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Hillary Just a Thought.


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1 hour ago, Chuck78 said:

Have you not been conscious for the past 8 or 10 months???? Trump accused the majority of Undocumented INS escapees as being rapists, drug dealers, & other miscreants, & " there might be a few good ones after all of the bad ones..."  


Bush/Obama have deported mutliple murderers multiple times. Fact

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I know many people that find corruptness far more despicable than offensive language (or statements).  They also understand that disarming the middle class will have no effect on gun violence.  The path to prosperity doesn't include $20 trillion in debt with budget deficits as far as the eye can see.  Obamacare is in a death spiral and throwing more money at it is not the optimal solution.  

I live in the suburbs, and most of my friends have college educations.  Almost all of them voted for Trump.  They are not uneducated bigots.  Only a bigot would make a blanket statement about half the US population. 

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10 hours ago, Chuck78 said:

Too difficult to uproot my extended family and move the B.C., ....the B.C. option is just a fallback plan...

My entire family is originally from the Vancouver area of BC.  I think you'll find that you pretty much need to be multi-millionaire to move there and raise a family now.  The influx of well-to-do families from Asia and the Middle East over the last 2-3 decades has driven property prices to astronomical levels.  In addition, income tax rates levied by the government to pay for social programs like free medical care--which ISN'T that great, BTW--and free college, along with very generous welfare programs, is much higher than rates in the US, approaching 70% in some provinces.  Might want to settle just south of the border in the central WA or ID area.  Lots of preppers and predictors of the zombie apocalypse there already.

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Tpoppa's post...I've no use for M.M.'s fat flaky ass.  But this time he's hit the nail on the head.  And like Andy I'll work on one of my bikes, get some shit done around my house and then go kill some paper with one of my guns.

And I'll end anymore posting in this thread by myself.  I'm done with all the political rhetoric.  At my age I consider it more important to get on with life.

To quote a line from some biker movie, "Let's ride!"

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14 hours ago, whaler said:

Close, but wrong.  We are a Representative Republic.  There are many differences to all three.

Not wrong. All are attempts to understand and label what we have going. Democratic Republic was the original definition, per the revisionist history books. Also includes Federal Republic, Constitutional Republic, Federal Presidential Republic (CIA FactBook), and the latest take-all-grand-winner.... "constitutionally limited representative democratic republic".

Missing the point here, all are Republics, which is similar to, but not quite a Democracy.

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14 hours ago, Chuck78 said:

No, we will be stuck in a different/deeper/shittier quagmire with a "leader" who has no clue how to run the country, and is the furthest from a role model as any candidate of our lifetimes...

Don't you recall Trump being questioned about foreign policy many months ago where he clearly and blatantly undeniably lied about his "foreign policy advisor?" The man has no clue about foreign policy.

Good job 47% of the population and the electoral college, you have elected the most unfit president ever.

I'm not "butthurt" as one smart-ass commented, but rather immensely ashamed of sharing the same soil as 47% of these people that call themselves Americans.


At least the democratic candidate has nearly a 1 million vote lead forecasted in the popular vote. Trump couldn't beat the email server scandal candidate in the eyes of the public because luckily his idiocy and incompetence is far worse than the email scandal in the eyes of 1,000,000 voters. That still means that there are a whole lot of moron followers of this fool out there claiming the same nationality as the more sensible (less racist/sexist) half of the country.


What a shame. A president who has to be censored in front of children. How in the world did this happen?

Hillary is more hawk than Obama, and he loves killing folk over in the sandy desert. 


As far as Trump's foreign policy - you're exactly right. He has no clue about foreign policy, which is why he appoints a cabinet to tell him what to do. We have no idea what his foreign policy will look like until we see who's in his cabinet. At this point it could be a train wreck, it could be business as usual, or it could even be better. 

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38 minutes ago, ReconRat said:

Not wrong. All are attempts to understand and label what we have going. Democratic Republic was the original definition, per the revisionist history books. Also includes Federal Republic, Constitutional Republic, Federal Presidential Republic (CIA FactBook), and the latest take-all-grand-winner.... "constitutionally limited representative democratic republic".

Missing the point here, all are Republics, which is similar to, but not quite a Democracy.

I will accept the last one, as we we democratically elect representatives to legislate on our behalf.  Some like to confuse direct democracy (majority rule) with representative democracy.

It has become very evident that our school systems are failing our kids, they do not understand why the founding fathers specifically added the electoral college.  Also appears that people do not understand the constitution is a set of rules for the government not the people.  Constitutional rights are not government allowed rights, but rather absolute rights which can not be taken away by the government.

If only our education system would teach the federalist papers, we would have much less confusion as to how they framed and what the constitution actually represents.

Thanks for the facts!

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Admittedly, I haven't paid much attention to the protests.  Can anyone tell me the point of them?  The election wasn't close, so I'm guessing hey aren't about demanding some kind of recount.

Is it just a matter of...we're pissed off because Hillary didn't win?


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1 minute ago, drc32-0 said:

How much is it up during Obama's term?

Straw man argument.  My point is the doom and gloom stock market crash predicted by your minions in the liberal media Tuesday night was bullshit.

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Just now, drc32-0 said:

My point is accomplishments matter,talk and expectations don't.

You should follow your own advice there man.  Wait and see what Trump does, rather than the expectations fed to you by the media.  Or you can run around like a lunatic and move to BC.  Either is fine with me. 

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5 minutes ago, Tpoppa said:

Admittedly, I haven't paid much attention to the protests.  Can anyone tell me the point of them?  The election wasn't close, so I'm guessing hey aren't about demanding some kind of recount.

Is it just a matter of...we're pissed off because Hillary didn't win?


Remember,it was all rigged,just look back about two pages in this thread for several posts giving evidence of that.

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1 minute ago, drc32-0 said:

Remember,it was all rigged,just look back about two pages in this thread for several posts giving evidence of that.

I called it rigged. I truly believed that and can honestly say I think it was until WikiLeaks blew that plan to smithereens. 

Unlike you assholes I just spout off shit for entertainment purposes and very rarely use facts because it's a waste of time and i'm not that smart

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1 minute ago, Tonik said:

You should follow your own advice there man.  Wait and see what Trump does, rather than the expectations fed to you by the media.  Or you can run around like a lunatic and move to BC.  Either is fine with me. 

Thanks for making my point.That's exactly what I'll going to do,judge Trump at the end of his term.

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