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Hillary's fair share ad.


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The ad that states she wants to make those at the top pay their fair share of taxes then penalize companies who move operation over seas. Is it one topic or two..

I get furious every time I hear this ad. Define fair share you misleading, propaganda spewing, ignorance catering, vote snatching bitch. Tell me exactly what taxes they are not paying because I want to know!? What loop holes are the ultra rich or profitable companies taking advantage of?

Why should companies or people pay a higher percentage then someone who pays nothing or a tiny %!  You want to tax the profitable more yet are upset they move overseas.  

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Gump.  You are going to get me all fired up first thing.   Allt hat I am going to say is that the Free Shit Army is taking over this country.  Makes me insane every time I look at the tax portion of my paycheck and then I hear that I should be paying more.

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1 minute ago, Wojo72 said:

Gump.  You are going to get me all fired up first thing.   Allt hat I am going to say is that the Free Shit Army is taking over this country.  Makes me insane every time I look at the tax portion of my paycheck and then I hear that I should be paying more.

The free shit army is being misled for votes. They drive this ignorant, false, "hate" the successful person/business mentality.  I've never looked at someone rich or better off than me and thought damn he/she should give back so I can have more. What I think about is what are they doing right, so I can copy it and be more successful.   

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@Gump No, no...you got it all wrong. You're thinking like a white man. Not having to take accountability for your own actions or your own well-being means you're entitled to free stuff. To note:

"It's sad because you know, this what happened because they not helping the black community. Like, you know, the rich people, they got all this money, and they not like trying to give us none."


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4 minutes ago, Bubba said:

@Gump No, no...you got it all wrong. You're thinking like a white man. Not having to take accountability for your own actions or your own well-being means you're entitled to free stuff. To note:

"It's sad because you know, this what happened because they not helping the black community. Like, you know, the rich people, they got all this money, and they not like trying to give us none."


I'd like to think the media is like the Jerry Springer show anymore.  Finding the best of the worst and using it to create drama and a story based on BS because facts are not entertaining. Hopefully most people are not like this jerk off.

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28 minutes ago, Gump said:

I'd like to think the media is like the Jerry Springer show anymore.  Finding the best of the worst and using it to create drama and a story based on BS because facts are not entertaining. Hopefully most people are not like this jerk off.

Speaking of a media circus, anyone see the editorial by Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke?  Strong words from a public figure.  Quoted:

"The Milwaukee riots should be the last time the policies of liberal Democrats are held up as anything other than misery-inducing, divisive, exploitative and racist manipulation of the urban populations. Unfortunately they won’t. As Sheriff of Milwaukee County, I am furious that the progressive left has put my citizens in harm’s way and that I had to send my officers into cauldrons of anarchy and hatred that were created by the left. As an elected public servant I am livid that Milwaukee’s pathetic, kowtowing city officials and aldermen take this opportunity to abandon their citizens and preen before the Black Lives Matter-enabling media. As a leader who understands that freedom and earned success are the pathways out of the ghetto, I’m disappointed, too, in any Republican that feels they need to tiptoe around the patently obvious issue at-hand: we are folding our society of freedom ensured through law-and- order over to bullies of the left. The politicians and talking heads on both sides of the aisle who offer little resistance and total cowardice."

"The failed progressive urban policy causes anger and resentment in people that simmers below the surface. The officer-involved-shooting was simply a catalyst that ignited the already volatile mixture of inescapable poverty, failing K-12 public schools, dysfunctional lifestyle choices like father absent homes, gang involvement, drug/alcohol abuse and massive unemployment. Here are the facts: Milwaukee is run by progressive Democrats. Their decades-long Democrat regime has done nothing to reduce these urban pathologies, in fact, their strategies have exacerbated the situation by expanding the welfare state. That things have not improved and in fact worsened in the American ghetto after eight years of Barack Obama is remarkable only to those who have not been paying attention to our nation’s cities."

"There’s only one answer, which is for the citizens of America to expose and heap scorn on this lying and dangerous triad of big government, liberal mainstream media, and the lost souls of the urban ghettos both these institutions feed upon for their power. A self-examination and self-criticism by the underclass is in order as well - as is an admission by Progressive Democrats that they have failed Milwaukee would be the first step in reversing this urban decay and reversing the growth of the underclass and their accompanying cultural rot. What happened Saturday night and again Sunday night had little to do with police use of force – it was a collapse of the social order where tribal behavior leads to reacting to circumstances instead of waiting for facts to emerge. The law of the jungle replaced the rule of law in Milwaukee Saturday night over an armed career criminal suspect who confronted police. Four other people were murdered in Milwaukee in separate incidents before the cop shooting and no riots ensued."

