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How to become a progressive Democrat


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16 minutes ago, Isaac's Papa said:

Some will blame the right, because they're idiots. Others will blame the left, because they're also idiots. The government has no power or money that we don't give them. Fact of the matter is we're all idiots consumed by fantasy agendas and ideology. We allow the talking heads to create fear and alarmism. We then gobble that nonsense whole and want to know who's gonna fix our indigestion. Or, rather, who's to blame for my big fat tummy ache. News flash, princess... you are to blame. Stop swallowing bullshit and you'll start to feel better. Stop feeding the propaganda machine and it will find another pile of assholes to pester. 

Turn off the idiot box and go outside. Look around. Meet new people. Don't discuss politics. Don't discuss religion. Breathe some fresh air. Look up and see that the sky is not falling. Shut the fuck up and live your own life and leave mine the fuck alone. I don't have time for your alarmist nonsense. 

Also, fuck Hillary. 


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I'm not understanding the current war against history. (Other than it's a very Socialist/ISIS thing to do.) The objection to "dead Confederate statues" (and markers, and street names, etc), which is already spreading to most other objects of our early history. Certainly doesn't sound very American to me. I realize that no party has control of those on the radical left or radical right. But does the DNC realize that by guilt by association, they just lost 2/3 to 3/4 of the voters that object to tearing down statues? Polls already coming in saying the general public thinks it's just wrong. To me it looks like a political party going for "death by a thousand tiny cuts". Ok, I understand they think that associating the Republican party with "Nazis" will work for them, and gains will be greater than losses, but that's a stretch and quite a gamble. Most of us older voters remember that the "Nazis" they are fighting against used to be hard core Southern Democrats. Maybe that's the history they want to destroy.

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4 minutes ago, ReconRat said:

I'm not understanding the current war against history. (Other than it's a very Socialist/ISIS thing to do.) The objection to "dead Confederate statues" (and markers, and street names, etc), which is already spreading to most other objects of our early history. Certainly doesn't sound very American to me. I realize that no party has control of those on the radical left or radical right. But does the DNC realize that by guilt by association, they just lost 2/3 to 3/4 of the voters that object to tearing down statues? Polls already coming in saying the general public thinks it's just wrong. To me it looks like a political party going for "death by a thousand tiny cuts". Ok, I understand they think that associating the Republican party with "Nazis" will work for them, and gains will be greater than losses, but that's a stretch and quite a gamble. Most of us older voters remember that the "Nazis" they are fighting against used to be hard core Southern Democrats. Maybe that's the history they want to destroy.

What's scary is how the media runs with the alarmist/hate/Nazi propaganda.  So your average lemming who watches CNN and Colbert starts to believe this divisive filth.

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52 minutes ago, 2talltim said:

Only one thing this thread is missing...... @magley64 .....DONE! :popcorn: 

You rang?

Fuck Nazis, white supremacists, and Klansmen. 

If the Confederacy was fighting for "States rights" why are these out-of-state Nazi fuckwits complaining about this statue being removed by the state?

We already have civil war museums, donate these statues to those institutions to be preserved and displayed in proper historical context. This problem isn't that hard.

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The argument that the confederacy was fighting for state's rights is utter and complete nonsense.

The confederacy was fighting for state's rights... TO OWN SLAVES.

It's right in the confederacy's constitution that all confederate states will allow the ownership of slaves. 

Now...removing confederate statues because we are so easily offended that we can't view a monument in historical context without getting a sad...these people need to get a grip. Removing evidence of the past doesn't negate the past.  Changing and acting differently DOES.


Edited by Blitz
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I agree that "States rights" argument is bullshit, and was using what happened in Charlottesville as an example. 

If it is about "States rights" then the state has every right to remove this statue.

But we all know what this rally was really about. 


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15 minutes ago, HeavyDuty said:

"I hope everyone understands that if Hillary had been elected there would not be a problem with the monuments as there was no problem for eight years of Obama and a hundred previous years under several other Presidents. Because it is not about the monuments or slavery,it is a provocation plain and simple. It is about we did not get our 'president' so we could continue the status quo and continue with the bloodying of America." -

There is some truth in this.  Race baiting is definitely on the uptick.

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3 hours ago, Isaac's Papa said:

Some will blame the right, because they're idiots. Others will blame the left, because they're also idiots. The government has no power or money that we don't give them. Fact of the matter is we're all idiots consumed by fantasy agendas and ideology. We allow the talking heads to create fear and alarmism. We then gobble that nonsense whole and want to know who's gonna fix our indigestion. Or, rather, who's to blame for my big fat tummy ache. News flash, princess... you are to blame. Stop swallowing bullshit and you'll start to feel better. Stop feeding the propaganda machine and it will find another pile of assholes to pester. 

