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Need help with seats!


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I am an idiot and left all my windows down in the hurricane tonight and the seats of my truck are soaked hardcore. Anyone got any tips to get the water out quick? I dont want it to smell or have to drive around sitting on a trashbag for the next month. Thanks.
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Guest nevarmore
Originally posted by konig_twinkies:

happened to me before, get a dehumidifer and put it in the car. close everything up, it will take probably a couple times doing it but it should get it all out and leave no smell. smile.gif

Big +1 to that. It works for helping out really wet carpet in da house too.
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Buy a box of arm & hammer baking soda, open it, close up all the windows and leave it in the sun. Baking soda is a natural dessicant. Once all your shit is dry, you can sprinkle it on your carpet before you vacuum and it will prevent odors as well.
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