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Ft lauderdaule airport shooter


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Seems to be a yet another mentally troubled young man that the government had already sent through they system and let him slip through the gaps. Was legally traveling with his fire arm and someone or some thing made him snap or some how clicked a bad thing in his mind and he went off the deep end. Even though it's a very tragic and scary thing it's really no different than the idiot at OSU or the shooting in orlando as far as what it means to national security. But since it was at a airport and the airport is  "supposed to be" this safe place where no one can hurt you thanks to big brother. They (the press) is going to blow this WAY out of proportion and make people fear everything everywhere again and start their "something needs to be done" propaganda bullshit. 

And their bullshit is already being engraved into the public's fears and thoughts. My mother in law has been glued to TV all day listening to them and there over reactions and misinformed lies and then called us and begged us not to get on our plane tomorrow for Tampa in tears. Because she thinks we are going to die because we are traveling through a florida airport. Now my MIL dosnt have the highest intellect but it has me thinking, she is probably your typical american television audiance type and if she is on this state of mind so are a lot of others. And this is the part of this whole ordeal that bothers me the most. Not that it happened, not that a troubled young man was failed by a system, not having our abilities to defend ourselves from these types of thing being repressed. But what bothers me the most is how the Media, the government and other outlets and groups will use this to drive fear and helplessness into the american people to get thier policies and their agendas pushed so far up our asses we wont be able to breath again for a while and once again turning everyone against each other. 

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Not 24 hours prior to this my Dad, his Gf and my sister walked in to that area so they could fly out because my Dad parked in the wrong area

48 hours ago my aunt and uncle were in that exact spot of baggage claim going to visit my grandparents in FL. 


Dont know why but this one has gotten to me a little bit 

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Airport security, or "security" anywhere for that matter, is mostly an illusion.  Even someone like me, with average intelligence and a little inside information, can find a way around it pretty easily, provided you're willing to make sacrifices.  I've seen enough to know that I'm the only one I can count on to keep myself and my family safe.

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Truth for most risk-takers--and that would include those of us that have ridden our entire life--is that 99% of our "stared-Death-in-the-face-and-won" moments were as a direct result of our own inexperience, immaturity, and stupidity.  And while age, hopefully, does imbue a measure of judgement and some amount of learned survival skills, the odds of the SHTF are exactly the same every time we throw a leg over a motorcycle.

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3 hours ago, Isaac's Papa said:

Fuck war. Fuck politicians and fuck the system that sends our boys to kill and then treats them as a nuisance when they come home with PTSD. I'm beginning to hate this country. 

Why all the sudden concern about American vets?The poor treatment of returning vets has been going on for at least decades of not centuries.

If you want to leave the country that's cool,but to blame it on the treatment of vets is a little late.

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3 hours ago, Isaac's Papa said:

Fuck war. Fuck politicians and fuck the system that sends our boys to kill and then treats them as a nuisance when they come home with PTSD. I'm beginning to hate this country. 

Why all the sudden concern about American vets?The poor treatment of returning vets has been going on for at least decades of not centuries.

If you want to leave the country that's cool,but to blame it on the treatment of vets is a little late.

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All of you and myself are dead.  It just hasn't happened yet.  And as previously stated, there isn't shit you can do about it.  Disease, barfight, vehicle accident, drugs, falling in a sinkhole...who gives a fuck?  I smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, ride motorcycles, and do half a dozen things I shouldn't, and I'll keep doing them.  Healthy is a fucking joke.  Who the hell wants to be 98 years old and laying in bed dying of nothing?

Let's see if I'm here tomorrow.

And as far as treatment of any sort for vets, the U.S. Congress needs taken out and shot.  Unless any of you run the show the best you can do is treat the vet like a human being, not like a contagious basket case to keep at arm's length.

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Another news article feeding "The Sky is Falling" information. If someone is determined to hurt someone or something, they're gonna do it. I hate news, I avoid it at all costs. I'd rather be happily oblivious than worry about shit that might happen to me.

As far as the treatment of the Vets. I'm all for whatever the Vet wants. Some of that stuff is not a simple fix. They made great sacrifices to be in that position, and I am forever grateful for them.

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