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OMRL 2016 OMRL Racing Starts this SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY!


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Come on out and enjoy the beautiful weather and racing. Expecting sun and 70's plus a lot of folks have already registered.

Preregister on the website, print and bring with you to the track to speed up registration. 

We have a new kids 50 cc class this year to help grow the sport. Bring yo' kids!

Special thanks to TWOO for the awesome website.

Hope to see everyone Sunday to race, or at least to spectate. 

Message me or email the club with questions.

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5 minutes ago, Jester_ said:

I have a few years until my little guy will be ready to ride but if he is interested I am looking forward to getting him involved in omrl. 

Dan, Start 'em young!  If he has your mad skilz, he should be out there by next summer!

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52 minutes ago, F4iguy said:

Dan, Start 'em young!  If he has your mad skilz, he should be out there by next summer!

hah if he has my skilz he might need to wait 20 years to get out there. 

I would actually like to get into omrl myself but dont have the time while riding on the big track. Maybe once he gets into it I can start riding as well. 

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The little track has so much to offer like radically lower costs.  Less stressful environment. Lower risk of major injuries.  Much closer racing and a lot more sliding.  Bikes crash extremely well if you race a dirt bike chassis.  Big bikes are awesome and so are big tracks too.  I've seen and heard enough stories of air lifted riders due to others mistakes to keep me on the little tracks.  OMRL Dream Team just got back from a 12 hour endurance race at NJ Motorsports Park Liberator Course. We came in first in class by over 30 laps and 3rd overall despite being on stock XR100's as compared to most on 150F's with slicks. 


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5 hours ago, Idiot said:

This looks pretty cool, I'll probably go down just to watch for a while!


Did you guys see that they added a mini road race to the vintage motorcycle days at mid ohio?

Hope people come out and we see you there. 


I'm the new VP of OMRL and we are working with the AMA to put the mini race on at vintage days. It should help with exposure. 

Edited by turnone
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On 4/19/2016 at 0:17 PM, turnone said:

The little track has so much to offer like radically lower costs.  Less stressful environment. Lower risk of major injuries.  Much closer racing and a lot more sliding.  Bikes crash extremely well if you race a dirt bike chassis.  Big bikes are awesome and so are big tracks too.  I've seen and heard enough stories of air lifted riders due to others mistakes to keep me on the little tracks.  OMRL Dream Team just got back from a 12 hour endurance race at NJ Motorsports Park Liberator Course. We came in first in class by over 30 laps and 3rd overall despite being on stock XR100's as compared to most on 150F's with slicks. 


I think making "big tracks and big bikes" sound scary is a pretty hefty opinion based comment.  I have personally seen enough "mistakes of others" on small tracks and small bikes to add a similar opinion.  I think it is a great opportunity to an alternative form of racing.  Don't go adding anything negative towards big stuff as those of us that have been doing it for years and successfully can say otherwise.  I've been doing it for 22years and can say with fact that it is safe and exciting and something that not everyone can do, but has become more and more accessible.

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agree.  i generally find it a boner killer when i hear bad mouthing of any motor sport in an attempt to elevate the appeal of someone's preferred flavor of motors and rubbers.

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I'd like to take the wife along for some spectating to the G&J events this year.   Her tiny ass would be great for this kind of racing, and I wouldn't mind trying the large-tarded-beginners-supermoto class someday too

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5 hours ago, Moto-Brian said:

I think making "big tracks and big bikes" sound scary is a pretty hefty opinion based comment.  I have personally seen enough "mistakes of others" on small tracks and small bikes to add a similar opinion.  I think it is a great opportunity to an alternative form of racing.  Don't go adding anything negative towards big stuff as those of us that have been doing it for years and successfully can say otherwise.  I've been doing it for 22years and can say with fact that it is safe and exciting and something that not everyone can do, but has become more and more accessible.

