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Ar least Mac's and iPhones are safe.


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Since when did cell phones become penis extenders? Are they the new pick up truck lift kits?


Honestly I haven't a clue, but I'm guessing that among the millennials, smart phones are tables stakes for even just a flirt.  Or an ironic beard.

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I'm sorry, I was busy removing a virus from my mother-in-law's Windows computer. Didn't have time to read that article.

I run 3000 windows computers with no AV. They dont get virus's. You should stick to mysql.

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The data in the link does not really mean squat.

Show me a link when IOS lets 90 million + dollars get syphoned through users phones, or when 10 million + desktops (OSX) get turned into zombie computers used for for DoS attacks.

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The data in the link does not really mean squat.

Show me a link when IOS lets 90 million + dollars get syphoned through users phones, or when 10 million + desktops (OSX) get turned into zombie computers used for for DoS attacks.

That isnt the fault of windows. It is the fault if lazy incompetent people that run their systems.

For example Caspers family has virus, and was probably one of the zombies you speak of. None of my family has that problem. I'll remind you that OR, which runs on Nix and is administered from Macs, got hacked.

Shoddy security and bad choices cause hacks.

I know the details of most of the major hacks you speak of. Damn near everyone of them was a user running admin on an unpatched machine clicking on bad shit in an email that never should have been delivered...that took them to a website that never should have been allowed.

Target, Sony, the Feds personnel records all of them went down that way. The level of incompetence in all of them is staggering.


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That isnt the fault of windows. It is the fault if lazy incompetent people that run their systems.

For example Caspers family has virus, and was probably one of the zombies you speak of. None of my family has that problem. I'll remind you that OR, which runs on Nix and is administered from Macs, got hacked.

Shoddy security and bad choices cause hacks.

I know the details of most of the major hacks you speak of. Damn near everyone of them was a user running admin on an unpatched machine clicking on bad shit in an email that never should have been delivered...that took them to a website that never should have been allowed.

Target, Sony, the Feds personnel records all of them went down that way. The level of incompetence in all of them is staggering.


There is no doubt Windows is much better than in the past, and if you use the tools provided the system can be pretty safe. Even with the new and better tools, I still use Sophos AV on Windows based machines.

Still think Andriod has a major problem with how fractured it has become. Just like Linux, even though they are using the same basic kernel, some distros have tidied things up some are loose as a goose. This is something Google needs to get a handle on.

The largest problem is most users do not know how to use office let alone know anything about securing the PC.

Edited by whaler
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Problem with Android is the carriers are in the middle of the update process causing either massive delays or even never on updates. And that is real bullshit. I have a Google controlled phone..a Nexus. Google released security updates today. I got them today.

Google is very good with security, they need to drop a hammer on the carriers. And are doing so. The security updates only take a couple of weeks now, even on Verizon. But that is a very recent change.

The Chromebooks are totally google controled and they are rock solid. But not allowing Java is huge, and is how most hackers get a foothold on a windows network.

Dave did a live hack for channel 5 in Cleveland on a Mac. Phished them to a website that attacked their out of date Java and owned them.


Did the same thing to a PC on Katie Couric.


Put an unpatched anything in a not text savy persons hand they will get owned if someone wants to own them. Bottom line, you dont see the big corporate hacks on macs because the high value targets dont use them

Edited by Tonik
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I get 0 viruses on my windows computer. On the other hand, I have to clean my mom's up occasionally because of the shit she clicks. She swears she doesn't do anything but I know is her and her stupid games she plays...I got tired of having to go over so I put a remote desktop on there so I could fix it from home.

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