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Hillary Just a Thought.


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On 9/27/2016 at 10:11 AM, drc32-0 said:

Congratulations conservo-nazis...you picked the only candidate that Hillary  could possibly beat.If she gets elected you did it.


Congratulations bat shit insane libs, you picked the only candidate that couldn't beat Trump. He got elected, and you did it.

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Ooohhhhh FUUUCCKKK.... We're doomed. Please let this imbecile get a blow job so we can impeach him before the U.S.A becomes the most hated and most bigoted nation in the world. And before the U.S.A. becomes Hiroshima pt. 2.


I might just have to look into relocation to Vancouver B.C... A country with a bat shit crazy bigoted rich greedy capitalist sexist president is going to go seriously downhill fast... How ebarassing to be a U.S. citizen in this day in history. What a shame. Land of the Free, "Give us your poor, your tired, your weak" is all thrown out the window. Now it's "If you's aint white, get the hell out and don't you dare try in tunnel under are $300,000,000,000,000 wall on the border..."



Sit back and let our reputation get further tarnished, I suppose.  The U.S.A. as we know it will never be the great place it was in the early 2000's. We are fucked. The right wing voters have no clue what they have done. Grave mistakes....

Edited by Chuck78
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If you're trying to spot me around Columbus, very soon I will be the guy with the "F*CK TRUMP 2016" fake election stickers on all of my vehicles....

I cannot put in words how disappointed I am in 51%+ of U.S. citizens right now.


Brexit part 2 - Trumpaggedon

Is what I'm already reading all over the internet. Very, very fitting reference...

Now at least we may be able to buy any assault rifle that we want....

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8 minutes ago, Chuck78 said:

If you're trying to spot me around Columbus, very soon I will be the guy with the "F*CK TRUMP 2016" fake election stickers on all of my vehicles....

I cannot put in words how disappointed I am in 51%+ of U.S. citizens right now.


Brexit part 2 - Trumpaggedon

Is what I'm already reading all over the internet. Very, very fitting reference...

Now at least we may be able to buy any assault rifle that we want....

And how we're clintons back room dealings going to be any better for the US?

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The 'split' Republican party has been overwhelmed by the popular vote as have the Democrats. It's quite a win for the conservative politicians. The Legislative branch - The Senate and Congress. The Executive branch - President. The only one left is the Judicial branch and with Supreme court nominies in the future that also looks to be a real posibility.

It is a given that the media will soon rally and go back to their playbook of running down the Republicians/Conservitives. Trump won't be able to sneeze without the media going into a frenzy over it. Ah, the good old days.

Meanwhile.... Everybody is waiting to see how Trump lives up to his campaign promises.

This is going to get very interesting.

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2 hours ago, Chuck78 said:

If you're trying to spot me around Columbus, very soon I will be the guy with the "F*CK TRUMP 2016" fake election stickers on all of my vehicles....

I cannot put in words how disappointed I am in 51%+ of U.S. citizens right now.

The night of the fight, you may feel a slight sting. That's pride fucking with you. Fuck pride. Pride only hurts. It never helps. You fight through that shit -- Marsellus Wallace

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I didn't vote for the maniac, and certainly didn't want him to be president. But.


I'm enjoying the fuck out of all the butthurt in the media and democratic party. What did @TimTheAzn say the other day? Play a stupid candidate, win an even stupider president? 

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Just now, what said:

I didn't vote for the maniac, and certainly didn't want him to be president. But.


I'm enjoying the fuck out of all the butthurt in the media and democratic party. What did @TimTheAzn say the other day? Play a stupid candidate, win an even stupider president? 

No that was in the thread about a kid that died lane splitting and I said play stupid games win stupid prizes. Then some guy tried to call me on it. ;)

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24 minutes ago, TimTheAzn said:

No that was in the thread about a kid that died lane splitting and I said play stupid games win stupid prizes. Then some guy tried to call me on it. ;)

Way to take everything literally, TIM.

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A friend just told me this:

"The Canadian immigration site crashed last night because so many Americans were looking at it"


Wife told me Mexican currency dropped drastically in value simultaneously as well...


Congratulations to the 49% of voters who elected this sexist racist jester/bufoon. 

I just realized that Hillary actually had 51% of the popular vote, yet the electoral college totally f'd this one up. What the hell?!?! Government...nit run by the choices of the citizens, only run by the rich predominantly white men in power.  Undeniable. 


Trump is now our poster boy figure head spokes-idiot (spokesperson). Good job USA, you screwed up big time. The Bern should have been opposing the Bufoon. I had hoped I would never see the day come where it was shameful and/or embarrassing to be recognized as a USA citizen. This is truly an embarassment.

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