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RAID 1 Question


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I want to set up a redundancy program on my computer. Easiest way is to set up a RAID 1. But that is if you have one hard drive running the OS and storing all files. 

I use a SSD for my OP and programs. All my files (movies, music, photos, etc..) are on a HDD. 

I've done some basic searching and can't find what i'm looking for. Maybe my search skills just suck. 

But i would like to do either of these two things:

     1. Set up HDD2 to be a RAID1 version of both the SSD and HDD1

     2. Have HDD2 be RAID1 with HDD1 and ignore the SSD. 

Option 2 will most likely be the easiest solution. I don't keep much on the SSD so it wouldn't really matter to me either way. Would just save time in reinstalling programs. 

But does anyone have experience in doing this. I'd rather not just copy and paste data from HDD1 to HDD2 on a weekly/monthly basis as the backup. Thanks for the help.

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4 minutes ago, ludwb675 said:

I guess my question is how do you set up the HDDs to be in RAID 1. From what i read, you set the BIOS to do the RAID1 and that would use the OS HDD as HDD1 of the RAID. 

You install the OS on the SSD.  Boot into windows and use windows to create the mirror of the two remaining drives.  Yea, if you have a hard drive controller that supports raid you can do it in the bios.  But for what you are doing I don't see any reason to go that route.  The Windows way is easier and will serve your purpose.

And yea, when you do this your two HDD's will be erased. 

What version of Windows are we working with here?


Edited by Tonik
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Windows 7. Didn't know it was an option to use Windows to do it. Sounds perfect. 

I'm starting with two new HDDs so that is not an issue. Once they are linked, i'll transfer everything over from the old/full HDD. Then wipe clean the old HDD and use it for pron. 

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1 hour ago, Tonik said:

Good thing the mods didn't lock this.  Never would have answered the rest of the questions.  Below is a pretty good walkthrough, its so easy even @Casper could do it.




I really appreciate it! I'll give it a try one night this week. 

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