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Looking for feedback on Scorpion EXO-R2000 helmet


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Hi, I am looking, well wasn't, but now am looking for a new lid to replace my aging Bell Star (Snell2005). It has been a great lid, but has probably been a little bigger than should be on me. I wear a Large for most helmets.

Anyways, I stumbled on to some truly or seemingly great deals of Scorpion riding gear.

So, has anyone had/tried the Scorpion EXO-R2000 full face helmet? If so, how did/do you like it over the long haul? How has it stood the test of time?

Have you had other lids? If so, how does the R2000 compare to those?

Ride Hard or what's the point?


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Thanks for your reply.


If I was up in the air between the new Bell Star (street) helmet and the Scorpion EXO-R2000 helmet, which would you lean towards? What if the R2000 helmet was discounted by half (under $200)?

Thanks again.


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1 hour ago, Tonik said:

Nicer liners and padding. Thinner inner shell so the overall size is smaller. Generally a bit lighter.

I agree. I have had two Scorpions and a Shoei. Scorpion is a solid helmet and my shoie is fantastic. Bought my wife a Bell that was half the price of my shoei and I was jealous because it just seemed "nicer"

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