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Guest mudbutt

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Originally posted by Nazi Administrator:

FWD is only good for one thing... beating ignorant people that think RWD is the only setup. smile.gif

Not the only setup. The better setup. Knowing what setup is better makes someone ignorant?

RWD and AWD goes down the 1/4 better. RWD and AWD goes around corners better. Its just simple fact. People aren't supposed to get PO'd about reality. But on CR I guess they do.

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Guest Rane
FWD is only better for nothing. Slower non-performance made american cars are FWD. The better american cars are RWD/AWD? The slower non-performance imports are FWD. The better imports are also RWD/AWD. Same goes from cars in most/every country. I wonder why, probably because RWD/AWD>FagWheelDrive.
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Guest mudbutt
this thread was never intended to state any superiority of one platform over the other. I would hope anyone into performance would know FWD isnt the optimum layout.
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As I understood it, the starting question to this thread was "why can't econobox xyz be accepted a good alternative sports car" - paraphrased.


Not going to speak for everyone else, but the reason I also think its better just to save up and get a better starting platform is not because econobox's tend to be four cylinders, or imports, or what-have-you. Its because they tend to be FWD. So to me, the layout is at the crux of the matter.

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Guest stevil
Originally posted by Mr Blunt 2gnt:

I guess that comes down to opinion of what really fast to you is. I'm basing my scale on any car with the power to run 11-12 sec passes. If you fail to acknowledge that anything but a v8 is fast thats up to you.

Sorry, I was just playing with the term "fast" and how you used it. I swear so many people ask me "Is your car fast?" and I respond with "Compared to what?" or something like that. Track times, lap times, rwhp, etc... numbers, thats how we compare.


And no, I wouldn't be so narrow minded to think only V8s are "fast", I know what's out there. But I also know that a majority of the fastest cars in Columbus would not be 4 or 6 cylinders, even counting all the Buicks. :D Sure imports are popular now and there are alot more really fast ones out there (11-12 sec) but V8s still dominate, at almost any dragstrip.


They will most likely be the quickest and fastest there, and for every 11 second V6 or 4 banger there will be ten 11 sec V8s, maybe more. Not trying to be negative or against smaller cylinder cars, it's just what I've seen at the tracks... imports have not taken over yet, sorry. tongue.gif

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Guest Ranger_Man
Originally posted by Mowgli:

Not I. Ergo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

...Example: My wife's 03 Saab 93 Sport Sedan with the performance suspension package is a very well laid out FWD car that I'll put into the twisties up against 99% of the mod'd and slam'd econo's I see out there on the streets. Yet it still plows like a pig in turns that I take daily in the Cobra without issue - with groceries in the trunk.


The Cobra turns? Oops. </font>i did not mean you. i meant just about everyone else in this thread.
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I'd rather drive a low 14 second retirement car (Lumina) and scare the shit out of people when they say "WTF".


I would buy a different car (I still want a '98+ LS1.). Funds are limited and I can't afford another car payment.


BTW, if I launch my car in reverse at the track.. isn't that considered RWD? :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

Not the only setup. The better setup. Knowing what setup is better makes someone ignorant?

RWD and AWD goes down the 1/4 better. RWD and AWD goes around corners better. Its just simple fact. People aren't supposed to get PO'd about reality. But on CR I guess they do.

I'm not pissed off. I agree with you. smile.gif


I simply said it's fun to whoop on die hard RWD yokels who say "uuuhhhhh hiyuck! FWD is the slow car!" tongue.gif


The bottom line is NO platform can perform to the extreme without modification. If RWD was the perfect setup than no one would need slicks on a RWD.

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FWD is the least optimal layout for a performance oriented car.


AWD is great if you dont mind trading handling balance for brute force. It is also much easier to drive a AWD on the edge in the real world than it is a RWD car. Pit a Cobra vs an EVO on a mountain road and I pick the EVO everytime.

AWD isn't great when you have more power to put down to all four wheels than your drivetrain can handle.


All other things being equal, there is no replacement for displacement. A fully built 5.0L turbocharged motor has the potential to be much faster than a fully built turbocharged 2.0L. Luckily many of our puny 2.0L motors are capable of more than doubling their power output on a stock longblock. Thank god for the over engineered motors!



Nissan > *



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Guest Jonnygts
Civics are good for this, CHEAP insurance, CHEAP on gas, cant be made "fast" for decently cheap, they can handle real good for cheap. Although I had an 89 Prelude and it really sucked for AutoX cause i couldnt go over a certain speed without sliding. Civics are for racing civics although there are some out there that can beat Mustangs/Camaros like mine. I like both but the civic is just cheaper for a person on a budget. When I get a real job, then it will be a 32V Cobra time if gas isnt 76 dollars a gallon by then. meh
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Originally posted by Bananular:

My point, Joel and Integra kid, is that a fairly mild discussion about which form of drivetrain is the best was interrupted by some guy with a hongda saying "0mFg guyz, Stop bashing Importz, they are *** win!!" and an added jab at something like "well, a ford vs chevy debate wouldv'e been closed" (which it wouldn't have).


