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Question for Catholics


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This is not meant as a religious debate...just informational.


What does the pope actually do?   I am trying to understand how he is vital to the Catholic church.  I don't believe the Pope is ever mentioned anywhere in the Bible so I'm not sure how the role of Pope cam into existence.


When I was young we went to a church that was a branch of protestant.  There were no bishops, cardinals, or a pope and they seemed to operate OK.  I've been to a Catholic church 2 or 3 times and much of it was foreign to me.  

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He is the successor of the apostle Peter, who is considered the ring leader of all of the apostles...thus the leader of the Catholic church.  Someone has to be in charge...it is the pope. Even you heathen Protestants that are all going to hell have a similar setup...for example the Anglican Protestants have the ArchBishop of Canterbury. The Pope is cooler though because he is considered to have a direct line to God.


I saw the last one in Rome, at a mass at Vatican City. I am not Catholic nor very religious but it was one of the coolest most moving things I have ever been a part of. Ranked right up there with swimming in the wild with dolphins.

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Someone has to be in charge...it is the pope. Even you heathen Protestants that are all going to hell have a similar setup...for example the Anglican Protestants have the ArchBishop of Canterbury. 


That's not true for many denominations of Christianity.  Many churches are independent or loosely grouped with a few others without hierarchy.


I saw the last one in Rome, at a mass at Vatican City. I am not Catholic nor very religious but it was one of the coolest most moving things I have ever been a part of. Ranked right up there with swimming in the wild with dolphins.


Imagine how cool it be to swim with the Pope?!?!

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The Pope is a figure head that lives on top of shit tons of world treasures secured by conquering countries and land in the name of Catholicism. .He puts on a happy face and says to do good to others while the Church asks for 40% of your salary so they can survive.

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While I am not Christian, the subject does interest me.  


I've read the entire Bible and no where in there is the need for a pope mentioned.  There is no statement about him having a direct line with god, or anything of the sort.  If the pope is the one human on earth that has a direct line to god, it seems like that would have been important enough to at least mention in the Bible, no?  


To me it seems like the church needs him as a leader, but the religion does not.  Thoughts?

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Multiple branches of Christianity have an unfavorable opinion of Catholicism.


The church I was raised in (again I am not Christian) thought Catholics were "misguided" in many ways.  One big issue that I remember was that Catholics pray to Mary.  The church taught that it was a sin to pray to anyone except God/Jesus/HS.  Praying to Mary was not allowed.

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Like the Queen (UK), the Pope is basically another monarch. The last Roman Emperor. More or less harmless. The only annoyance is being preached to on several moral fronts by a guy that can't get his own organization into the gender equality game. I've whined about that before. So, carry on.

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I just wish he would stick to church matters and stay out of politics. Christmas and Easter Catholic here. I don't want to go too often. Scared that the priest will "bad touch" me or some such shit.

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Lol, what "church matters" don't involve politics?

We've politicized whether scientific facts are really scientific facts, what isn't political anymore?

He wasn't telling you how to vote, he was telling you how we should live.

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Like the Queen (UK), the Pope is basically another monarch. The last Roman Emperor. More or less harmless. The only annoyance is being preached to on several moral fronts by a guy that can't get his own organization into the gender equality game. I've whined about that before. So, carry on.

Got negative rep for this. Made me laugh. Thanks motocat. Mistake?

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Funny how people think catholics aren't bibley enough when they basically assembled and edited the silly book in the first place.

Almost, but not quite. Prior to printing, the hand written copies were produced in Hebrew for old testament and Greek for new testament. Written by Hebrew and Greek scholars, 400 to 800 years before the hand-written Catholic translation in Latin by St Josephe in 382AD. But yes, essentially the printed Gutenburg Bible in 1455, from the St Josephe translation would be the first mass produced. Even if it was only a few copies.But it was in Latin. The first English text was hand written in 384AD and was a radical/liberal translation from that first Catholic text by John Wycliffe in England, in opposition to the Catholic church. Which made the Pope angry, and he had John Wycliffe's grave dug up and his bones crushed. After that was the mass produced printed German translation by Martin Luther in 1522-1534. (Which also made the Pope angry.) Not translated from the Gutenburg, but rather direct from the original Greek and Latin. This German translation would lead to other versions of non-Catholic English bibles. From 1535 to 1611 various English translations were produced leading to the King James Version.


By 500AD the Bible had been translated into over 500 languages.

By 600AD the Catholic church did forbid all copies other than Latin.


edit: And yes, in the 1880s, the 14 Apocryphal books were removed from Protestant Bibles, making it 66 books instead of the original 80 books of the Bible. No official reason was ever given.

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He's exactly what the Catholic church needed, someone that wasn't indoctrinated into the politics of Vatican City, is progressive and as far as I can tell follows pretty closely to the teachings of Christ. Granted, I'm not exactly a Christian but Christian philosophy so far as the new testament goes isn't a bad thing.

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I'm always amazed at Christians who take issue with the current Pope. All he is doing is preaching the teachings of Jesus and leaving out the shit that isn't part of those teachings. I would imagine Jesus would very much like the current Pope. It's funny that so many people get caught up in the nonsensical bullshit of religion, to the point that they can't even recognize what he's actually doing. 

I am afraid I have a different take on that.


As I've said before, I think Pope Francis is a nice guy but a bad Catholic.  He is working to get Catholic churches to help the poor.  He wants to include people that may have not felt welcome.  I have no problem with shaking up things in the Vatican............BUT a few of his ideas seem like a TV executive desperately trying to boost ratings.


Don't like the church's stance on divorce?  Well let's go ahead and water that down a bit.  

Don't like the church's stance on homosexuals?  Hey we're willing to change.  

Does that make it easier for you to be Catholic.  Great, please put your donation in the collection plate!     


Was God not willing to tell his wishes to previous Popes, but Francis is his new bestie? Did Francis get God to change his mind or is he just shopping easy answers that people want to hear?    I don't think any religion can claim any sort of validity when it bows to pressure from current social opinions.


The Catholic church needs to change to stay relevant.  But how can a "True" religion change without running rife with hypocrisy?

Edited by Tpoppa
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