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Lancaster drivers


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Went to Lancaster tonight with my wife in my Neon to get some wood from Lowes. I had 14 sheets of 32X48 wood paneling and other misc items in the back seat of my neon. Also tool boxes and tools in back of my car.


#1 to the boy driving the purple 2-door neon with body kit, blue stock front bumper, and (get a clue) VTEC badge on trunk :rolleyes: and loud exhaust

If you are on here email or pm and we will run.


#2 Then a older pre-F&F orange Supra that gets in front of me and then proceeds to give a pipe shot and spins the tires right in front of me at a stop light, my Kia Optima spins its tires on a wet roads too. :rolleyes:


#3 Prelude with dual tip fart muffler, I guess it was important to try and make me deaf in my left ear. Thanks graemlins/jerkit.gif


It makes me want to put some plain wheels back on my car and finish taking the rest of the decals off of it. When I had my Firebird, Mustang, and other cars that are considered performance cars I never went through this shit.


What the fuck is this world coming to?


Sorry about the rant, unloading the wood outside in the rain out of the back of my car made it worst.

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you guys want a lot of fun, go down to Advanced Auto's parking lot in Lancaster on the weekend nights. The guys down there taught me a lot, like how you can easily get a Civic into the 12's NA, and don't have to spend anymore money than you would on a muscle car...


And Lancaster has some of the goofiest looking cars, though I can't say much due to my primered cow.

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Lancaster is full of douchebags. Every time me and the g/f are there, we get eclipses', supras, even a z28 before that try to run us in her cavalier. I just laugh and give them the ole finger, bastards. There is also a blue civic hatch that tries it every time. I have even had people try to run me in my Explorer(when it was driveable lol), because explorers and cavaliers are fast you know :rolleyes:graemlins/thumbsdown.gif
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I live in lancaster, and dont think its that bad. for 4 years i drove a cavalier, now that i have a talon, i doubt many people will be messing with me.


Some parts of columbus are just as bad....I was in Whitehall crusing through after picking up the new talon. Some douchebag in a riced out civic kept looking over reving, he probably thought it was stock and NA, little did he know... smile.gif

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I live in lancaster and it sucks. I hang out with the muscle cars at blockbuster on the weekends. We get pipe shot all the time I dont know if it is because of the WRX setting there or not.


[ 01. May 2005, 09:58 PM: Message edited by: golf2001gti ]

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Through my four years of commuting through lancaster because I went to OU, I always thought that it was a good place to get rear-ended. I have seen some nice cars there though and have been piped many times.


Hijack: Hey ttemper, did you autocross your talon at the OVR test 'n tune a couple weeks ago?


Edit: No flame intended to all the Lancaster citizens but with the peak hour traffic, stop and go's, and the apparent lack of attention that many drivers give it seemed to be waiting to happen.

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Lancaster ricers are pretty bad, but they've gotten a little less pathetic lately. Back when I was in high school they used to meet at the McDonalds on memorial and try to race each other on 33 right in front of Krogers. graemlins/nonono.gif
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ya i went to advanced auto to meet my buddy in his 240... and some retarted vin disel wanna be tried to lift my hood after i popped it.. it only took him an half and hour and then kept wanna me to race some mustang for a grand morons all morons..
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Some parts of columbus are just as bad....
yes for sure. Westerville = rice capital of central ohio.


i live out by canal winchester, and lancaster def. has too many ricers. i see them all over the place, in their shitbox cars (like the neon with vtec badges on it graemlins/jerkit.gif )

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Originally posted by darksrt4:

ya i went to advanced auto to meet my buddy in his 240... and some retarted vin disel wanna be tried to lift my hood after i popped it.. it only took him an half and hour and then kept wanna me to race some mustang for a grand morons all morons..

sounds like a good reason to drive down there. make some money off the idiots, not like they are smart enough to know what to do with it.
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yellow sunfire, rims, and big wing in lancaster, the girl and her friend are cool ... but their boyfriends are duachbags ... make fun of them.


going to have a sunfire running at least 13's with exhaust an intake :)

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