Why close a thread where nothing offensive has taken place? If you want imports protected, go join Mekkahfire's forum where the word "ricer" is censored.

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Some people criticize me, but i've done nothing to "rice out" my car. I just think my motors a little underpowered and looks faster than it is. for a college student, I think I'm doing very well with a cougar. Hopefully i'll get that cobra when i graduate w/ a bs and get a real job.
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I guess I'll chime in as a Honda owner. I DID NOT buy a crx for the performance aspect of the car. I don't think any FWD owner(with any sense) will argue the fact that the other platforms are better. I like the crx because it suits me, and it's fun FOR ME to drive. I wouldn't look right in an f-body. My best friend owns a probably, 12 second LT1 firebird(if he'd ever get it tuned) that I drive on a pretty regular basis. I love the car, but it's definently not for me. The dash is too damn long for my little ass to see over and the car is just too large for my likings. Don't get me wrong, I love that m'fer, as do all my other honda and dsm buddies, but the car just isn't something I could see us driving. I bought the Honda because it's a small car, reliable, and have a huge amount of aftermarket support. Hondas are like legos, you can take parts from just about any of them, and put them on any other one. I think aftermarket support is the biggest reason why you see so many DSMs and Hondas on the street that are "modded". Try to find 5 suppliers for your turbo Mazda 323 and then try to find 5 people selling honda/dsm aftermarket parts. If I had the choice I'd have a third gen 7, MKIV supra, evo, etc.. but I don't have a 5 digit bank account to spend on an automobile. I'm in college, work two jobs, and don't have a mommy or daddy to buy me a new car. I think a lot of import enthusiasts buy their cars because they want a car they can afford to mod. If I spent my entire 10,000 budget buying a 98 LS1 where's the fun in owning the car? I can buy a 4th gen civic hatchback or crx for 1000 dollars and go ape shit. 5 grand on a motor buildup, 2500 in suspension amd braking, and another 1500 for misc...tuning...aethetics whatever, and have the satisfaction of knowing I modded my car. Yeah the LS1 still may be faster, but I now have an overall well balanced modded fwd car that's pretty quick. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the kids nowadays are buying their wrong wheel drive cars because they want something affordable that they afford to drop a little bit of money into a bit later. As opposed to spending their entire budget on a "sports/gt car" when the stylings of a domestic just aren't to their liking.
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Ok, the newbie's gonna take a shot here.

It really doesn't MATTER whether FWD/RWD/AWD/4WD is better than whatever other set-up!

The only thing that really matters is whether the owner is happy with it. Whether it's a Dodge Omni they bought for $100 down at the auction or a $500,000 monster supercar, it all boils down to the owner's preference.


Now that's not to say that you can do whatever you want to the car with total impunity from taste or safety. Wheels that stick way the hell out of the wheelwells are still bad for the car, and putting 20" rims on an Achieva is still tasteless, and a V8 vs. an I4, pound-for-pound is still gonna come up for the V8.

But, when I look at a car, I don't generally compare it with the one next to it. I look for what the owner has done with the car he has, and if he does a stand-out job on his car, then I don't give a crap if it's a GNX or a YUGO, I'll still give him props for coolness.

So, all the haters can go suck on a rock graemlins/slap.gif

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Guest stevil
Originally posted by GonneVille:

It really doesn't MATTER whether FWD/RWD/AWD/4WD is better than whatever other set-up! .. .. .. But, when I look at a car, I don't generally compare it with the one next to it.

True, but what about people looking to buy a car? The owner will have a clean slate, and comparison is important... a certain platform might suit their needs better.


RWD for performance, AWD for rain/snow, 4WD for off-road, and FWD for economy/easy to drive, basically. If you have no specific use in mind for a car you're about to purchase, then I guess platform doesn't matter (and FWD is the filler for that market, cheaper for the car companies to make).

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Originally posted by 007CRX:

I think a lot of import enthusiasts buy their cars because they want a car they can afford to mod. If I spent my entire 10,000 budget buying a 98 LS1 where's the fun in owning the car? I can buy a 4th gen civic hatchback or crx for 1000 dollars and go ape shit. 5 grand on a motor buildup, 2500 in suspension amd braking, and another 1500 for misc...tuning...aethetics whatever, and have the satisfaction of knowing I modded my car. Yeah the LS1 still may be faster, but I now have an overall well balanced modded fwd car that's pretty quick.

But I bet that 10k 98 LS1 is going to be in a lot better shape than that 1k CRX. I know what a 1k Civic hatch or CRX looks like; rusty fenders, beat to hell paint, etc. Then you look at it financially; that 10k LS1 can be financed, so you are just making payments every month at a reasonable interest rate. That CRX is going to cost constant out-of-pocket, and take far longer to just build it to "stock LS1" performance. I mean, a 5 year loan on a 10k car is going to be approx $200/month car payment; not a real hefty payment. At that same rate, you'll have to wait 5 months to buy that beaten down CRX. A year to buy the suspension/brakes, 2 years to afford the motor.....are you getting the idea here??
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