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the tool on the lowerd white and flamed zx14


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The poserville taco bell. By looking at alot of their rear tires you can tell they seem to have a fear of actually leaning on their turns.

ur right on my bike but its no poser it does what its built for drag racing.. and it doesnt do turns to well with 10psi in the back tire and a brocks sidewinder. but, some there talk like they bang turns and u can tell they are doing good to even start the bike :lol:

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dont even get me started with that busa, i went down there earlier this season and the guy with a r1 showed up, now don't get me wrong in the right hands that can be a great bike.

but this was not even close to the right hands. he started talkin shit like "i can turn it faster than you blah blah blah". so then i asked him what trackdays have you done have you ever got your knee down? and he said in all seriousness "nah man what you talking about? i dont know bout trackdays but i took the 270 on ramp real fast i was bustin throu thar at like 45 mph that shit was fast yo"

i looked at his tire saw mile wide chicken strips and just left.

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dont even get me started with that busa, i went down there earlier this season and the guy with a r1 showed up, now don't get me wrong in the right hands that can be a great bike.

but this was not even close to the right hands. he started talkin shit like "i can turn it faster than you blah blah blah". so then i asked him what trackdays have you done have you ever got your knee down? and he said in all seriousness "nah man what you talking about? i dont know bout trackdays but i took the 270 on ramp real fast i was bustin throu thar at like 45 mph that shit was fast yo"

i looked at his tire saw mile wide chicken strips and just left.

hey now, i'm still rockin chicken strips on my bike....but i also dont even try to pretend that i ride it hard yet, just happy to be riding again

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hey now, i'm still rockin chicken strips on my bike....but i also dont even try to pretend that i ride it hard yet, just happy to be riding again

do you talk like you are teh shit? and you are the master of your bike? im not saying chicken strips are bad im just saying these guys talk a lot of smack without backing it up. these guys dont respect there bikes at all and are full of themselves...i am still a newb and i recognize that i still have PLENTY to learn about my riding and my bike

but maybe they are right nobody will ever be as good as these guys on those onramps i mean im telling you those things are scary sometimes...

I can't speak for others, but I ride. :dunno: When I'm not riding, I do whatever I want to do. What does Quaker have to do with it homie? :p:D

a "cool" place to hang out and meet people from the dayton area! :lol

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do you talk like you are teh shit? and you are the master of your bike? im not saying chicken strips are bad im just saying these guys talk a lot of smack without backing it up. these guys dont respect there bikes at all and are full of themselves...i am still a newb and i recognize that i still have PLENTY to learn about my riding and my bike

but maybe they are right nobody will ever be as good as these guys on those onramps i mean im telling you those things are scary sometimes...

no, definately not...like i said, i'm just happy to have a bike again and be out riding...i know what you mean though because i've had ppl make comments to me about how sweet they are on their bike and its annoying, plus half the time their tire looks no diff than mine...

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they are the same guys who see you in your car and say they would totally smoke you in their 5 second civic but dont want to run you right now because their clutch is slipping or its too hot for turbos or some other bullshit lol

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they are the same guys who see you in your car and say they would totally smoke you in their 5 second civic but dont want to run you right now because their clutch is slipping or its too hot for turbos or some other bullshit lol

:lol: That's a funny post.

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.....but this was not even close to the right hands. he started talkin shit like "i can turn it faster than you blah blah blah". so then i asked him what trackdays have you done have you ever got your knee down? and he said in all seriousness "nah man what you talking about? i dont know bout trackdays but i took the 270 on ramp real fast i was bustin throu thar at like 45 mph that shit was fast yo"

i looked at his tire saw mile wide chicken strips and just left.

I like how you spelled out the way he was talking "...I was bustin throu thar at like 45 mph, that shit was fast yo.":lol:

funny stuff i tell you.


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You guys need to learn to make your surroundings fun.

Nnick you should give "bike nights" a chance.You need to ignore the rev master,loud mouths,braggers and loser and find the quality riders that you can learn from.Then again maybe dayton doesn't have any good riders...I don't know.

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You guys need to learn to make your surroundings fun.

Nnick you should give "bike nights" a chance.You need to ignore the rev master,loud mouths,braggers and loser and find the quality riders that you can learn from.Then again maybe dayton doesn't have any good riders...I don't know.

hahaha :lol:

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You guys need to learn to make your surroundings fun.

Nnick you should give "bike nights" a chance.You need to ignore the rev master,loud mouths,braggers and loser and find the quality riders that you can learn from.Then again maybe dayton doesn't have any good riders...I don't know.

Bike nights around here aren't filled with good riders. They are fun to go hang out and check out other bikes every once in a rare while, but that's it. I went by the local QSL bike night at the end of the season last year to see if it had changed and it was still filled with squids and typical Harley riders. You have to search hard to find decent riders. Maybe if I don't start training I will go by there tomorrow to see if it's any different so far this year, but I don't have my hopes up.

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I hate bike nights with a passion. I see no point in sitting in a parking lot to walk around and look at cookie cutter HD's and leather clad fat women and gay men. If it's nice enough to go out to bike nite, I'm out riding, Call me when you get out.

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bike nights = car shows with less wheels

I don't see the point in sitting around as people walk by and comment on my ride, I'd rather be out enjoying it...let people comment as I Ride/Drive by...(whether I'm on my bike, in my hot rod, or in my dune buggy)

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now I might go to a bike night if I'm hungry, just cause there is food there, and i'm killing 2 birds with 1 stone so to speak...(getting dinner, and sharing time with friends who ride) but to go just to hang out? Neh

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Bike nights are a good time in my opinion just from the stand point I just got to c-bus and need to meet some people to ride with/make some friends, then ride; so its not all about just parking the bike and walking around.

I agree.if you can get on your bike and not have a good time you need to sell your sh!t and buy a mini van.Every time I start my bike I am going to have a good time.Bike night or not!

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I agree.if you can get on your bike and not have a good time you need to sell your sh!t and buy a mini van.Every time I start my bike I am going to have a good time.Bike night or not!

The problem lies in that, when I stop at that bike night, and GET OFF MY BIKE, I'm no longer having a good time, seeing as how I'm not longer ON my bike, I could stand around my bike in gear, drink and talk to friends in my garage, which would be even better, because then I COULD drink, seeing as how I only have to walk into the house, and not ride home.

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