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Should have bought one of these years ago.


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36 minutes ago, 2talltim said:

Yea I'm stupid obsessed about tire pressure I'll check it if ambient temperature changes more than 10 deg.

Not a bad idea at all.  Habits like that can help you catch on to slow leaks before they possibly ruin your day.

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Ok, I'll bite... A month or so ago, when I got pissed off at the cheapo gauge I had been using and took a sledgehammer to it, I decided to get something stupid outrageous for replacement and got this Longacre gauge with a 3 1/2 inch dial. It holds pressure until you release it, and 2 bleed valve buttons on the head, and the chuck swivels to fit wherever you need it. Its a bit OCD, but I get a certain giddy satisfaction of using something that works stupid outrageously well.  



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7 hours ago, Isaac's Papa said:

Wait... Don't all bikes come with aluminum, 90 degree valves stems? All of mine do. 

Bikes that weigh 8 million lbs have really big front rotors that make the 90's a bad idea. I would have put one on the front if that would solve the problem. It has one on the rear.

Edited by Tonik
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Think some of you are missing the point of jims find. Not only can you check the tire pressure with the devise you can also fill and release pressure from the tire remotely with out having to reach down multiple times into the wheel and rotors. So clip it on the then do all your doings from a distance of the wheel.

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Got mine today and I'm really impressed with the quality. The chuck, fittings and gage housing are made of brass and the gage has glass on the from and brass rivets holding thr face on. The gage says its made in USA but the box says china, maybe just the gage is made in usa and the rest in china. Has a sticker that says is accurate ti ANSI and California regulations. And it comes with a life time warranty, you just have to ship it to them with $2.50 for return postage.

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Ok I just discovered what some of my tire problems may have been this year and late last year. And I take everything back I said about my $4 HF gage.
Went out to the garage to load the bicycles up for a ride in the morning and decided to check the tires with my new gadget. Filled them up to 50 lbs and love the way the new gage works other than I think I need to thread lock the threads on the chuck pieces. Curious on how accuate the new gage id I get out my old tusty HF gage out of my bike box. The HF gage reads 45 lbs. At first I was thinking the new one was shit so I got out a selection of pencile gages and a digital slime gage. They all were reading real close to the new one the digital slime one being balls on what the new one said. Now like I stated above I have tested my HF gage against a high end gage my uncle uses on his drag car so I ran down the road to his house and tested them all. The new one was balls on with his, the digital slime gage was with in half a lb and my former trusty HF gage was reading 10% low at all pressure ranges. What I guessing is when it was newish the HF one was accurate but over the years the springs or seals or what ever on the inside has worn and it's lost its accuracy. So in the trash it went.
Now many if you know over the last year or so I've been bitch ing about tire wear on my bike. Any any kind d of under inflation on that big heavy turd will accelerate tire wear. And at 42psi on ny HF gage I was accually running around 37 or 38 which explains ALOT.
Lesson learned you get what you pay for and never assume one tool is reading correctly all the time.

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21 hours ago, 2talltim said:

Ok I just discovered what some of my tire problems may have been this year and late last year. And I take everything back I said about my $4 HF gage.
Went out to the garage to load the bicycles up for a ride in the morning and decided to check the tires with my new gadget. Filled them up to 50 lbs and love the way the new gage works other than I think I need to thread lock the threads on the chuck pieces. Curious on how accuate the new gage id I get out my old tusty HF gage out of my bike box. The HF gage reads 45 lbs. At first I was thinking the new one was shit so I got out a selection of pencile gages and a digital slime gage. They all were reading real close to the new one the digital slime one being balls on what the new one said. Now like I stated above I have tested my HF gage against a high end gage my uncle uses on his drag car so I ran down the road to his house and tested them all. The new one was balls on with his, the digital slime gage was with in half a lb and my former trusty HF gage was reading 10% low at all pressure ranges. What I guessing is when it was newish the HF one was accurate but over the years the springs or seals or what ever on the inside has worn and it's lost its accuracy. So in the trash it went.
Now many if you know over the last year or so I've been bitch ing about tire wear on my bike. Any any kind d of under inflation on that big heavy turd will accelerate tire wear. And at 42psi on ny HF gage I was accually running around 37 or 38 which explains ALOT.
Lesson learned you get what you pay for and never assume one tool is reading correctly all the time.

Glad you figured out the issue with the premature tire wear.  The gauge that lied to me was off a lot more than yours, but it drove me to do the same and invest in a quality gauge.  

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Glad you figured out the issue with the premature tire wear.  The gauge that lied to me was off a lot more than yours, but it drove me to do the same and invest in a quality gauge.  

I am sure I'm riding harder and faster than I ever did before but this wasn't helping.
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On 7/13/2016 at 6:04 PM, 2talltim said:

Or I could order this one that is 1/3 the price


On 7/16/2016 at 10:42 PM, 2talltim said:

Lesson learned you get what you pay for


Apparently not.

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51 minutes ago, 2talltim said:

its basically the same damn one you have just branded different.:nono: that's not being cheap that being froogle 

Like when you bought that HF gauge that ate multiple $200 tires?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went with a Motion Pro Digital Tire Pressure Gauge ( https://www.amazon.com/Motion-Pro-08-0468-Digital-Pressure/dp/B006LAD61S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1470088692&sr=8-1&keywords=motion+pro+digital+tire+pressure+gauge ) after my el' cheapo Pit Posse gauge started acting up.


I use my Motion Pro gauge on my cars, bikes, etc.  I love it and well worth the cost in the long run.  Besides, tire pressures are important to me to get the last bit of grip, mileage out of my bike tires, etc.


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