't believe we have all been past that place so many times before knowing it was there. That's what happens when you put two really good curves in the road right in front of it.

Blitz, your PM is full.

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