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And nothing can ever be the same..


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So Snot and I are going to see Rocky Horror. Grumpy butt can stay home.

I'm grumpy just because I'm not a fan of oddball musicals? Or because I called you dickwart? If it's any consolation, it was meant as a term of endearment

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I've never seen this in any iteration. After seeing the first post, I do believe I'm missing out.

Are you kidding me? You cant rent it. We have to get wasted and go to the theater. Its full on audience participation. Time warp in the aisles, squirt guns to simulate rain....yelling SLUT at Janet...the blond....

Jesus. Wow.

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I've never seen this in any iteration. After seeing the first post, I do believe I'm missing out.

Are you kidding me? You cant rent it. We have to get wasted and go to the theater. Its full on audience participation. Time warp in the aisles, squirt guns to simulate rain....yelling SLUT at Janet...the blond....

Jesus. Wow.

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I've never seen this in any iteration. After seeing the first post, I do believe I'm missing out.

Are you kidding me? You cant rent it. We have to get wasted and go to the theater. Its full on audience participation. Time warp in the aisles, squirt guns to simulate rain....yelling SLUT at Janet...the blond....

Jesus. Wow.

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I was initiated into this at a young age. My mother had the soundtrack and played it for my sister and I when we were 13 and 14 or so. We did the time warp in the living room. Later, she took us to the highland theater on a Saturday night where we summarily had our foreheads marked with a V for virgin. During the next couple hours we experienced rocky as it was intended....and my mother got hit square in the mouth with a wet roll of toilet paper.

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lol... one of the odd theaters here in Columbus ran it every weekend at midnight for years and years...

Graceland. We used to go in high school we had nothing better to do. 2 pounds of rice and a pocket full of toast in camo pants.

We would get shitfaced in my dad's camper van before going in. Good times.

Edited by max power
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