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READ! CR member suggestions!


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Originally posted by Rane:

Eh, guess no one new will be attending your "invite only" meeting spot. Someone make a new non-highschool buddies type board. Be really strict and crap, don't talk about meeting up places to race etc.

If you're not invited don't worry about it. Its not like you've come out to a meet anyhow or contributed anything worthwhile to the board.
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I'm thinking the idea that one guy had, about formatting the whole board sounds good. The people who actually care will come back. Granted, I could be totally wrong, but it MAY rid the board of some of the dummies. Just an idea. I also like the 3 strikes = permaban idea.
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Guest h8tcivics

I have no idea what just happened. I dont post much anymore because I am so busy. I come back on and am only allowed to post here. Thank you for not taking away the PM's.


I disagree with B-Dubs. I like to see who is who on the top 25. I had high hopes that one day I would be able to beat someone on it. I do agree on the non car stuff, but some other people do go searching through it just to see what people are selling.


Many people have different opinions about stuff. They can and most likely complain about something. This site is Columbus Racing, not a group of people. Many of the new comers dont know how things work on here.


yes although burnouts look cool, they are set to be immature on here. Most of the people out racing cant control there own cars. yes this may be sad but it is true. Sometimes, this again is my point of view, people think they know it all on here. they yell at people for doing stupid stuff, when they are just trying to have fun.


Most of the people who rally there cars are teens anyways, and all the people on this board have gone through that phase before and know that they will grow out of it and eventually become more responsible about driving.


I dont know what had happened on this site. Thsi site was perfect and I still think it is perfect. I wouldnt change a thing. I have friends that have heard of this site and think it is too strict, and others think it is harsh but fair. I just use it for advice and to check the stuff for sale, and occaisonally browse through the kill stories.


When I have a problem with one of my cars, I get on here and 8 times out of 10 someone knows exactly what to do. this is what I like about this site. When you deal with many different people, you let the bad in with the good. thats life.


just my two cents, I mean no disrespect to anyone that has read my two cents, and has been affended. for those who have I am sorry.


I agree with Razorback 100%


PS. I was going to challenge art on the list tonight, but now I cant. not to get off subject.

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WOW, I didn't know things were getting this bad. I hope that only good can come from this and that CR doesn't get shut down.


Maybe thier should be a big brainstorm on some ideas on what could be done to stop some of the things that are happening. Then have a poll and let people decide. Good luck with the decisions that are made I hope everything is for the better!

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Guest silverbullet
I disagree with B-Dubs. I like to see who is who on the top 25. I had high hopes that one day I would be able to beat someone on it. I do agree on the non car stuff, but some other people do go searching through it just to see what people are selling.

Many people have different opinions about stuff. They can and most likely complain about something. This site is Columbus Racing, not a group of people. Many of the new comers dont know how things work on here.

yes although burnouts look cool, they are set to be immature on here. Most of the people out racing cant control there own cars. yes this may be sad but it is true. Sometimes, this again is my point of view, people think they know it all on here. they yell at people for doing stupid stuff, when they are just trying to have fun.

Most of the people who rally there cars are teens anyways, and all the people on this board have gone through that phase before and know that they will grow out of it and eventually become more responsible about driving.

I dont know what had happened on this site. Thsi site was perfect and I still think it is perfect. I wouldnt change a thing. I have friends that have heard of this site and think it is too strict, and others think it is harsh but fair. I just use it for advice and to check the stuff for sale, and occaisonally browse through the kill stories.

When I have a problem with one of my cars, I get on here and 8 times out of 10 someone knows exactly what to do. this is what I like about this site. When you deal with many different people, you let the bad in with the good. thats life.


im sorry but this is retarted....way to much drama..in my opinion..shutting the board down is only making things worse...put things back up and when warm weather comes back all will be good smile.gif i honestly dont see any problems..maybe its just me..but cr has stayed the same since i joined

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I never posted anything unless I felt that my opinion would be appreciated. I have noticed that people mostly just put others down for having opinions, which is wrong (at least I think it's wrong). Everyone whether that person is a huge ass or someone that should be promoted to saint-hood, everyone deserves to have an opinion. Just because you don't agree with someone, don't tell them they're wrong or stupid or whatever ever. I was raised to repect the Golden Rule, "do unto others as you would have do to you" I'm sure that everyone has heard it in some form or another. I really enjoy reading what some people think, but I have to search through a lot of crap to find something interesting.


I dont know what caused all of this but please let there be something that will keep CR around. Everyone has learned at least something from someone else on here I'm sure of it. When ever I had a question at least two people offered valuable responses. I'm sure that was one of the reasons that CR was created, a place for people to go to disscuss things that they needed answered. I have always tried to be accepting of others, I recently posted something that I thought was neat/different and not one person had anything positive to say. All I got was alot of gays graemlins/gay.gif , one inparticular was "you have horrible tastes" how can you judge someone by an opinion they have?? It really brought me down for awhile.


