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I-71 = cops out in full force!


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drove up to parma last night, and saw cops waiting to catch people/writing tickets over 10 times. Almost got popped a few times on the way but saw them first. If you're headed to/from Cleveland and such, watch your ass!
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Originally posted by Perfect Enemy:

Be careful, they use air too and by the time you see the cruisers - it's too late.

Been nailed like that 3 times.




On the road youll see random white hash marks on the shoulders. These are exatly 1/4mile apart (tee hee ;) ) and there are 5 sets... or one measured mile. Using some sort of photoclocking system, they clock you by how long it takes you to cross each set of marks, then average them all to get a "fair" reading.


If you see these hash marks, SLOW DOWN!

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Originally posted by pgsrt-4:

Thats an interesting way to clock people, does anyone know more of how it works?

ill tell you about it ryan... a good example of the hash marks is go 23 north and becuase there is open air and straight highways they have a tendency to sit and wait fot the plane to tell the officer which car to pull over. then the cop walks onto the highway and points at you. I was "riding" in a car that was pointed at and we didnt stop. the cop did not pursue cause right after us he pulled over another car. meeting that quote.
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Oh, I see theres an airplane involved. I was unaware of that. I get it now pretty good idea if you think about it. I've seen those cops doing that on 23 but they didn't get me. :D I wouldn't want to be the cop that walks out onto the road that would be terrifying.
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Well if you ever roll with me, and see me looking out my sunroof and windows all crazy like... theres a bird in the sky.


BTW -- one bird has the ability to get not 1, not 2, but 4 cars at one time. First time i was nailed like that, they got four of s tearing it up. About a mile up the road, 4 troopers got us. Two pointed down, the other two run down. 88 in a 55... construction zone... $268 :(


SHP graemlins/nutkick.gif Schall


I lost that time.

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