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06' Z06


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Took this from a reliable source on Corvette Forum. graemlins/thumb.gif


I was beat up so bad on my last post that I thought I would try to make ammends to everyone. The color yellow will have a little more "Velocity". You will not get a sunburn in the car. The exhaust will be dual mode. If you like the big Nascar race in FL. you will love one of the colors. The oil is going to be all dried up. Remember those ugly wheels on the C5 that cost $3000.00 well they melted them down and are going to use them in part of the frame. You will need to think hard on which int. to get. No more flat tires. And speaking of tires think in terms of the # 12. I hope this helps. (500/475)
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Originally posted by Orion:

mag burns. and doesnt need oxygen. bad idea in a car.

So why does Mercedes offer one of their cars with a Magnesium engine block? I'm gonna say that the car would not make it to the road if there was a problem with safety. ;)
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Originally posted by 00 T/A:

So why does Mercedes offer one of their cars with a Magnesium engine block? I'm gonna say that the car would not make it to the road if there was a problem with safety. ;)

Ford is currently using Magnesium in the new body F150. The core (radiator) support is made out of the stuff.
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Orion is right though - Mag does burn. And when it does start burning you can forget putting it out. But its probably deemed safe in cars because it needs a really high temp to ignite. Meaning that by the time the magnesium content in the car(whereever it may be) starts burning, your car is most likely already engulfed in fire.


Porsche used them in their wheels awhile ago, and I had the pleasure(?) of watching one of them burn to the ground. When the wheels started burning you had to look away - like looking at an arc welder.

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one thing i'm concerned about... if i remember right magnesium reacts with water...violently a small spark and release of hydrogen. but given enough magnesium dropped in say a glass, if i remember right and it was in fact magnesium it gets disolved and the hydrogen gets pocketed by the glass and there is a small explosion.



i'm sure they thought of that :confused:

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

But it does burn really spectacularly.


Will it really be at the Detroit Auto Show? If so who's bringing back pictures?

Yeah, it will debut at the auto show. I'll definately be there taking pics.


The new Z06 is badass.

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I'm no expert but does GM use yellow then Red on their tachometers. Am I the only one here thinking that when he states that the color Yellow will have more velocity that he's indicating that the car will have an even higher red-line and is talking nothing about color?


I'm also inclined to think that when he states you'll have to "Think Hard" on which interior to get that it's not refering to interior options but rather just backing up his statement about not getting a sunburn in the car...meaning it's just another way of telling you that it's a hard top car only?



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In all of this talk about magnesium, you must remember that all of the metals that go into car are alloys. Pure magnesium will burn and do all of those other nasty things, but a magnesium alloy will have much better, safer, and more malluable properties.
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