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This is owned by a guy on my website, its not mine*


" i have a ferret that i need to find a home for, she was originally $120 but i'm only asking $50 or best offer. she's still young and extremly friendly, she's kinda white with some grey around her waist. The reason i'm trying to find her a new home is the fact that i am never home and ferrets need attention or they can die from depression. I'll throw in the cage, food, water bottle, food bowl and the hammack. If anyone is slightly interested please e-mail me at redingbum19@aol.com also i'm located in marysville ohio."

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Man, that sounds just like what I posted up in college years ago when I sold my Ferret (though I asked and got a lot more than $50 for it). Mine was a total lie; I had time for it, but the stinky thing was a PITA and got to the point that I couldn't stand it anymore. My acting job of me going to "miss it" when I sold her was Emmy worthy!


$50 sounds like a good price w/ a cage and all the goodies though.

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Originally posted by The DropTop:

ferrets are awesome.

+1. The thing about them getting lonely is true too. I've never heard the part about them dying, but it very well could be true. But everyone I've know that's had ferrets has had more than one so they can keep each other company.
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Guest redwingbum19

hey guys i'm the one who has the ferret for sale, 1 quick update is that she is a panda, and most of you may not see what that means but i found out that panda ferrets are very rare and alot of people are looking for them, now i was told by this ferret expert that panda ferrets are usually deaf, now mine may not be deaf but i cant tell because she is a extremly hard sleeper so when i tried to yell and wake her up she wouldnt get up, so i have no idea. but if anyone is interested please e-mail me. also i do want her very much but i have school, work, and 5 fish tanks to look after. she is the sweetest thing you will ever meet. thanks for interest


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i used to be very big into ferrets also i loved them. the thing about them dying if they dont get attention is true. they say your supposed to show them at least 3 hours of attention a day. all i know is i didnt do half of that so i had to get rid of them. plus they do stink if litter isnt changed enough.
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