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Groupe Ski Trip


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Anyone interested in this? Im a die hard level 9 and i need to get out this year damn it. Ive already been to BC (Whistler Blackcomb, the best that North America has to offer), and just about every where in Colorado. I want to go back to Snowshoe in WV since the weather sucked the last time i was there.


Any takers? 2 or 3 days? Bottom line, im going somewhere, but i hate skiing alone, and its hard to find people to that can keep up.




p.s. The hardest run in North America, Spankies Ladder @ Whistler... yea its steap ;)

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I’m in wherever you want to go, I prefer semi-local just because it will be easier, closer, and cheaper. Like Snow Shoe or maybe somewhere in NY. I've got a really bad itch to go somewhere good though. Only place I've been outside of Ohio is Seven Springs. Which I had alot of fun at, but I've gotten much better since then, and AFAIK is nothing compared to Snow Shoe, some places in NY, etc.


I've got off from the 17th to the 2nd or 3rd. I also have another two weeks of vacation starting the 1st. So I could take off a couple of days around a weekend. Pretty much whenever, but I'd prefer sometime while I'm already on vacation.


Pardon me for my ignorance (despite the fact that this will be my 10th year skiing), but WTF is a level 9?


I'll be at MRM as soon as they open, if you really need to see that I can keep up, come on out.

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Levels 1-10 are basicaly how you can tell who you can and cant ski with.


Like me, a level 9, i can ski in dynamic parallel (knees nad ankles locked together) on all double black diamond terrian, and navigate triple black diamond runs.


A level 10 does the same, but on ALL terrian... these are your X-Games/Olympics guys/ladies.


Level #


1 Can navigate all green terrian.

2 Can navigate all green terrian in DP.

3 Can navigate all blue terrian.

4 Can navigate all blue terrian in DP.

5 Can navigate all SBD terrian.

6 Can navigate all SBD terrian in DP.

7 Can navigate all DBD terrian.

8 Can navigate all DBD terrian in DP.

9 Can navigate all TBD terrian.

10 Can navigate all TBD terrian in DP.


I saw this chart when i was at Vail. At that time i was a level 7... after 2 more days in Colorado and a week in Whistler, 8 went by real quick, and i got stuck on 9.


Unfortunatly, if you navigate Spanky's ladder (QBD), your called nothing but crazy. That thing is so crazy. 35foot cliff to start off, then a 65 grade slope that about 200yrds (yea i was suckin air @ 18600ft), a flat, then another 40 grade with retarded amounts of mougles, boulders, and 10-15ft cliffs.


It was a rush smile.gif

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Yeah, I'm not quite that high. But I should be fine on anything east of Colorado and south of Whistler. You should come out to MRM sometime and teach me some more technical stuff. I've always just watched others and taught myself. Never skied with anyone that much better than me.


Seven Springs is fun, but It wasn't challenging when I was 17 in my third year of skiing, and the runs aren't very long. It's like a big MRM or Snow Trails that goes over both sides of a hill. Not too bad for the drive, but I want alot more than that this time.

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Originally posted by Ricochet:

I'll see you all on the beginner's slope at mad river, with a snowboard under my boots..

I'm down for some MRM this year. I love to ski, and missed out a lot the past few years. smile.gif
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Ya know, MRM is a good begginer area. 200 vertical feet just doesnt cut it for me anymore. Its ok to skrew around on, but after being at Whistler (5286 vertical feet... 1 MILE)almost anything seems small.


I say we go to SnowShoe... maybe 1st weekend in Feb?

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Originally posted by Harris92:

35 foot cliff! :eek::eek::eek: damn. Thats screwed up, do you have to land a certain way so you dont break a leg?

Well yes and no. You dont need to worry about your legs unless you have absolutly no leg muscle... in which case youda never made it up the ladder in the first place. You do need to worry about landing though, mostly so you can immediatly stand up so your not sliding or rolling uncontrolably down the big hill.


Trick is, to pull you legs up, and point your tips down a bit. Keep your arms and poles (if you use them) low, and just be a coilover. When you hit, youll land skis first, ass next, and possibly you back third. At that point, you just have to catch an edge and use gravity to pull you upright.


Its a lot easier than it looks/sounds. However, i wouldnt recommend and n00bs trying this stuff... ive been skiing for about 10yrs.

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I've been to Idaho and New Mexico snowboarding, that was fun, it was my first time and the girl I was with took me on a double black diamond in a forest. I was falling on my ass the entire time and I had a killer headache at the end from landing on it so much, but it was much fun.
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Down for a trip. I used to be a Level 7 back in the day but it's been a while and my physical condition could best be described as "tub of goo".


I'd first like to make a little refresher and party run to MRM. Tony (silver FD) is Ski Patrol at MRM.


Was telling Satan and Fornicate the other night that I'm searching for a lost picture of me doing a daffy off of a 30 foot cliff at Arapaho, on a spring break trip, light years ago.

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Originally posted by Innocuous:

I may be in depending on where or when it is.


Mr Meanr:


You ever been to Winter Park in CO? I am heading there next week, and would like to know what to expect. (mainly looking for details about Vasquez Cirque)

Nope, never been there.


In CO ive been too....



Beaver Creek


Copper Mountian




Heres a link to Vasquez Crique trail maps- http://www.skiwinterpark.com/mountain/trailmaps.html

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I recomend this band of snow, The Trough.

Starts at 13,600ft, and ends in the vally 2,600ft below. Its pitch ranges from near vertical at the top to about 50deg at the bottom. It gets wider in the winter.

I'll be there the last week of january, I'll get ya to the top and watch you go down, may even call SAR for ya. tongue.gif

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Hey.. My Cousin lives in a 4 bedroom house at the base of Timberline Resort (Cannan Valley WV) It's got a 4200ft summit with a 1000 ft vertical. It's a pretty nice resort. The house is right next to the parking lot. So you're about 30 ft from a quad chair. He's got a real nice setup. (6 person Hot Tub, Fireplace.. ect) He always told me that I was welcome at anytime. I'm going in late January (probably the 28th - 30th weekend)

From their website:

1/28-1/30 Bud Beach Party Weekend

Any takers??? I'm the same way.. I hate to ski alone. I'm not sure what level I am.. but I can go down any SBD, but the DBD's are a bit tricky. I've been down a few, but the mogules own me!! Here is a page from their website:



Let me know if this appeals to anyone. It's exactly 4 hrs from Columbus.

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Originally posted by Ponti-Yacker:

Let me know if this appeals to anyone. It's exactly 4 hrs from Columbus.

Very much so, consider me in. Although I'm not too keen on going up there on a 'party' weekend, lots of drunk people. While this is usually a good thing, generally speaking. I'm a firm believe that inebriation and skiing/snowboarding mix about as well as drinking and driving.
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