Turn off the idiot box and go outside. Look around. Meet new people. Don't discuss politics. Don't discuss religion. Breathe some fresh air. Look up and see that the sky is not falling. Shut the fuck up and live your own life and leave mine the fuck alone. I don't have time for your alarmist nonsense. 

Also, fuck Hillary. 

I figured this out about a year ago and have been living like this. No TV. No news. Do whatever the fuck I want. It's amazing how much better life has been. Not giving a shit about anything helps a lot too. I still don't completely know what happened in South Carolina, and I don't care.

What would really make the world a better place is simple: Mind your own damn business.

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1 hour ago, HeavyDuty said:

"I hope everyone understands that if Hillary had been elected there would not be a problem with the monuments as there was no problem for eight years of Obama and a hundred previous years under several other Presidents. Because it is not about the monuments or slavery,it is a provocation plain and simple. It is about we did not get our 'president' so we could continue the status quo and continue with the bloodying of America." -

Yes!...They couldn't get the Russia collusion accusation to stick, so they moved on to racism.  Havent heard much about Russia lately, have ya!?

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2 hours ago, magley64 said:

I agree that "States rights" argument is bullshit, and was using what happened in Charlottesville as an example. 

If it is about "States rights" then the state has every right to remove this statue.

But we all know what this rally was really about. 


people have a right to protest the execution of a state's rights.

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When a majority of everyone including Democrats and African-Americans say leave the statues where they are. It's history and it's ours. Then even the radical left should listen up. What next, include even those groups of people as "enemies of the Socialist state" and label them "nazi-racist-KKK"? Oh wait, they already do that...

Btw, the first four arrests for that pulling down of the statue, all were members of the Communist Party or the Communist Worker's group. Get the picture yet? Not confirmed yet, but that's hard to do when the media won't play square.

It's getting close to that "all is not as it appears" thing. Sort of pay no attention to the man behind the curtain stuff. Anyone else starting to feel like a puppet of powers out of our control?

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2 minutes ago, ReconRat said:

When a majority of everyone including Democrats and African-Americans say leave the statues where they are. It's history and it's ours. Then even the radical left should listen up. What next, include even those groups of people as "enemies of the Socialist state" and label them "nazi-racist-KKK"? Oh wait, they already do that...

Btw, the first four arrests for that pulling down of the statue, all were members of the Communist Party or the Communist Worker's group. Get the picture yet? Not confirmed yet, but that's hard to do when the media won't play square.

It's getting close to that "all is not as it appears" thing. Sort of pay no attention to the man behind the curtain stuff. Anyone else starting to feel like a puppet of powers out of our control?

They arrested 4 of these people?



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3 hours ago, magley64 said:

Yeah, I saw that. They showed up in solidarity for those initially arrested. Three were arrested prior. One or two or more because they admitted to it on the WWP website. Don't know where or how they picked up the fourth one. States right in the article that the arrested were WWP (Workers World Party) without saying the word "communist". Amerikan Communists. Bet most of the solidarity token "arrest me" individuals did not know that. Would find it hard to believe that there would be many WWP members local to that area. Those arrested were from out of state. It was a deliberate act of provocation.

wiki quote: Workers World Party (WWP) is a communist party in the United States, founded in 1959 by a group led by Sam Marcy of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP).

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1 hour ago, Tonik said:

And now it's a battle of clickbait crap websites.

Definitely that. Lots of spin doctors. Check major media for WWP. They are starting to pick up on the story. Well, not all the media, lol... some won't touch it. But that's a clue too.

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10 hours ago, ReconRat said:

I've been reading up about mass hysteria. Pretty much what we're dealing with. Not much that can be done about it either. Other than don't fall victim to it yourself.

Where was the mass hysteria when Barry declared himself dictator??

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A little Chicago humor. Apparently the Chicago media doesn't like Chicago politics too much. Ran an article stating that if we get rid of evil historical stuff, the Democratic Party has to go. Being the historical party of all that nasty stuff.

While we're toppling offensive symbols, what about the Democratic Party? - Chicago Tribune

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Interesting.  I'm currently reading "Team of Rivals" by Doris Kearns Goodwin.  I'm not too far in, but it's interesting how the Democratic presidents were handling things beyond slavery.  Like Polk drumming up a Mexican war so that he can extort the land that ultimately became California, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah.  Nice win, but ill gotten.  Maybe we should give 'em back?

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