"The actions were the manifestation of a population with no hope, no stake in the American dream that could provide advancement and purpose and pride of self. They are the ones lied to, exploited by and ultimately manipulated by the Democrats who claim to care. They are victims of the left, but they are not without blame. It’s time for them to remember their own humanity, their own dignity, and to fight for that return to the American Dream that the left would withhold from them."


12 minutes ago, Tonik said:

You rump rangers are not even coming close to paying your fair share for the roads you use.

Waiting for instructions from the electorate as to how much I need to send as reparation for being self-supporting and independent.

And in case you hadn't noticed, our money isn't buying much in the way of quality roads.  IJS...

Edited by Bubba
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@Idiot I'm not necessarily espousing Clarke's rhetoric, merely quoting it.  In truth, it's no more or less inflammatory than the rhetoric put out by BLM and other liberal media outlets.  Does language like this lead to a more productive conversation about finding a solution?  Don't know, but I'm in my mid-60s and I've seen the the cold war fear of nuclear destruction on my parents' faces as a kid in the 50s, race riots of the 60s, the peace protests during the 'Nam war era, the emergence and justification of rabid extremism in politics and religion, and we don't seem to have crawled very far out of the sewer yet.

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I would like to know if anyone believes the top 20% of earners are paying "Their Fair Share", based on the IRS figures the top 20% pay 84% of the taxes. I consider this more than their fair share.

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I find it curious that she's always seems to leading the poles yet of the hundreds of people I know personally there is only maybe three that I know are supporting her. And as I drive around I see trump signs all over the place and seen maybe 2 Hillary signs.

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@Idiot From the sounds of your response, that makes you a social liberal and a fiscal conservative.  Not a bad thing, but somewhat difficult to find a tenable position from which to act.  The problem I see is that nearly everyone in the country--voters on both sides--are looking to the federal government for a fix.  Problem is that whenever you try to go for "The Big Fix" it entails creating, maintaining, and growing an ever larger, more powerful and expensive bureaucracy to accomplish the desired goal.  And of course, it's funded with your money, and rarely improves the quality of your life directly.  I think the only feasible solution lies with greater funding at the local level and smaller funding of the central efforts.

We should look to our central governments at the federal and state level to take care of the big things:  funding and maintaining an army for the stability and defense of the nation, creation and adjudication of the laws, building and maintaining public infra-structure (roads, water, sewer, power grids), and ensuring a stable economic central monetary policy.  Nearly everything else, and primarily our social needs and problems, should be funded at the local level which results in a much smaller government entity and greater effectiveness at flowing money to the necessary areas.

This philosophy used to be what the core of the Republican party was built around, but their vision was lost decades ago and now, the two-party system...isn't:  voting Democrat or Republican basically accomplishes the same thing--your money will be spent on growing a central power bureaucracy whose main aim is ensure it's own ever-expanding existence.

On that note, I'm heading to the garage to do an oil change on my KTM...

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2 minutes ago, 2talltim said:

I find it curious that she's always seems to leading the poles yet of the hundreds of people I know personally there is only maybe three that I know are supporting her. And as I drive around I see trump signs all over the place and seen maybe 2 Hillary signs.

You live in the country which is always far more right winged leaning.  You hang with people of like mind, people you like and who share your views on life.  It is human nature. So saying people you know is not a valid sampling of the voting base.

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Just now, Tonik said:

You live in the country which is always far more right winged leaning.  You hang with people of like mind, people you like and who share your views on life.  It is human nature. So saying people you know is not a valid sampling of the voting base.

This is true.


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42 minutes ago, 2talltim said:

I find it curious that she's always seems to leading the poles yet of the hundreds of people I know personally there is only maybe three that I know are supporting her. And as I drive around I see trump signs all over the place and seen maybe 2 Hillary signs.

Someone from the social security administration/ high up gubment worker was just telling me that the % of democrats and the % of republicans polled equaled exactly how they voted in the pole and the same for the results posted and it's a stacked deck. Sooo 57 democrats and 50 republicans poled, equals 57% Hillary and 50% trump.

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14 hours ago, ricer1 said:

I would like to know if anyone believes the top 20% of earners are paying "Their Fair Share", based on the IRS figures the top 20% pay 84% of the taxes. I consider this more than their fair share.


This guy doesn't seem to think so and he should know.


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Shhhh drc, they'd like to keep that hush hush. Let us divert our attention to attacking those on the bottom rung. It just feels better going after the lowest fruit on the vine. Those single mothers getting that big refund check, let'em starve.

You'd have to be a corporate tax lawyer to the elite to answer Gumps second paragraph.

Hillary's ad is spot on, but hate on haters. 

Haters for the jackass Trump 2016!

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I think no matter who wins it's going to be a nightmare for the American people. The difference is if Trump wins it will be a nightmare or the federal government more and there will be a shake up in Washington and that's where me votes goes. I think either one will be a one term and done presidency.

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