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So what are the differences between FaceBook & MySpace??


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facebook confuses me, i have one, just because everyone in colege had one, and everyone i met would ask me if i had one. havent been on for like a year. alot of people say facebook is better, but i hate how it tells you what everyone is doing. for example, it will say on your homepage "JonS sent jermattak a message,"while your thinking "i really dont give a crap. Thats their business!"

i like myspace better

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Fonzie, the difference is one is gay and the other is gayer. :lol:

But seriously though, they're kind of childish and for young kids to keep in touch. Grown adults shouldn't have one in my opinion. You get one and I will look down upon you..lol :nono:;)

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Grown adults shouldn't have one in my opinion. You get one and I will look down upon you..lol :nono:;)

Ummmm Niccckkkk......Once again, you were only lookin' at the pix in my sig line, weren't you.....Not readin' the words? :rolleyes:;)

Man.....You sure you're just ADD? Do we need to order you some Hooked on Phonics tapes?!? :lol:

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Oops. No, all I read was your subject and began posting. :lol:

I was on the phone with Time Warner Cable at the same time, so cut me some slack homeboy.:p

You're talkin' to TW at 1:30 in the morning :confused:

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Fonzie, the difference is one is gay and the other is gayer. :lol:

But seriously though, they're kind of childish and for young kids to keep in touch. Grown adults shouldn't have one in my opinion. You get one and I will look down upon you..lol :nono:;)


Except I wont look down on you for it. I look down on you cuz I'm in the 2% club:D

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You're talkin' to TW at 1:30 in the morning :confused:

Yep, they're 24/7 operators.

Porn wasn't playin' right.......Orrrr you're just too cheap for the (900) numbers??? :D

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