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Wreck out by meijers on east broad


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Ok well heres all i know about it a black mustang and a del sole colided i guess the del sol was being fuckin dumb as hell and spun out 2 times then getting rear ended by a mustang. not sure if that was corret but i know all people are in the hospital 2 people in del sol carried on back boards outta the area and mustang driver in hospital. if any one knows what really happend please let me know. who ever did it really needs to learn how to drive. sorry for miss spelled words im a little tired.
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The kid taken to the hospital is my brothers friend. Just talked to my brother, he is at the hospital, and the kids neck is broke in three different places. The neurosurgeon is coming in to look at him now. If he is stable they are just going to put him in a halo. If he is not they will have to do surgery. Hopefully everything will be ok.
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The Mustang driver is TJ, Old Dirty Bastard on here. He rear-ended the dumb ricer fuck who decided to swap lanes at the last minute and spin out doing so.


Ben, I'm sorry to hear about your bro's friend. But the driver of that car needs dragged out and the shit beat outta him :mad:

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Talked to my brother this morning, he said the kid is going to have some surgery. He is doing ok and shuld be fine.

My brother also said, the kid while at the hospital was saying that he wasnt doing anything stupid. My brother totally disagrees with the kid and says he drives like an ass. Me nor my brother saw it happen but chances are it sounds like this kid needs the shit beat out of him for the way he drives.

Hope TJ is ok and his car is able to be fixed.

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Originally posted by Zeitgeist:

Shit! Sorry to hear this. Hope everyone involved will be OK, ricers and all.


TJ's car is all jacked up I'm assuming???

I just talked to him, he didn't get a good look of the front of the car, but he doesn't think its going to be totalled.


I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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Well I am real glad that I and the others at the seen would not let the kids get out of the car then. I had a real bad fealing about the passenger, I am suprised that he is going to be able to walk some time down the road. I hope that he (passenger) will be ok and gets well.


I however realy feel that the time for standing around and shakeing our heads at these tools is over. I think something more proactive needs to be done. I thought last night that I was going to see one of my good friends real badly hurt or worse. In addition to the fact the I almost hit Tj in the ass and Mike was almost taged as well


Tj's car is not totaled (I belive) it will need a bumper,core support everything in the core suport, and maybe some acc pullies on the front of the motor. All the damage is below the headlights and in front of the engine.


The Crx on the other hand was GONE from the from back of the doors.

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I think it was that same kid that did the EXACT same thing to me at about 10:15-10:30 last nite. I swung through krogers to see what was going on. I immediatly left, because it was mostly rice. As I was heading west on e. broad, I saw these 2 cars weaving in and out of traffic a few cars behind me. I thought they were trying to catch up with me (I was going 43 in a 50mph). This first fuck in a dark colored del sol pull up next to me at the beginning of the exit to 270. I'm in the right lane, he is in the left. I look at him, he looks at me.....and damn near drives off the road going around that corner. I hear tires squealing. I hit the brakes to let him on by. He cuts in front of me at the last moment to get on 270 north/east and his friend in a dark colored CRX does the same exact thing, cuts me off. I just shook my head and continued on to Jegs. Those kids are seriously a bunch of fucking idiots from what I could tell. I thought for sure he was going to drive straight off the exit ramp and down into that little valley.



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We drove by, after getting booted from Meijers, right as the squads were arriving. It looked pretty horriffic. Glad TJ is ok.


I was talking with a few people after we got back to Hooters and everyone had at least one story of sheer stupidity to share.


It seems when we get these mass exodus's from one locale to another that there are inevitably a few morons who think that every inch of the journey is a gumball rally.


It's not just ricers either. I personally had a Trans Am, with 3 passengers, 3 feet from my bumper from Hooter's, all the way down McNaughten, and then nearly blast me at a stop light on East Broad because he thought I'd just blow through the light that had turned red 5 seconds before. Then he and 3 other cars followed me into the gas station, I was getting a drink, and waited for me. All 4 of them blasted across the intersection to Kroger's right behind me as a couple of cars on Broad were braking hard and blaring there horns.


Side note in the same mind-set: Who was the toolbag in the silver 1g Talon that followed the Tony/Linn/Logan cruise? The dumb fuck made a berm pass around a civilian to attempt get in a pull as Linn and Logan took off!


[ 16. July 2005, 01:32 PM: Message edited by: Rotarded ]

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I too hope T.J. is ok. Doesn't matter what you drive, RICE whatever. But if you're driving like a maniac with no control or cares about who you might injure / then they need to have Reynoldsburg's "FINEST" deal with them. Maybe then the cops wouldn't have time to use their loud speakers & tell all us "PARKED" folks we have to leave the parking lots -- :mad:
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Originally posted by Kohones:

I too hope T.J. is ok. Doesn't matter what you drive, RICE whatever. But if you're driving like a maniac with no control or cares about who you might injure / then they need to have Reynoldsburg's "FINEST" deal with them. Maybe then the cops wouldn't have time to use their loud speakers & tell all us "PARKED" folks we have to leave the parking lots -- :mad:

Agreed most the people that are parked are good people. if people didnt leave trash, have load bass, or sit there and burn out or what ever you call it we would actualy stay in one place.
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Guest Tigress01
Hope everyone is okay. That's pretty messed up about that kid in the Del Slo but hope he'll be okay too. It didn't happen to have white 18" rims on it, did it?
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