I guess you missed the good things I said about big bikes.  However, I strongly disagree with you if you think the risks of MAJOR injury are the same.  I consider it one benefit to lower speeds is lower risk of major injury.  You are entitled to your incorrect opinion.

5 hours ago, jbot said:

agree.  i generally find it a boner killer when i hear bad mouthing of any motor sport in an attempt to elevate the appeal of someone's preferred flavor of motors and rubbers.

I'm not in the business of maintaining your erection.  I wouldn't discourage anyone from going big bike racing. To each their own.  But I can and will make comparison to other forms of entertainment and Motorsports.  Should I not be able to say its cheaper, because that's a comparison that might be looked as a negative?   

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I'm pumped for this weekend. Bikes are prep'd. Trailer is ready (enough). Went grocery shopping. Just need to fill the gas cans, pack the gear, and drive there tomorrow for some practice laps!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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5 hours ago, turnone said:

I'm not in the business of maintaining your erection.  I wouldn't discourage anyone from going big bike racing. To each their own.  But I can and will make comparison to other forms of entertainment and Motorsports.  Should I not be able to say its cheaper, because that's a comparison that might be looked as a negative?   

hey, do what you think is best to grow your sport i guess.  it doesn't change my personal interest in it (which is positive).  i'm offering my opinion (which you can choose to disregard, no blood lost from my boner if you do or don't) that the tactic of negatively contrasting other motor sports for the benefit of yours is unnecessary.  you wanted to get the message across that "small bike racing is cheap and low risk for injury".  in addition to saying those things, you throw in the jab about the mountains of corpses air lifted off to their weeping mothers.  i feel like small bike racing already has enough going for it that the people that are interested will give it a try without the need to highlight the dangers of other types of racing as some sort of foil.  two wheeled racing has a hard enough life in the states as it is.  if people ask me about racing bikes, i don't feel the need to talk shit about motorized unicycle racing and how wobbly and hard to maintain balance it is.  so fucking hard.

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19 hours ago, jbot said:

hey, do what you think is best to grow your sport i guess.  it doesn't change my personal interest in it (which is positive).  i'm offering my opinion (which you can choose to disregard, no blood lost from my boner if you do or don't) that the tactic of negatively contrasting other motor sports for the benefit of yours is unnecessary.  you wanted to get the message across that "small bike racing is cheap and low risk for injury".  in addition to saying those things, you throw in the jab about the mountains of corpses air lifted off to their weeping mothers.  i feel like small bike racing already has enough going for it that the people that are interested will give it a try without the need to highlight the dangers of other types of racing as some sort of foil.  two wheeled racing has a hard enough life in the states as it is.  if people ask me about racing bikes, i don't feel the need to talk shit about motorized unicycle racing and how wobbly and hard to maintain balance it is.  so fucking hard.

He doesn't get it, man.  And he's the "VP".  Great way to promote...  He knows more than we do.  He's raced big bikes and apparently saw masses of bodies being trucked out.  You hit exactly what I was trying to say...

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On April 22, 2016 at 9:41 AM, jbot said:

agree.  i generally find it a boner killer when i hear bad mouthing of any motor sport in an attempt to elevate the appeal of someone's preferred flavor of motors and rubbers.

Except NASCAR. NASCAR sucks. 

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On 4/22/2016 at 3:28 PM, turnone said:

I guess you missed the good things I said about big bikes.  However, I strongly disagree with you if you think the risks of MAJOR injury are the same.  I consider it one benefit to lower speeds is lower risk of major injury.  You are entitled to your incorrect opinion.

I'm not in the business of maintaining your erection.  I wouldn't discourage anyone from going big bike racing. To each their own.  But I can and will make comparison to other forms of entertainment and Motorsports.  Should I not be able to say its cheaper, because that's a comparison that might be looked as a negative?   

