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Modern day Muscle Car War


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Originally posted by NurkVinny:

I think today's cars, including suspensions, tires, safety regulations, etc, make having a car with high HP numbers much safer today than during the last muscle car war.

You can have the best suspension in the world, but a tree is still going to smoke your ass. Don't make me dig up those pics of the SRT-4's and 350Z's people totaled a month after they bought 'em.
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I just hope when little 16-year-old Johnny decides to do his first burnout on the street in his 400hp deamon (that his dad bought him), that I'm far, far away. Chances are that little Johnny and his friends are going to cause some serious destruction and dismemberment but I hope no one is in the damage path...(i.e.: expect 270 to be closed more often for people smashing themselves to bits)


Anyhow, other than that I think horsepower wars are great!



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Idiots are idiots no matter what wheel they are behind. Dumbasses can get their 150hp POS's up to plenty enough speed to decapitate themselves on whatever given obstacle.


Much higher horsepower, big block equipped cars were roaming around with 6-inch wide poly tires, drum brakes, and many with seatbelts still as just an available option. These cars(most) were also much heavier, less stable cars.


Luckily, the cars being discussed here - Z06s, Cobras, etc - won't be in the hands of many high school kids. I agree that it's a scary thought, but not as scary as the current idiots weaving in and out my lane on 270.

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Originally posted by NurkVinny:

Quit posting until you know the difference between quiet and quit. Know and now would also help. smile.gif

You know, it's really great that you caught those but it would have been even better if you would have gotten the joke. ;)
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Originally posted by NurkVinny:

Luckily, the cars being discussed here - Z06s, Cobras, etc - won't be in the hands of many high school kids. I agree that it's a scary thought, but not as scary as the current idiots weaving in and out my lane on 270.

Haven't seen the parking lot at any of the Dublin High Schools for a while have you.
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Originally posted by Neo:

You know, it's really great that you caught those but it would have been even better if you would have gotten the joke. ;)

I did. It would have been bestest if you caught mine. Guess I didn't pick the right smiley.


Oh yeah, back on topic - more power, rawr argh argh.

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Originally posted by DropTop:

The masses do not need access to this kind of horsepower.

No, but I do. If some kid gets one and wraps it around a tree thats his problem. I'd rather have a horsepower war than ten new kinds of SUV's every model year. graemlins/gay.gif
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Well, they didn't step in on the bikes untill the Busa was doing 186 off the showroom floor, so they have a while for the cars. Car manufactures are getting their fears calmed about building high HP cars that you have to pay gashog tax on, they were scared that no one would buy the cars. But big, high power SUV's, high HP cars are selling faster than they can be built. No one seems to care about the gas being 2 bucks a gallon and driving a car that gets 15 MPG. They sell the cars every day, quickly, and although we ALL bitch about the price at the pump, we still fill it up and run it out.


I don't think that the insurance thing is going to be a limiting factor either for a while. With the cutrate insurance companies around, it forces the prices down. And they will hit a point that people will really start to bitch about and they will come back down.


We are in the middle of the big three's horsepower run. With NASCAR being as popular as it has become. ANd racing in general being more popular people are wanting more power, and where the imports had everyone beat with economy, the American auto manufactures have it for the performance guys and gals. This is partly that too. We all know that other than the luxury cars, there are damn few import v-8's. And the ones they have are nothing compaired to what we produce here. So this is as much the american car companies trying to get back a share of the market from Japan as it is the power struggle between the big three.


Just my .02

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Originally posted by NurkVinny:

I did. It would have been bestest if you caught mine. Guess I didn't pick the right smiley.


Oh yeah, back on topic - more power, rawr argh argh.

Lol, yes, I did misinterpret because of the smiley used. And on your second point, I definitely agree! :D


This actually sucks because this means one of two things. Either my car(s) will be even slower compared to the new cars or I will have to mod more just to keep up with newer stock cars. :( or :D depending on which way one looks at it.

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i was gonna say something about the bikes too. but they really havent stepped in. all they did was limit the top speed, which can be unlimited. the new '04 R1's are around 160hp!! a frickin bike even has more power than a civic si, lmao. i'm glad to see the hp wars, maybe i can be smarter than my dad and actually hang on to some of the muscle cars i will own.
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Guest Jonnygts
Originally posted by DropTop:

This shit has got to stop. Do you really want daddy to buy his highschool sophmore a ~400 HP charger, or worse yet, a ~500 HP C-6 or Cobra?

The masses do not need access to this kind of horsepower. If someone wants a powerful car, they need to build it. If you build it, chances are you'll respect it.


People are going to start dying and either insurance companies or the fedaral government is going to step in and put a stop to the HP race.

I think parents should be smart and buy their kids 4 bangers. Or even better, make them pay for their damn car so they will appreciate it tons more. I bought mine, im not wreckin it for anything. If they pay for it, then they wont want to wreck it.
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Guest stevil
Originally posted by Orion:

and to think this was all started by a couple japanese car manufacturers.

No. This was started by the fuel crisis and strict emissions in the 70's, which ended the last HP war. Since the early 80's, car manufacturers have been building up their forces with new technology, and gaining HP. For example:


1985 Camaro 190 HP

1990 Camaro 225 HP

1995 Camaro 275 HP

2000 Camaro 320 HP

200X Camaro ??? HP


Same thing happened with Mustangs, Vettes, etc. The HP war is just now heating up. And the japanese gave up in the late 90's. Now they're probably going to get back in it... I don't see any ~400 HP imports yet to compete with the Cobra, Z06, etc.

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Guest stevil
Originally posted by Mensan:

You don't?

edit: japanese imports tongue.gif


Of course there is a shitload of European high HP cars... Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Mercedes, BMW, Jaguar, etc. etc. Always has been and always will.

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Edit: Is DJ meaning that the WRX and Evo started this "horsepower war"?


I think you have a few different wars going on. Ford and GM have their deal, which Dodge is kind of jumping into with their Hemi cars; DCX and BMW have their tuner thing going on with the M cars and AMG; Mitsu and Subie have their one-upping happening with the rally compacts.


That's leaving out the hp war happening in large sedans, like the Q45 versus LS430, or between the unblown Japanese sports cars -- S2000, RX-8 and 350Z. It would be nice to see that one get a little more serious.


Any way you look at it, however, we are going to have some interesting stuff to play with in the future, both on the used market and in junkyards.

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Originally posted by OPEC = GAYNESS:


I think parents should be smart and buy their kids 4 bangers. Or even better, make them pay for their damn car so they will appreciate it tons more. I bought mine, im not wreckin it for anything. If they pay for it, then they wont want to wreck it. [/QB]

I get tired of hearing this shit. How younger kids don't need fast cars. I've had 5.0L mustangs since I was 16 as has my brother hell his went high 12's when he was 17 and we never wrecked them or killed anybody. Kevin on here has an '03 Cobra do you see him killing anybody. Older people can be just as careless with this kind of power as younger people are.

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Originally posted by Straight Mark:

Edit: Is DJ meaning that the ERX and Evo started this "horsepower war"?

That's what I thought he meant when I read his post. If so, he is very very wrong tongue.gif
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