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So, I bought a new car last month and transferred all of the glove box stuff over. One item was a handheld CB that I probably didn't use for the entire time I owned that car, probably 5 or 6 years. 

I used to listen to the CB while driving on trips to PA, NY, WI to hear the truck drivers talking about traffic issues and those friendly little bears along the road. But if I remember correctly, I stopped using the CB after a few trips where channel 19 was silent. I had asked a driver that I sort of knew and he said that the drivers were all using cell phones. 

So, great for them. But do they just talk to other drivers whose numbers they know?  

Or is there a need - to - know, Truckers ONLY,  service that is based on cells that they can use to still talk to other drivers? 

If not, then it seems like the road is a lonelier place than it used to be. 

Please don't tell me that you're happy with just the voice of the GPS lady. Although she did recently tell me about a camera speed trap. 


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I'm no expert on how trucker's stay in touch, but the main benefit I can envision of having a mobile CB unit would be to get up-to-date info from truckers--who presumably still have CB units in their trucks and at least monitor the old Ch19--in the event you're on a trip and stuck in a 3-lane bumper-to-bumper jam with miles to get to the bottleneck.  Might prove valuable...or not.

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2 minutes ago, Bubba said:

I'm no expert on how trucker's stay in touch, but the main benefit I can envision of having a mobile CB unit would be to get up-to-date info from truckers--who presumably still have CB units in their trucks and at least monitor the old Ch19--in the event you're on a trip and stuck in a 3-lane bumper-to-bumper jam with miles to get to the bottleneck.  Might prove valuable...or not.

Waze is more reliable and less annoying.

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I've just been downloading podcasts or listening to talk radio on SiriusXM for long trips. 10 hours of Last Podcast on the Left for my trip down to Bowling Green and back in a day. 6 hours for my trip up to Cleveland a couple weekends ago. 


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4 hours ago, Bubba said:

I'm no expert on how trucker's stay in touch, but the main benefit I can envision of having a mobile CB unit would be to get up-to-date info from truckers--who presumably still have CB units in their trucks and at least monitor the old Ch19--in the event you're on a trip and stuck in a 3-lane bumper-to-bumper jam with miles to get to the bottleneck.  Might prove valuable...or not.


Last time I listened in, they were not talking. Road conditions were good. So maybe the chatter would increase if  it gets snowy or very rainy.


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I used a portable CB radio for road trips when I was a brand new adult. I liked having access to "bear reports" and listening to truckers yuck it up. Now that Waze is a thing, the CB is sort of obsolete. My phone will play music and alert me to any police, traffic slow downs, necessary reroutes, etc. The CB just can't compete. 

I don't really speed in my car, as the actual time saved versus liability is inconsequential. There is little reason to use the CB, especially when I would just be mother-fucking the truckers not staying in the right lane where their slow asses belong. 

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Truckers have also changed a lot recently. They are no longer red necked modern cowboys. Most are immigrants now actually and did not grow up with the CB Smokey and the Bandit culture.

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Yes, she has.

At 73 years of age, she (and 81 year old Jane Fonda) got arrested at a Global Warming protest in DC last week. 

Ummmm FEISTY. (Tsk, tsk...)


Sally Field Arrested at Jane Fonda’s Climate Change Protest



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