The issue is simple.  You can get killed walking across the street in a quiet town and not get a scratch crossing the street between taxis in NY City.  There's risk in EVERYTHING you do.  Is it higher on the big tracks vs small tracks?  Don't really know.  There aren't as many small track racing orgs as track days and race orgs for the big bikes so I don't know the math to say I am an expert.  I have been doing it a long time and the number of deaths and airlifts I have witnessed have been too many on big courses.  I have raced and played on small bikes and tracks and have seen some injuries also.  But, you apparently know, so we will say you're the expert and everyone should dismiss big bike racing and track days and sell their bikes and buy XR100s.  Sounds like a plan. 

I have two for sale.  Any takers? 

The point is this...  Racing is fun.  Track days are fun.  Small bikes are a blast and the racing is tight and exciting.  But example the fun and excitement of your racing and your org without the side jabs to our sport.  Please?  I know you've done big bikes for a short stint and am proud that you gave it a shot.  But don't use metrics like cost and danger vs big racing and big bikes to promote your series.  You're the VP.  You have an image...

Also consider that you need to promote getting the big bike guys to buy and come down to race and ride.  Get the perception of what we feel towards the smaller bike guys fixed and don't add salt to wounds by saying big bikes are so dangerous and helicopters are a norm.  Think about this...  At a typical track day, we see over 100 people and they are riding from 9am until 5pm.  In that amount of time and miles covered at a performance level, we have had several days without rolling an EMS unit and even more days where we never had a bird called in.  There are days that we do.  Don't get me wrong.  I've watched a friend die in front of me at the track.  I've watched friends get seriously hurt.  I've been hurt.  But I also have seen some crazy crashes at the go kart tracks and even seen some guys get seriously hurt down there.  Happens.  Big or small. 

Just focus on the positives.  People should come because it is fun.  It is obtainable.  It is easy to get started and not a lot invested should they not want to do it again.  It is a cahnce to include family and have the kids join in.  It is also competitive and close racing.  Things like that.  Keep the big bikes out...  Now people understand why our endurance team a while ago was called "The Big Bad Bike Guys"...  ;)

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My apologies. I've struck a nerve with a few here who have misinterpreted my statements.  I said I've seen and heard of enough for me, I should have added at my age and life situation.  I also said lower risk of major injuries. Not injuries all together .  I don't mean to imply that life flights are the normal.  I know I'd rather crash a 175lb bike at 30 mph than a 400 lb one at double or triple that.   This is how I feel.  

Please keep racing whatever you like. If anyone wants to try minis, which is growing nationally, we have a cheap and fun way to do so here in Ohio.  

Well be having fun for under $100 all day tomorrow.

To recap, I'm a fan of all forms of racing especially two wheel racing. 

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My apologies. I've struck a nerve with a few here who have misinterpreted my statements.  I said I've seen and heard of enough for me, I should have added at my age and life situation.  I also said lower risk of major injuries. Not injuries all together .  I don't mean to imply that life flights are the normal.  I know I'd rather crash a 175lb bike at 30 mph than a 400 lb one at double or triple that.   This is how I feel.  

Please keep racing whatever you like. If anyone wants to try minis, which is growing nationally, we have a cheap and fun way to do so here in Ohio.  

Well be having fun for under $100 all day tomorrow.

To recap, I'm a fan of all forms of racing especially two wheel racing. 

I got your sediment, Chris... I've never been "big bike" racing but I have been mini and it's a freaking hoot. Wish I could make it down tomorrow... My wife works... As such, I have the kiddos.

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19 hours ago, Idiot said:

These races were really cool to watch!  I've never seen motorcycle racing on a kart track before and wow this was fun!  I thought the classes were really well set up because it was pretty obvious that technique was winning the races, not pure power.  You could see the talent in the leaders and you could even watch as everyone out there got better and faster every single lap.  Thanks, OMRL, great racing!  I put a few dozen pics of the racing up on my flickr account:





Great pics!

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Well I had a great time yesterday!  Brought my buddy out for the first time and he's shopping for an XR now.  I was running lap times consistent with where I was at the end of last season so I feel good about that.  Thanks for helping to get so many people out, Chris, VMD should be fun too!

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