Opinions are what they are, and everyone is intitled to one. Just be respectful to others and hopefully they will be respectful to you.


I truly hope that CR will be saved and that things will be sorted/fixed/etc. I would like to help any way that I can, even if that is by saying good bye to CR :(


I hope to be posting in the near future, and that everyone will be more civil. Good luck to the ones with power, make the right choice.


"You can tell the true character of a man by the way he treats someone who can do absolutely nothing for him"

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Guest jpurdy2003
I know I'm a stupid newbie, but I haven't seen what warrants this. How can having one topic like this address the problems? As the owner of a local Cleveland-area dsm site, I understand some of what's going on here, but that's what the ban button is for. If people are causing problems, they need to be banned. I don't know much about Infopop...has this been done because of failed attempts to ban troublemakers? I've met a lot of cool people at the few meets I've attended, and this seems like a strong community. I just think that this is not the answer. Regardless of the direction the board goes in, my Talon will wear the CR sticker with pride.
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Guest munkiesc2
i am a definite newbie, but i must say that this is kinda sad to see...although that i live down in dayton, i would have like to come up to one of your guys' cruises and check out some of the nice reides that i have read about on here...also, since i read the passing lane and the tech sections a lot, there are a lot of heplful people on here...in my honest opinion it would be best to rebuild the site from scratch, that way the membership base would have to rebuild itself...those that really were interested in the scene up there in columbus would come back and those that didn;t wouldn't...but thats my $.02
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I don't think that rebuilding the site is the best idea.... the trouble makers will still re-register and the problem will still exist.


I know that this has been the toughest CR Winter since I've been on, but I guess I didn't realize it was that bad. I have seen allot of "elist groups" comming out of CR which I think is wrong, but even that isn't that big of a deal IMO.


Admins / MODS, can you guys give us examples of what caused this board to be shut down temporarily?


On a side note, does this mean that "The Spot" is being shut down until CR re-opens?

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There's a lot of noob's posting in this thread...noobs that may or may not know anything about what really has been going on around here.


I agree with anything that Mark says 100%

He could say the earth is flat and the moon is made of cheese. 100% agreement.


I would like to add another idea. I suggest that new member's are only allowed to create a new thread in the TECH section. Posting priveledges will be givin out after going to a meet and speaking with a mod or admin, any of them. That way, you're not automatically getting all of the bullshit highschool drama, where someone pissed off the senior, so they are coming on here to shoot their mouths off, it would prevent the 94 Cobra's of the world from being complete asshats (remember that one, Anthony?). I really think it would stop a lot of the bullshit, and it would make this a much more tight-knit community. Noob's can still reply to threads, but give them some sort of designation on their posts showing that they haven't been initiated yet, so that they can be watched closer.


Even though I've not had the time to post on here much lately, I still enjoy reading this board. Nearly every friend of mine in Columbus has been made here, I'd really hate to see it go.

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Well whatever needs to be done, I hope it is positive and CR gets back up. I am a newer member to CR and I spend alot of time here. This is a great site for locals to share thoughts, ideas, pics, stories etc. My time here was well spent, I would love to still be able to view the boards.

Good luck to you admins in what seems to be a tough choice. If it does get shut down, thank you for allowing me to use the board to this point.



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wow i dint think it was that bad to warent this?

lot of us are shocked.

about ever city racing board will go through trials

if this one shuts down another one will start. Personally id rather see this board stay up, i like the mods/admins and member base then the other boards. wouldnt that suck if we would all have to go over to columbusstreetracing.com.


a few months ago the dayton board went threw some dividing, every one had a problem with the site owner so a new board had to be formed, the new board has problems now and then, but it always will. We jusst ned to learn how to survive and keep it running as there is definatly a need for all the car enthusist in the area to gather.


+1 for getting this resolved quickly as possible.

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Guest Elinar Longsight

I am going to attempt to clear a few things up.


1)The decision to close the board down was made by a majority vote from the Admins and Moderators. It was not just a spur-of-the moment thing made by any one person. It was discussed at length during a meeting.

2)It being shut down temporaily is kinda like a warning to everyone. Once it comes back up, expect stricter rules and actions.

3)It was also shut down to give us mods and admins a few days to get together and talk about what needs to be done without having to moderate the board.

4) As Mark has already stated, if you don't like what we do, go somewhere else.

5)Being part of this group is a privilage, not a right. I believe all the admins and mods agree with that.


This is only temporary, the board will be back up, just not sure when.


Meeting and stuff are still going to happen, its just going to be word of mouth, IM's and phone until the board is back up.


Anyways, I think I have covered most of what people are still confused about, but you never know, its still early.

