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"Super Spike" In Oil Prices Could Mean $100+ A Barrel...


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They're going to take care of it, and look at wease just wasting gas on his stickman


link doesnt work for me but the cnn article does mention the possible hike.




cnn article on the spike


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Originally posted by Myst:

That's not good for me, I put $40+ a week into my Civic. If it goes up like that, I'm not going to be able to drive to and from work. How do they expect people that commute to work with something like that?

Take the bus, fool! graemlins/slap.gif:D


No joke...I have a VERY RELIABLE source at a gas company tell me last week that gas will go up to $2.50 a gallon for 87oct this summer. :eek:


Seriously, though...I enjoy driving too much to let $2.50 a gallon stop me. I'll just do a little more walking and biking, that's all.


Also, be sure to support President Bush in his actions to tap underground oil reservoirs in Alaska. I know Eric will give his full support. :D

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Originally posted by Zeitgeist:

No joke...I have a VERY RELIABLE source at a gas company tell me last week that gas will go up to $2.50 a gallon for 87oct this summer. :eek:

Hell, I saw it for $2.34 in Worthington today... :mad:
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Originally posted by Zeitgeist:

Take the bus, fool! graemlins/slap.gif:D


No joke...I have a VERY RELIABLE source at a gas company tell me last week that gas will go up to $2.50 a gallon for 87oct this summer. :eek:


Seriously, though...I enjoy driving too much to let $2.50 a gallon stop me. I'll just do a little more walking and biking, that's all.


Also, be sure to support President Bush in his actions to tap underground oil reservoirs in Alaska. I know Eric will give his full support. :D

Oh you mean like Regan did....which didnt drop the price of gas...at...all. It's a means to reduce the overhead cost for those trying to pump it into the US. Bush thinks as long as the larger companies grab more market share and bring more $ back into the US, everything will be peachy keen. We never see any of that, prices stay high, wages stay low, the only thing that increases are profit margins and the pockets of shareholders. Trickle down doesnt work unless you sell Bimmers or LL Bean crap. tongue.gif


Personaly I enjoy eating and feeding my baby too much to maintain my driving habbits at $2.50 a gallon.

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we need better public transportation in columbus. the l in chicago rocks. we need something like that. i'd take it to work every day instead of driving. gas prices are about to jump drastically. however, it wasn't unexpected. we've been paying a false low price. everywhere else in the world pays $4 - $5 per gallon, and have been for years. we've been enjoying the low prices far too long. had gas raised with the rate of inflation, it would be around $5 per gallon. i'm not going to complain about the high gas prices, i'm just going to deal with it. if i need to run and grab a soda or something at the corner store, well maybe i'll walk now instead of drive. its better for me anyways. maybe i'll carpool with a few guys from work. we should all be doing this stuff anyways. now we have a reason.
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Originally posted by satan:

we need better public transportation in columbus. the l in chicago rocks. we need something like that. i'd take it to work every day instead of driving. gas prices are about to jump drastically. however, it wasn't unexpected. we've been paying a false low price. everywhere else in the world pays $4 - $5 per gallon, and have been for years.

Incorrect, the rest of the world has been getting screwed more then us. Whoever came up with that wants us to drill drill drill, garaunteed. The majority of the world pays what it does because they have no domestic supply like we do. That fact has been worth about 25% less per gallon up untill now. Gas costs more now because oil costs more now, plain and simple. Oil costs more now because there's no competition anymore. Instead there's cooperation between pumpin companies, they've been slowly driving up the price simply because they can. It doesn't cost anymore to get out of the ground. Perhaps they're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, a terminal oil supply, and alternative fuel development. This isn't a bad way to build up a nice cu$hion, to either retire on, branch off into new markets, or build grand prix tracks in tiny desert island nations.
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I'm going to buy a moped. And start dating a fat girl. :(



Edit: wait, would a moped with me and a fat girl on the back get worse mileage then my truck?

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Originally posted by Tenzig:

Incorrect, the rest of the world has been getting screwed more then us. Whoever came up with that wants us to drill drill drill, garaunteed. The majority of the world pays what it does because they have no domestic supply like we do. That fact has been worth about 25% less per gallon up untill now. Gas costs more now because oil costs more now, plain and simple. Oil costs more now because there's no competition anymore. Instead there's cooperation between pumpin companies, they've been slowly driving up the price simply because they can. It doesn't cost anymore to get out of the ground. Perhaps they're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, a terminal oil supply, and alternative fuel development. This isn't a bad way to build up a nice cu$hion, to either retire on, branch off into new markets, or build grand prix tracks in tiny desert island nations.

25% of $5.00 = $1.25

$5.00 - $1.25 = $3.75


just using your math buddy.


look at inflation

cigarettes were $0.05/pack

gas was $0.05/gal

now cigarettes are $3.50ish/pack

gas should be X


we'll use cross-multiplication for you. it is easier. i'll even show the work so you can follow.






$0.05 x X = $0.05 x $3.50

$0.05X = $0.175

X = $3.50


whether you agree with it or not, it is completely true. no opinions, no politics, nothing. just inflation and math. real easy to figure out.


we need better public transportation.


Eric argues here:


**white "k"s used for spacing

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Oil = a non reproductable resource, a fossi fuel. As it runs out price increases, pretty simple. (also make note to all those fucking people who drive their god damn suvs with ONE person in them everywhere are not helping gas prices. The less gas used, or better MPG, means the less you have to fill up and the less oil that is needed to be shipped to the states).
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Looks like Malthus was right after all, thats a bitch.


Heres a fun fact, we have roughly 6% of the worlds population in our borders yet we consume about 45% of the energy produced. (these are not exact but close).


Oil is used in just about every major industry so as it becomes more scarce we can expect the price of shit produced to go sky high as well. Maybe we should follow in europes footsteps and all buy little ass econo diesel cars and carpool our asses off. I'd love to find an old rabbit diesel, i'd laugh all the way to the bank.

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