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Ohio wants to kill all pitbulls


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IMO... the way to avoid all this is to not get a dog. If I didn't have an expensive racing habit, I'd get one of these instead.


Go ahead, break in to my place, you'll have your face ripped off after this bad boy lunges at your head from the balcony.

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Wow, how stupid blaming a race of dogs for their own owners idiocracy. :nono:

Pending legislation requires the euthanasia of all pit bulls in Ohio.

Representative Tyrone Yates has introduced legislation, HB 568 http://www.legislature.state.oh.us/bills.cfm?ID=127_HB_568 , which will require every pit bull in the state to be surrendered to the local dog warden to be euthanized. This draconian measure judges dogs guilty of being vicious even if they have never bitten, and is so vague that that it doesn't even define specifically what breeds are covered. By mandating the dog warden to confiscate and euthanize all "pit bulls" the law makes the dog warden the judge, jury and executioner while owners of innocent family pets have no legal recourse or rights of appeal.

Please, call or write to your representative today to express you're your opposition to this outrageous legislation. Feel free to forward this e-mail to anyone you know who is interested in protecting animals in our state.

Tyrone Yates can be reached at (614) 466-1308 email: district33@ohr.state.oh.us

David Daniels (the committee chairman) is at (614) 466-3506 and district86@ohr.state.oh.us

You can find your local representative at http://www.house.state.oh.us/jsps/representative.jsp

Unfortunately its much harder to execute the owners who turn their dogs into dangerous animals through abuse and torture. Do the dogs get it.

This wont solve anything, these people will just find another dog breed to screw up or "train".

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agreed 10000000000000000000000% im sure Peta with have a hay day with this. Or maybe not they are hard to figure out:rolleyes:

Peta has issue with everything. They even publicly stated that its better for the animals to be put down then to live as pets, because its degrading to the animals to live like slaves of humans!!!!

PETA is fn NUTS!!!

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I'd like to pass legislation to kill all Poodles, and Jack Russels. These are two useless, worthless dogs that I feel would be a great service to the world if they were gone.

Thank you

my sister has a Jack Russell and i wanted to "field goal" that little fucker over the house. Now thats an annoying breed.

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Peta has issue with everything. They even publicly stated that its better for the animals to be put down then to live as pets, because its degrading to the animals to live like slaves of humans!!!!

PETA is fn NUTS!!!

I totally agree! Hell, I think it's the other way around in most homes with pets! My cat shits, I clean the litter box. His bowl is empty, I fill it up. Dog sits at the door, I open it. Wow! What a horrible life!:rolleyes:

Raising pets isn't any different that raising kids. You provide for them and make decisions in their best interest. But we do not think of our children as slaves. I can see this point when it comes to livestock, work horses etc but do we really consider farm animals as "pets"?

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Yeah, our pets are definitely slaves............. slaves who get fed and cleaned after.............. slaves who get the lounge around all day.................. slaves who get new toys at least once a week...............

Stupid peta.

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I was been bitten by a germen shepherd/pitbull when i was 15, no provication, no "fight training" or torture of the dog, it just decided it didn't like me...so it bit me...that dog mysteriously died within a year after that...nobody knows why (but I had a leaky radiator at the time, and we all know how sweet antifreeze tastes to dogs:devil:

You're a sneaky, vindictive little fucker.....aint'cha Duane?!? :lol:

Raising pets isn't any different that raising kids. You provide for them and make decisions in their best interest.

Ummmmm......Yeah it is. I made the observation about 6 months ago that my 1 1/2 year old son was about equal to a very smart, well trained dog. At 2 now.....He's far superior to any animal I've ever encountered. I've had several dogs throughout my life.......Raising my kids is vastly more difficult/rewarding than any pet I've ever owned

Sorry....Saw several examples of dogs being equated to people in this thread. Animals are not people, folks. I get really aggravated when people who obviously don't have kids, start telling me their pet stories when I'm telling stories about my children.......As if they think their pets are equal to kids, or that they are a parent because they have a dog/cat/turtle/goldfish/yack etc :rolleyes: Me havin' to stay up with a sick, screaming child, cleaning vomit & shiddy diapers at 3 in the morning DOES NOT equate to havin' to pick up a couple big poo piles in the back yard, or a really gross hairball Fluffy just puked up

While I understand the spirit of your point above, as a parent of 4, I assure you there are PLENTY of differences ;)

MTV has music? That's just crazy.
:lol:I thought it was all rap & Real World now John????

