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Get rid of the blower?


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Originally posted by N/A Again:

I'm going to bed. I fully expect this topic to be back on track when I leave for work.


Keith, Brian, got suggestions for my mod plans?

Which mod plans???


BLOWER= Keep it, the other way you are gonna be tuning and screwing with it all the time. With the blower it's hands off.


Board MOD = Ban the asshats

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Originally posted by desperado:

From the bottom of my black cold heart. FUCK YOU ASSHOLE and your fairy fuckers at RC as well, snob ass Renner, faggot ass Ricky, less than brilliant Brett, basically the fucking lot of you. Open to everyone. Motherfucker, one loosy thread is open, so that all can see the bitching about CR. Fuck you. Open the whole fucking thing up. You piss ant pieces of shit aint got the fucking balls to open up the fuckin site. You know that the shit that you talk is just the same shit that goes on here. Unless of course you JUST sit bitching about Anthony and his fucking blower belt, in which case you fuckers are even a bigger bunch of loosers than anyone gives you credit for. Fuck off asshole. Go fuck Ricky in the ass or something and quit with your bullshit half truth posts here about opening up the RC board. Ya piss ant.


And I gonna tell you something else you little cocksucker, back the fuck off with the fat comments, towards anyone. I am far bigger than Anthony ever thought about being, so you gonna get in my face and call me lunchbox, or fat ass. Do it bitch, we'll see it you will fit in a lunchbox. I don't take kindly to fat comments since I am fat and all. ANd I move quick for a fat man, so your ass better pray your in your fucking car if your gonna make fat comments with me around, but then again, that would just prove what a pussy ass fuck you are.

He'll back the fuck off the fat comments as soon as you back off from swinging on Anthony's nuts... :rolleyes:
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Right, well this should be elseware, but fuck it. And as far as getting this back on track Anthony, Oh bloody well, I hijacked another one, sorry but I just couldn't resist.


First of all, I have been a member over on RC since I was banned by Chris and even before that. I just got the e-mail TODAY saying that I was accepted as a member. And only have access to one fucking thread, that is bitching about CR, Now since I AM a member of CR and them making comments about CR, it pissed me off. Let them back the hell in here to make there comments and I WILL say the same shit to them I have been all along. Because personally I don't give a fuck who it is. Personally I am sick and fucking tired of the bullshit that goes on between the two groups anyway. And the fact that the few asshats that are going over there and bad mouthing this board then coming over here and acting all cool is bullshit too. You know who you are. And doing what they did is just another slap in the fucking face to CR and all its members and if you ain't smart enough to get that, then wise the hell up and talk to me then.


As far as the comments about fat people from the asshat, well if you ain't seen me then you have no fucking clue about it, so STFU.


ANd the comments about me swinging from Anthonys nuts, fuck you and fuck him, I don't swing from anywhere, sorry, try again asswipe.


Rigsby winning, winning what? I didn't realize there was some sort of contest going on. If he was referring to the number of times I said FUCK, well, so the fuck what. I said fuck, gonna say fuck again, probably several more fucking times before I am fucking done with this fucking post, so fuck that fucking fucker too. Keep counting, I ain't fucking finished yet.


Some of you might be thinking that I am a bit extreem. Some may even think I am over the top and need to take a vacation. I figure that one of you will even bring up that I was a bad mod, or that I am just doing this to get back into a click (Cold Air) a few may even sugjest that I seek help from a shrink.

To that I reply,

I am not a bit extreem, I am just weird and really pissed off that this shit still goes on. As far as a vacation, if I get one you will figure it out, if not, figure that there are only three people that can give me one, then realize its out of your fucking hands and get over it. Bitch to the Admin's not to me, I like it here, and I am staying.


And yes you fucking haters, I probably was a bad mod, but I was a mod and your asses weren't so just keep hating. Am I still bitter that I am no longer a mod? Yeah, that would about cover it, but telling Chris off will get you banned and get you stripped of being a mod, I knew that when I did it. There are a few of you (the mods) that know the truth, the rest of you can simply take my word for it or not. Don't give two fucks either way.


The click thing needs no comment other than come the fuck up with something the fuck else to say because thats getting really fucking old.


I believe that about covers it. Thank you for playing hijack that thread. Please remember that saying silly shit will get an even sillyer response.


And remeber to ask nicely and say please when you tell me to go to hell. I can deal with the off handed comments, the slander and the rest of the bullshit that yall tend to point in my direction, All I ask is you be cordial about it.


[ 12. August 2004, 02:48 AM: Message edited by: desperado ]

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