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Ohio wants to kill all pitbulls


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  • 10 months later...

so yea, I have a Pit and I work in the Dog Grooming business. Here is my list of dogs who have bitten me the most and are the most agressive.

1.Welsh Corgie (Bitten in the face, hand, leg, and arm...... What makes them bad is that they give no warning of an attack, its calm then oh crap where's the super glue)

2.Dachshund (bitten in hand and arm shows aggression and can twist like a damn pretzle to bite)

3.Pug (......Insane)

I've groomed Pitts, Rotts, Hybrids, Dobes, Shar-pei's, Huskies, Labs, Neufies, Bernards, Wolfhounds, and so on and never been bitten by any but the ones listed, and thats across the breeds, i was bitten by 6 different Corgies, there is only one that i will groom and its an angel, Weiners are mean as hell across the board, Pugs........ oh my god they are insane the only reason their only number three is because their jaws are so usless that they heven't been able to get to be but i've got scars from their claws. the other small breeds, (ie; Chiwa, Shiba-Inu, Yorkie, Shih-Tzu, etc) are fifty fifty some good some bad. but there you go, from someone who deals with animals every day

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Actually the stats point to this. It's not a personal observation. Those 3 breeds I listed and their mixes account for something like 76% of all dog attacks/bites in the US.

This is just a retarded way of thinking, and race doesn't qualify as "breeds" of humans? Last time I checked it did, we just call it something different.

Breed = different color, size, character traits

Race = ?

See what I'm getting at?

With that said, black people have a gross over-representation in crime stats (and sucking at life in general). I'd like to kill all blacks

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This is just a retarded way of thinking, and race doesn't qualify as "breeds" of humans? Last time I checked it did, we just call it something different.

Breed = different color, size, character traits

Race = ?

See what I'm getting at?

With that said, black people have a gross over-representation in crime stats (and sucking at life in general). I'd like to kill all blacks

I just looked into my crystal ball and .... I dont see this discussion going very well

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1.Welsh Corgie (Bitten in the face, hand, leg, and arm...... What makes them bad is that they give no warning of an attack, its calm then oh crap where's the super glue)

Corgie is foreign talk meaning dog. So a Welsh Corgi translated into english means Welsh Dog. Weird hunh?

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This is just a retarded way of thinking, and race doesn't qualify as "breeds" of humans? Last time I checked it did, we just call it something different.

Breed = different color, size, character traits

Race = ?

See what I'm getting at?

With that said, black people have a gross over-representation in crime stats (and sucking at life in general). I'd like to kill all blacks

WTF are you talking about? That has got to be one of the most retarded analogies I've seen in a long time.

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bullshit. it fits perfectly.

biting people = doggy crime

No it doesn't unless your saying people (certain races?) are bred with certain characteristics (look, behavior,...)

Breed != race, it doesn't work as even a shitty analogy.

My comment then was only on the stats reported due to attacks by breed. I frankly didn't agree with the whole Pits should be banned BS to begin with, but it's ignorant of people to think that dogs can't be bred to be "naturally" aggressive towards something or specifically bred for killing people. Fact is some dogs ARE more aggressive due to breeding. In some cases this is towards humans and in others, like Pits, it's dog aggression.

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so yea, I have a Pit and I work in the Dog Grooming business. Here is my list of dogs who have bitten me the most and are the most agressive.

1.Welsh Corgie (Bitten in the face, hand, leg, and arm...... What makes them bad is that they give no warning of an attack, its calm then oh crap where's the super glue)

2.Dachshund (bitten in hand and arm shows aggression and can twist like a damn pretzle to bite)

3.Pug (......Insane)

The issue is not which dogs bite more, it's what happens when they do...

If a pitbull bites someone the odds are much higher that serious injury or death will occur, it's as simple as that. when was the last time you heard about someone dying from a pug bite? Or any other dog for that matter? It's simply not as common. I'm sure the occurances of biting are just as common (or possibly even more comon) among other breeds, but they don't cause the damage.

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No it doesn't unless your saying people (certain races?) are bred with certain characteristics (look, behavior,...)

it isn't because it can't be done, its because it has questionable ethics so we don't do it. one way it IS done is genetic profiling for sperm donors... It was being said that with the work done on the genome project people would be able to pick specific traits for children. again, questionable ethics has stopped it in its tracks

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See what I'm getting at?

With that said, black people have a gross over-representation in crime stats (and sucking at life in general). I'd like to kill all blacks

Wrillo you def. need to work on your posting or something. You post alot of shit that could really get peoples blood to boil and then you claim it as sarcasim or an ignorant way to argue things later in a thread. Put a warning in your sig. or something. I would hate to see you get dropped by a sucker punch at an OR function.

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:lol: Agreed, now I don't feel so bad thinking it when IP went ahead and said it.

As long as it's you and not me, laughing at others' misfortunes like that is a favorite pasttime of mine. Words like 'sucker punch' and 'speared' bring a devious smile to me. ;)

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I think that would be fucking awesome! Nothing funnier than seeing somebody get blasted when they aren't expecting it. Plus' date=' it would make a bitchin' calendar photo. :cool:[/quote']

You must have not gotten the Sarcasm in that statement... maybe it I that needs a warning my sig.

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I would hate to see you get dropped by a sucker punch at an OR function.

I'm not too worried about it.

edit: plus I was trying to be abrasive in that post. If you didn't believe it for a sec/couple more posts then it wouldn't have made my point as effectively.. I'm updating my sig now...

Edited by wrillo
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this fuggin guy everoblivion2005

JRMMiii I'm not trying to be serious. just an ass, because when dealing with extremes you have to be... extreme. Killing all of a particular breed of dog is CrAzY. I love my pit and she has never bitten anyone.

Edited by wrillo
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I didn't understand anything you said here' date=' though. :confused:[/quote']

I told Wrillo that he needs a warning in his sig, in the same post that I told him that I would hate to see him get sucker punched... LOL the only thing you got out that post was the sucker punched part. LOL

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