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Question about my stage 1


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Ok, so some of you may know that I have bought a stage one kit but have not gotten it on yet. So here's my question, do you think that it would be worth my time to put the stage one on myself, with lots of help, obviously because I don't know how to put it on, knowing that when I need to get a part fixed by my dealer I will have to take the parts back off. The kit comes with a powertrain control module(PCM) and an intake, and not injectors because they come with the bigger injectors for the 04s stock. Here's crucial info, I don't know how to put the parts on now, but if someone helped me and showed me how do you think I could take them off myself later? If any of you could give me your opinion that would be sweet. Thanks.
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I'm with Marc, those should be very easy parts to take off and on.


There's also not a snowflakes chance in hell it should cost that much, even if both the intake and pcm were a pain in the ass comparatively speaking to ever other car ever made. I guess that's just them trying to rip you off. I'm assuming the chip is simply the chip and nothing more. Make sure the PCM is socketed so you don't have to solder the new one in. I couldn't see the Dodge doing this, knowing they were going to be installing the chips themselves.


I don't see how you installing those parts yourself should void your warranty if they can install them and have it not void your warranty. It is up to the dealer/manufacturer to be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the modifications that you made to your car caused the broken part. Having said that, it's easy enough to take them on and off that it shouldn't be a problem. On top of that, they know you are buying them, so they can deduce, but not prove, that you have had them on your car, even if you take them off before you go in for a warranty claim. Although they can't prove it, if they feel like being assholes they could theoretically try to deny your claim. Also make sure you clear the PCM before you take it in for anything, it probably logs boost.


Also, if you get ANYTHING done at a dealership take those parts out, if they will in fact deny your warranty for installing them yourself (I'm still not buying that). GO BACK AND REREAD THAT 10 MORE TIMES.


I was reading on an Audi forum the other day and this guy was getting some warranty work done, engine related stuff. It was simple stuff they had on the shelf and they told him, and it very well should have been, only a few days. They staled saying they were waiting on some parts for a few days. He gets a call from a buddy saying that he happened to be in that shop (also an Audi owner) and they had his car up on the lift taking extensive pictures of his aftermarket suspension. When he confronted them about this, they hesitated for a minute then said this. "We had an AOA (Audi Of America) regional rep. coming in and wanted him to document and take pictures of your suspension in case you ever came in with a warranty claim related to this aspect of the vehicle."


In other words, if you as much as take your car in to have them check length of the fuzz on the nap of your carpets, take that shit out. Just my long take on the situation, sorry, it's just Dealers/Manufactures that do shit like this get under my skin.

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Thanks a bunch for everyone's help, this helped me a lot. I will soon be going to the dealership to get my parts so I can put them on, with mucho help from someone, Brandon, Marc or Gas, Grass or Ass. I will call one or some of you guys to help me. This will be the first time that I will get to work one a car. I'm excited. Thanks guys. :D
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