If Pits aren't any more dangerous/aggressive than any other breed, then why don't fighters use Cocker Spaniels/Labs/Golden Retrievers/Setters/Chihuahuas etc. While I agree some of those little dogs have Napoleon Complexes & need a boot up the ass, it's the combination of temperament & size/strength that makes Pits so dangerous. A pissed off Chihuahua is annoying........A pissed off Pit is scary. One I'm afraid my ankle might get bit.....The other I'm afraid for my life

Do I think they should all be put to sleep.......NO

Would I ever own one.......NO

BTW.....What's the difference b/t Pit's & those Presa Canarios. They look a lot alike to me. Is the Presa bigger?

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Dog fighters use pits because of their body type. They are stronger and more agile than any other dog. Fonz, remember the Golden Retriever I had? She would've killed me if she could've got out of her kennel. Bit me and the wife. She was 2 yrs old when I got her. Our pit never bit or even attempted to bite anyone. A dog's tempermant is reflective of it's owner's.

I do agree w/ ya Fonz. Dogs are no comparison to kids. Although a dog would be a good prerequisite to having a kid. Cuz if ya cant take care of a dog, you sure as hell cant raise a kid.

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4 kids? like quadruplets? or triplets, and a 4th, or 2 sets of twins?

Curse you Dweez......May your camel have many humps!!! :D

No multiples, although the oldest boys are "Irish Twins".......356 days apart

2 teens, a tween, & a toddler. I thought we talked about this last weekend at dinner when we met Dan Zane?!? :lol:

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Dog fighters use pits because of their body type. They are stronger and more agile than any other dog. Fonz, remember the Golden Retriever I had? She would've killed me if she could've got out of her kennel. Bit me and the wife. She was 2 yrs old when I got her. Our pit never bit or even attempted to bite anyone. A dog's tempermant is reflective of it's owner's.
I thought the Pit tried biting you before..... when you went to visit J that one time, and that he's fertilizing the corn field now??? ;)
I do agree w/ ya Fonz. Dogs are no comparison to kids. Although a dog would be a good prerequisite to having a kid. Cuz if ya cant take care of a dog, you sure as hell cant raise a kid.
Quoted for the truth....Plus the fact you publicly admit to agreeing with me! :D
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Sorry....Saw several examples of dogs being equated to people in this thread. Animals are not people, folks. I get really aggravated when people who obviously don't have kids, start telling me their pet stories when I'm telling stories about my children.......As if they think their pets are equal to kids, or that they are a parent because they have a dog/cat/turtle/goldfish/yack etc :rolleyes: Me havin' to stay up with a sick, screaming child, cleaning vomit & shiddy diapers at 3 in the morning DOES NOT equate to havin' to pick up a couple big poo piles in the back yard, or a really gross hairball Fluffy just puked up

While I understand the spirit of your point above, as a parent of 4, I assure you there are PLENTY of differences ;)

lol, I catch myself doing this every once in awhile and have to apologize to the person I'm talking to. I think it just happens because we are trying to relate to what you are saying. But yeah, I obviously dont equate my two kittens to human children.....

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Curse you Dweez......May your camel have many humps!!! :D

No multiples, although the oldest boys are "Irish Twins".......356 days apart

2 teens, a tween, & a toddler. I thought we talked about this last weekend at dinner when we met Dan Zane?!? :lol:

we did, we did, I just can't believe you got laid 4 seperate times :p

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we did, we did, I just can't believe you got laid 4 seperate times :p

he didn't...

can you say "mailman"?

:lol: You 2 soooo funneeeee!! Can you say adoption....I'm still a virgin! ;) Oh yeah..... :thefinger::bigfinger:

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Raising pets isn't any different that raising kids. You provide for them and make decisions in their best interest. But we do not think of our children as slaves.
Ummmmm......Yeah it is. I made the observation about 6 months ago that my 1 1/2 year old son was about equal to a very smart, well trained dog. At 2 now.....He's far superior to any animal I've ever encountered. I've had several dogs throughout my life.......Raising my kids is vastly more difficult/rewarding than any pet I've ever owned

Sorry....Saw several examples of dogs being equated to people in this thread. Animals are not people, folks. I get really aggravated when people who obviously don't have kids, start telling me their pet stories when I'm telling stories about my children.......As if they think their pets are equal to kids, or that they are a parent because they have a dog/cat/turtle/goldfish/yack etc :rolleyes: Me havin' to stay up with a sick, screaming child, cleaning vomit & shiddy diapers at 3 in the morning DOES NOT equate to havin' to pick up a couple big poo piles in the back yard, or a really gross hairball Fluffy just puked up

While I understand the spirit of your point above, as a parent of 4, I assure you there are PLENTY of differences ;)

You've totally taken what I said out of context. I was referring to PETA comparing pet ownership to slavery. For both pets and children, we make decisions for them and even tell them what to do but that does not make either one a slave.

But your example of childrearing above is a specific example as to why I do not have any children of my own. Thanks for the reminder! :D

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