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Tough to judge from a couple minutes of Max-whatever tv clips. Maybe she threw something at his car, maybe this, maybe that... who knows. Entertaining to watch, though. Going to the hospital over pepper spray is pretty good acting. 101 ways the cop could have handled the situation better. So could she.
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"They shouldn'ta sent my brother to prison."


Nice. I can only imagine what he did based on her actions PRIOR to the cop showing up in the abck. She needed a good pepper spraying.


That said, the cop handled the situation totally wrong, and should have gotten in trouble for it. But this girl didn't deserve $60, let alone 60k.

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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

Nice. I can only imagine what he did based on her actions PRIOR to the cop showing up in the abck. She needed a good pepper spraying

Why? You're a fucking idiot. The girl didn't do anything wrong the cop was wrong. That guy should have be fuckin kicked in the balls. She didn't do anything wrong just b/c he's supposed to be some hick authority doesn't mean shit. He's the one that should have had the pepper spray. You're a fucktard.
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Originally posted by 86 Eh?:

Why? You're a fucking idiot. The girl didn't do anything wrong the cop was wrong. That guy should have be fuckin kicked in the balls. She didn't do anything wrong just b/c he's supposed to be some hick authority doesn't mean shit. He's the one that should have had the pepper spray. You're a fucktard.

Whaaa whaa whaa.


Was the cop wrong for what he did?? Yes. Try reading what I post instead of getting your panties all wadded up:


"the cop handled the situation totally wrong, and should have gotten in trouble for it"


But her attitude towards the cop was all wrong, and was all wrong PRIOR to him even stepping back there. If you think that's the proper way for anyone to act, you need sprayed too.


Did you hear the comment about her brother?? Because her brother is a crook and the court system put him into PRISON, cops are all bad. :rolleyes:


She didn't deserve to get sprayed for giving the correct change; she deserved to get sprayed due to her attitude.

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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

She didn't deserve to get sprayed for giving the correct change; she deserved to get sprayed due to her attitude.

Unfortunatly, it isn't illeagal to be an asshole. Although it is against the law to assult a person, try to steal 10 bucks from a store and falsly arrest somone.

who knows how many times this bastard has got away with pulling that crap.


Yes we know officer hardass is a dayton cop, pissed off because it is a tough job making shit pay in a shit town, still no excuse to not pay for wendys smile.gif

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Yep, that cop should have gotten fired... You don't just go around on your lunch break pepper spraying minimum wage workers cause of a few bucks you made a mistake on... Now look how bad he made the whole fukking police department look with his dumb ass... He's a cop, he should know how to act. She's a minimum wage wendy's worker just doing her job, gets pissed off, lets it be known and gets sprayed for $60k...
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