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I have to agree with this recent decision. Unfortunately, I think it is necessary to "filter out" all the people who take advantage of this site. Let me say that when your trying to organize a crusie, it's not fun to have police cars and choppers show up, especially when the members who do seriously care about this site and this club didn't do anything to cause the police to show up. This is just an example of how things have been going lately. Then, to my surprise, I log on to CR and find out that we are in lock down. I mean, what is it going to take for people to stop being immature and start treating this site and this club for what it is, a place for car lovers to come and talk and help each other out. I know the last thing I want to see is this web site gone. I certainly hope it doesn't come to that extent.
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I guess Iâll toss my two cents into the mix on this one. Iâll start by saying I come here quite often to cruise posts and check to see if anything cool is going on. All to recently however there hasnât been a lot of content I have honestly wanted to look at. Most of the posts are about something I could care less about (read: non-car related). I read car forums for car related information and activities, and I read and participate in this forum because itâs non-specific about who drives what and it is also full of local members. Thereâs a lot to be learned from people who are into different things than you, especially cars, and thatâs my main reason for checking this board on a daily basis.


Iâm not saying that Iâm not interested in information thatâs not car related because another reason this board is appealing is 99% of its members are local. However it also seems 99% of the current crap being posted has nothing to do with anything. The pictures and videos forums where I would expect to see pictures and videos of peoples cars is full of porn (Iâm not against porn but it has its place =D) The auto discussion forum has gotten pretty off topic, and the off topic forum has in my opinion has gotten pretty far out of hand.


I think that to clean things up you honestly have to clean the board up. More forums to spread things out some may seem like a good idea but there could be quite a bit of consolidation or removal I think. Next I think that the banning and actual moderation of people has been too lax. All of the other boards I frequent wouldnât take a lot of the shit the admins and mods here put up with. While I think its cool they give people so many chances to shape up or be shipped out, there really should be no get out of jail free card. If people know the rules, know there is no leniency and still feel the need to break them then they also know the consequences.


Those are my thoughts on the situation take them for what you will, because I will stand behind the decisions you make regarding the board and still plan to frequent it if it stays around. Thanks for the ride so far and hereâs to hoping it continues.



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Guest UgL_Quicksilver

I am the same way.


I agree that the boards are made for those who like cars and want to talk about cars and how to make them faster and better and all.


As for bashing of other members i do not think that that should be tolorated anywhere, unless there is a board with no rules which this is not one. Which is fine, this is for strickly cars and racing, not seeing who can be the strongest flammer.


I like these boards and hope that they stay.

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I run one of the larger forums on the net and shutting down this forum is not going to solve problems. I have learned from the past 5 years that it doesnt matter what the rules say you still get the same shit. The best you can do is contain it by banning people. We have a 3 strike rule then they get a life ban. Yes they can just reregister and we just ban them again. After a while they just give up or mellow out and dont cause problems.

I can see the main problem of this forum is its not specific to one topic like a specific car. Its one big OFF TOPIC board, which is part of the problem. The lounge on rx7club is similar to this forum but its easier to contain the problem because its only in one section. We also have a "Difference of opinion" section where we move all the BS arguments. Its seems to keep alot of that stuff contained and doesnt spread to the rest of the forum.

This forum justs needs a retooling of the sections and let everyone know what goes where. If they cant follow the rules then ban them.



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Originally posted by 500HP RX-7:

I run one of the larger forums on the net and shutting down this forum is not going to solve problems. I have learned from the past 5 years that it doesnt matter what the rules say you still get the same shit. The best you can do is contain it by banning people. We have a 3 strike rule then they get a life ban. Yes they can just reregister and we just ban them again. After a while they just give up or mellow out and dont cause problems.

I can see the main problem of this forum is its not specific to one topic like a specific car. Its one big OFF TOPIC board, which is part of the problem. The lounge on rx7club is similar to this forum but its easier to contain the problem because its only in one section. We also have a "Difference of opinion" section where we move all the BS arguments. Its seems to keep alot of that stuff contained and doesnt spread to the rest of the forum.

This forum justs needs a retooling of the sections and let everyone know what goes where. If they cant follow the rules then ban them.



This might possibly be the first and only time ill ever say this but....


I agree with Jason 100% graemlins/thumb.gif

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I really didn't want to read through 3 pages of crap. But, things won't change until you eliminate the problem. Maybe you should just start banning people like they have the plague? Other than that, there's no way you can get the peace that you want.
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i have to say i don't agree with this at all.


i don't even know what's going on, i just came to the site and it's gone. i feel robbed. i understand if Anthony and the Moderators got together and talked, but i think you should've tried to include Senior members and people who actually contribute to the site.


it's a public site, what did you guys expect? you're always gonna have ass hats(love that, haha). but i think i speak for a lot of people when i say this is a regular site for me, i check my email or go here, ALWAYS.


i just don't think you should let the minority of idiots fuck it up for the majority of good members.

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