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Plane falls out of the sky.

Guest infamous me 235

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Reading the comments apparently it was pilot error not mechanical failure. He backed off the throttle when he thought he was repositioning the exhaust nozzles. Realized his mistake, then messed up correcting it and made it worse.


Sadder than losing a fully functional plane - this guy's military flight days are over. Thats a career ending mistake right there.

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

Reading the comments apparently it was pilot error not mechanical failure. He backed off the throttle when he thought he was repositioning the exhaust nozzles. Realized his mistake, then messed up correcting it and made it worse.

According to this it was engine failure: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/2168921.stm
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That type of thing is quite common in Harriers. They are kinda tricky to fly being the first aircraft to successfully use vertial takeoff and landing in the real world. Of course they were built before computers were very advanced so they are 100% pilot controlled. The next generation of VTL aircraft will have computer controller stablization software to give the pilot more room for error. Kinda like the B-1 bomber. Anyone really think that that is supposed to fly. Its mostly computers because humans don't react quick enough over time.



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Guest Crankshaft
<font color ="midnightblue"> He might as well have just stayed in the plane... I mean hell, when he came back down he landed right on top of it. Too bad. Arnold Swartz. in True Lies he is not.
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Guest Dark_Viper01
Originally posted by Tractor:

Kinda like the B-1 bomber. Anyone really think that that is supposed to fly. Its mostly computers because humans don't react quick enough over time.



I belive you are talking about the B2. The B1 is a swing wing (like the F-14)and easy to fly as large aircraft go. The B2 is a flying wing with no vertical surfaces and dose use stabilization software.
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Most unstable aircraft award goes to:


The X-29.



Statically AND Dynamically unstable. So much so that it has an amplitude doubling modulation of .29 secs (coincidence only with the jet's name). That means, were the onboard computers to fail, the plane would begin an uncontrolled oscillation that doubled in size roughly every 1/3 of a sec. The plane projected thusly to tear itself apart in less than 7 seconds (luckily for the test pilots the three onboard computers never simultaneously failed, so it never happened).


Gimme a B2 over that any day. Of course the instability was designed in on purpose and was the reason it was also the most manueverable aircraft ever (even moreso than thrust vectoring designs later on).

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